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PVC pipes and hoses in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (2 edition)

ページ数: 113 テーブルの数: 37 桁数: 32
レポートの言語: Russian
リリース: 19.10.2022

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原価報告書: 2 500 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


This report is the second edition of the PVC pipes, fittings and hoses market research in Russia.


The purpose of the study is to analyze the market for PVC pipes, fittings and hoses in Russia.

The object of research is PVC pipes, fittings and hoses.

The work is a desk research. Data from Rosstat, customs statistics of the Russian Federation, the website of foreign trade operations UNdata, statistics of railway transportation of the Russian Federation were used as sources of information; materials from the industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers, Internet sites of manufacturing enterprises and consumers of the products under study, as well as data obtained from telephone interviews with representatives of enterprises.

A distinctive feature of this study is a detailed description of the main sources of raw materials for the production of PVC pipes, fittings and hoses. In addition, the review includes a detailed description of the largest manufacturing enterprises of the products in question. The forecast was compiled taking into account Russia’s conduct of the SVO on the territory of Ukraine and includes a rationale for reducing or increasing the production and consumption of PVC pipes, fittings and hoses. The possibilities and prerequisites for the displacement of the studied products by substitute goods were also explored.

Chronological scope of the study: 2017-2021; forecast for the period up to 2026

Geography of the study: Russian Federation – comprehensive detailed market analysis.


The review consists of 8 parts, contains 113 pages, including 32 figures, 37 tables and 5 appendices.

The first chapter of the review examines the production technology of uPVC pipes and the raw materials used in the industry. The directions of supply of main raw materials are also given.

The second chapter of the review is devoted to an analysis of the production of PVC-U pipes, fittings and hoses in Russia in 2017-2021. The quality standards of products, the dynamics and structure of production are presented, broken down by type of product and the largest manufacturing enterprises.

The third chapter provides brief descriptions of the largest manufacturing enterprises (including volumes and dynamics of production, types of products, some financial indicators of the enterprise, etc.).

The fourth chapter analyzes foreign trade transactions with uPVC products in the Russian Federation in 2017-2021. Data is provided on the volumes of exports and imports (including by country), as well as on the volumes of supplies by exporters and importers of the products in question.

The fifth chapter is devoted to the analysis of Russian export-import prices (including for the largest supplier enterprises) during the time period under consideration.

The sixth chapter of the review is devoted to the consumption of uPVC products in 2017-2021. The balance of production and consumption of pipes, fittings and hoses, the volumes and structure of consumption (geographical, type, by area of application) are presented; the current state and main directions of development of the main industries consuming the products under study are described.

The seventh chapter provides a brief description of the market for basic substitute goods.

The eighth chapter presents a forecast for the development of production and consumption of uPVC products (pipes, fittings, hoses) in Russia for the period until 2026.

The appendices provide a ranking of the main manufacturing enterprises of the products under study by revenue in 2021, as well as links to price lists of the largest manufacturing enterprises of uPVC pipes, lists of the largest companies consuming the products in question in the sectors of the national economy.


Target audience of the study:

- PVC pipes and hoses market participants – manufacturers, consumers, suppliers;

- potential investors.

The proposed study purports to be a reference guide for marketing services and specialists making management decisions working in the market of plastic pipelines and hoses.





1. Production technology of PVC pipes and hoses and raw materials used in industry

1.1. Production technology

1.2. Raw materials used in industry. Directions for supply of raw materials


2. Production of PVC pipes and hoses

2.1. Product quality

2.2. Production dynamics in 2017-2021

2.3. Production structure


3. The largest Russian manufacturing companies of PVC pipes and hoses

3.1. JSC "Hemkor" (Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region)

3.2. LLC "Polyplastic Group" (NZPT, Novomoskovsk, Tula region)

3.3. LLC "Plastic Pipe Plant" (Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region)

3.4. LLC "Cormell" (Ryazan)

3.5. LLC "RASAL" (Barnaul, Altai Territory)

3.6. LLC "Agrigazpolymer" (Obninsk, Kaluga region)

3.7. Cosmoplast LLC (Melfit LLC) (Moscow)

3.8. LLC "NeoGroup" (Tula, Krymsk)

3.9. LLC "Biplast" (Oktyabrsky village, Belgorod region)

3.10. LLC "Bashpolimerplast" (Sterlitamak, Republic of Bashkortostan)

3.11. Ostendorf RUS LLC (Egoryevsk, Moscow region)

3.12. NASHORN POLYMER LLC (Podolsk, Moscow region)

3.13. LLC "DREAM POOL" (Voskresensk, MO)

3.14. LLC NPO "Polymer" (Naberezhnye Chelny, Republic of Tatarstan)

3.15. Other enterprises


4. Foreign trade operations with PVC pipes, fittings and hoses in the Russian Federation in 2017-2021. and forecast for the period until 2027.

4.1. Import

4.2. Export


5. Export-import prices for PVC pipes, fittings and hoses in Russia in 2017-2021.

5.1. Average annual import prices

5.2. Average annual export prices


6. Consumption of PVC pipes and hoses in Russia

6.1. Production-consumption balance in 2017-2021.

6.2. Consumption structure

6.3. Current status and development prospects of the main consuming industries

6.3.1. Construction and drilling of wells

6.3.2. Water utilities and housing and communal services

6.3.3. Agricultural-industrial complex (AIC)

6.3.4. Industry


7. Brief description of the market for substitute goods


8. Forecast for the development of the Russian market of PVC pipes and hoses for the period until 2026.


Appendix 1: Ranking of the main manufacturers of PVC pipes, fittings and hoses by revenue in 2021

Appendix 2: Links to price lists of the largest manufacturing companies of uPVC pipes, fittings and LF hoses

Appendix 3: TOP 10 government construction contracts in 2019

Appendix 4: TOP-25 largest water utilities in Russia

Appendix 5: TOP-25 largest companies in the Russian agro-industrial complex

Table 1: Production of polyvinyl chloride in Russia in 2017-2021. by enterprise, thousand tons

Table 2: Directions for supply of polyvinyl chloride for the production of polymer pipes, fittings, hoses

Table 3: Brands and main areas of application of suspension PVC produced by Russian enterprises

Table 4: Dimensions and maximum operating pressures of PVC-U pipes 100, mm (according to GOST R 51613-200)

Table 5: Dimensions and maximum pressures of UPVC 100 and UPVC 125 pipes, mm (according to GOST R 51613-200)

Table 6: Pipe dimensions, mm (according to GOST 32412-2013)

Table 7: Pipe wall thickness, mm (according to GOST 32412-2013)

Table 8: Main manufacturers of PVC pipes, fittings and hoses in the Russian Federation in 2017-2021, thousand tons

Table 9: Supplies of RusVinyl LLC PVC (by brand) to Hemkor JSC in 2017-2022, tons

Table 10: Structure of supplies to consumers of PVC cable plastic compounds produced by Hemkor JSC in 2017-2021.

Table 11: Some financial indicators of Hemkor JSC in 2017-2021, million rubles.

Table 12: Some financial indicators of NZPT LLC in 2017-2021, million rubles.

Table 13: Some financial indicators of Plastic Pipe Plant LLC in 2017-2021, million rubles.

Table 14: Some financial indicators of Cormell LLC in 2017-2021, million rubles.

Table 15: Some financial indicators of TPG "RASAL" in 2017-2021, million rubles.

Table 16: Production capacity of JSC "Agrigazpolymer"

Table 17: Some financial indicators of Agrigazpolymer LLC in 2017-2021, million rubles.

Table 18: Some financial indicators of Melfit LLC in 2017-2021, million rubles.

Table 19: Some financial indicators of Neogroup LLC in 2017-2021, million rubles.

Table 20: Some financial indicators of Biplast LLC in 2017-2021, million rubles.

Table 21: Some financial indicators of Bashpolimerplast LLC in 2017-2021, million rubles.

Table 22: Some financial indicators of Ostendorf RUS LLC in 2017-2021, million rubles.

Table 23: Some financial indicators of Nashorn Polymer LLC in 2017-2021, million rubles.

Table 24: Some financial indicators of DREAM POOL LLC in 2017-2021, million rubles.

Table 25: Some financial indicators of NPO Polymer LLC in 2017-2021, million rubles.

Table 26: Largest countries supplying uPVC pipes, fittings and hoses in the Russian Federation in 2017-2021, tons

Table 27: Largest Russian importers of PVC pipes, fittings and hoses in 2017-2021, tons

Table 28: Largest recipient countries of Russian PVC pipes in 2017-2021, tons

Table 29: Largest Russian exporters of PVC pipes, fittings and hoses in 2017-2021, tons

Table 30: Average annual prices of Russian export-import of PVC pipes, fittings and hoses in 2017-2021, $/t

Table 31: Prices for uPVC pipes, fittings and hoses from the largest foreign suppliers in the Russian Federation in 2017-2021, $/t

Table 32: Prices for PVC pipes and hoses from the largest Russian exporters in 2017-2021, $/t

Table 33: Indicators of the PVC pipes and hoses market in Russia in 2017-2021, thousand tons, %

Table 34: Main indicators of economic development of the Russian Federation in 2017-2021, % to previous. year

Table 35: Length of water supply and sewerage networks in the Russian Federation in 2015-2021, thousand km

Table 36. Areas of use of polymer pipeline products

Table 37: Forecast of production of PVC pipes and hoses by Russian enterprises for the period until 2026, thousand tons

Figure 1: Shares of PVC manufacturing enterprises in its total production in Russia in 2021, %

Figure 2: Dynamics of Russian production of PVC pipes and hoses in 2017-2021, thousand tons

Figure 3: Structure of Russian production of PVC pipes and hoses by main manufacturers in 2021, %

Figure 4: Sales profitability indicators of the largest Russian enterprises producing PVC pipes in 2017-2021, %

Figure 5: Type structure of Russian production of PVC pipes, %

Figure 6: Dynamics of production of PVC-U pipes by Hemkor JSC in 2016-2021, tons

Figure 7: Type structure of production of PVC-U pipes by Hemkor JSC in 2020-2021, %

Figure 8: Segmentation of the domestic sales market of uPVC pipes produced by Hemkor JSC by consumers, %

Figure 9: Dynamics of production of plastic pipes by NZPT LLC (Polyplastic Group) in 2017-2021, tons

Figure 10: Type structure of plastic pipe production at Plastic Pipe Plant LLC, %

Figure 11: Type structure of production of uPVC products of RASAL LLC in 2019-2021, %

Figure 12: Dynamics of production of plastic pipes by Agrigazpolymer LLC in 2017-2021, tons

Figure 13: Type structure of production of PVC-U pipes at Agrigazpolymer LLC, %

Figure 14: Sales structure of PVC-U pipes and fittings produced by Agrigazpolymer LLC by consumption sectors, %

Figure 15: Dynamics of production of plastic pipes by Biplast LLC in 2017-2021, tons

Figure 16: Russian imports of PVC pipes, fittings and hoses in 2017-2021, thousand tons

Figure 17: Structure of Russian imports of PVC pipes and fittings by area of consumption in 2019-2021, %

Figure 18: Forecast of Russian imports of PVC pipes and hoses for the period 2022-2027, thousand tons

Figure 19: Russian exports of PVC pipes, fittings and hoses in 2017-2021, thousand tons

Figure 20: Forecast of Russian exports of PVC pipes and hoses for the period 2022-2027, thousand tons

Figure 21: Dynamics of average annual prices for Russian imports of uPVC pipes, fittings and hoses in 2017-2021, $/t

Figure 22: Dynamics of average annual prices for Russian exports of uPVC pipes, fittings and hoses in 2017-2021, $/t

Figure 23: Dynamics of the main indicators of the market for PVC pipes, fittings and hoses in the Russian Federation in 2017-2021, thousand tons

Figure 24: Type structure of consumption of PVC pipes and hoses in the Russian Federation, %

Figure 25: Structure of consumption of uPVC pipes, fittings and LF hoses by sectors of the national economy in the Russian Federation, %

Figure 26: Geographical structure of Russian consumption of uPVC pipes and fittings, %

Figure 27: Dynamics of housing commissioning in Russia in 2015-2021, million m2, % to previous. year

Figure 28: Regional structure of water supply and sewerage networks in the Russian Federation in 2018-2021, %

Figure 29: Regional structure of agricultural production in the Russian Federation, %

Figure 30: Dynamics of production of polymer pipes, fittings and hoses in Russia in 2007-2021, thousand tons

Figure 31: PVC consumption by segment in the world and Russia, %

Figure 32: Forecast of consumption of PVC pipes and hoses in the Russian Federation for the period until 2026, thousand tons



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