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Additives to Oil in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

ページ数: 71 テーブルの数: 36 桁数: 10
レポートの言語: Russian
リリース: 28.08.2018

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Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and Adobe Illustrator presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

原価報告書: 2 000 Euro

This report is the first edition of the market research of additives to oil in Russia.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the Russian market of oil additives.

The objects of the study are oil additives: demulsifiers, corrosion inhibitors, paraffin deposition inhibitors (depressant additives), scaling inhibitors, hydrogen sulfide and mercaptan neutralizers, anti-turbulent additives.

This work is a desk study. Information sources of the Federal State Statistics Service, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, the statistics of rail transportation of the Russian Federation, the data of open tender sites, sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers, as well as websites of producers of oilfield reagents were used as sources of information.

Chronological framework of the study: 2015-2017; forecast - 2018-2025

Geography of the study: The Russian Federation - a comprehensive detailed analysis of the market.


The report consists of 6 parts, contains 71 pages, including 10 figures, 36 tables and 1 appendix.

In the first chapter, the classification of additives to crude oil is given.

The second chapter of the report is devoted to the production of additives to oil in Russia. This chapter describes the current status of the main additive manufacturers in Russia, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the products, analyzed data on volumes and supplies during the period 2015-2017

In the third chapter of the report, data on foreign trade operations with oil additives in Russia in 2015-2017 are given. Statistical data are provided on the volumes of foreign trade operations in physical and monetary terms, the regional and commodity structure of exports and imports of additives, data on volumes and supplies by major exporters and importers.

The fourth chapter of the report provides data on the dynamics of export-import prices for oil additives in Russia in 2015-2017 and current prices in the domestic market of Russia.

In the fifth chapter of the report, the consumption of oil additives in Russia in 2015-2017 is considered. This section shows the production-consumption balance of these products, estimated commodity and regional consumption patterns, as well as the current state of the largest consumer enterprises.

The sixth chapter of the report provides a forecast for the development of the Russian market of additives for oil for the period up to 2025

The appendix contains the address and contact information of the main enterprises producing oil additives in Russia.


The target audience of the study:

- participants in the market of additives to oil - producers, consumers, traders;

- potential investors.

The proposed study claims to be a reference tool for marketing services and specialists who make management decisions in the oilfield chemistry market.





1. Types of additives to oil

Inhibitors of corrosion

Demulsifying agents

Inhibitors of paraffin deposits (Depressor additives)

Inhibitors of scaling

Anti-turbulent additives

Neutralizers of hydrogen sulphide and mercaptans



2. Production of oil additives in Russia

2.1. The volume of production of additives to oil in Russia in 2015-2017

2.2. Enterprises that produce additives for petroleum

OJSC Kotlas Chemical Plant (Arkhangelsk Region)

LLC Master Cemicals (Tatarstan)

LLC "Urussinsky Chemical Plant" (Urusu, Tatarstan)

LLC "Promkhimervis" (Sterlitamak, Bashkortostan)

LLC "Kogalym Chemicals Plant" (KhMAO)

JSC "NIIneftepromkhim" (Kazan, Tatarstan)

LLC "Mirrico" (Kazan, Tatarstan)

JSC "NAPOR" (Kazan, Tatarstan)

JSC "Experimental Plant Neftekhim" (Ufa, Bashkortostan)


3. Foreign trade operations with additives to oil in Russia

3.1. Import of additives to oil in Russia in 2015-2017

3.2. Export of additives to oil in Russia in 2015-2017


4. Prices for additives to oil in Russia

4.1. Review of export-import prices in Russia in 2015-2017

4.2. Domestic prices for oil additives in Russia


5. Consumption of additives to oil in Russia

5.1. The balance of production-consumption of oil additives in Russia in 2015-2017

5.2. The main consumers of oil additives in Russia

PJSC NK Rosneft

OJSC Surgutneftegaz

PJSC "Transneft"


6. Prospects and the forecast of development of the market of additives to oil up to 2025.


Application. Addresses of enterprises producing oil additives in Russia

Table 1. Volumes of production of oil additives in Russia in 2015-2017, kt

Table 2. Volumes of oil additives deliveries to OJSC Kotlas Chemical Plant by rail in 2015-2017, t

Table 3. Financial performance of OJSC Kotlas Chemical Plant in 2013-2016, million rubles.

Table 4. Volumes of supplies of additives to oil LLC "Urussinsky Chemical Plant" by rail in 2015-2017, t

Table 5. Financial indicators of LLC "Urussinsky Chemical Plant" in 2014-2016, million rubles.

Table 6. Volumes of oil additives deliveries to OOO Promhimservis by rail in 2015-2017, t

Table 7. Financial indicators of OOO "Promhimservis" in 2013-2016, million rubles.

Table 8. Financial indicators of LLC "Kogalym Chemicals Plant" in 2013-2016, million rubles.

Table 9. Technical characteristics of inhibitors of paraffin deposition produced by OJSC "NIIneftepromkhim"

Table 10. Technical characteristics of demulsifiers produced by JSC "NIIneftepromkhim"

Table 11. Technical characteristics of corrosion inhibitors produced by OJSC "NIIneftepromkhim"

Table 12. Volumes of production of additives to oil of JSC "NIIneftepromkhim" in 2013-2017, t

Table 13. Financial indicators of JSC "NIIneftepromkhim" in 2013-2017, million rubles.

Table 14. Volumes of oil additives deliveries to Mirrico LLC by rail in 2015-2017, t

Table 15. Financial performance of LLC "Mirrico" in 2013-2016, million rubles.

Table 16. Financial performance of JSC "NAPOR" in 2013-2016, million rubles.

Table 17. Financial indicators of JSC OZHK in 2013-2016, million rubles.

Table 18. The volume of imports of additives to Russia in 2015-2017 in the directions (t, $ m)

Table 19. The main suppliers of additives to oil in Russia in 2015-2017, t

Table 20. The volume of imports of additives to Russia in 2015-2017 by type, t

Table 21. Volumes of import supplies of additives to oil to the main Russian recipients in 2015-2017, t

Table 22. Volumes of export of additives to oil in Russia in 2015-2017 by directions (t, $ m)

Table 23. Volumes of export of additives to oil from Russia in 2015-2017 by type, t

Table 24. Volumes of supplies of additives to oil of the main Russian exporters in 2015-2017, t

Table 25. Average import prices for additives to oil by type in 2015-2017, $ / t

Table 26. Average export prices for additives to oil by type in 2015-2017, $ / t

Table 27. Import prices for additives to oil by types and suppliers in 2015-2017, $ / t

Table 28. Prices of Russian producers for additives to oil in 2016-2017, thousand rubles / t

Table 29. Prices for additives to oil produced by LLC NPP "Efril", rubles / t (including VAT)

Table 30. Balance of production-consumption of oil additives in Russia in 2015-2017, thousand tons,%

Table 31. The main recipients of additives to oil in 2015-2017, t

Table 32. The volume of purchases of additives to oil by Russian companies in 2015-2017 according to open trades, t, thousand rubles.

Table 33. Consumption of corrosion inhibitors and demulsifiers by enterprises of PJSC NK "Rosneft" in 2017, t

Table 34. Purchases of corrosion inhibitors and demulsifiers PAO NK "Rosneft" by suppliers in 2017, t, million rubles.

Table 35. Supplies of corrosion inhibitors and demulsifiers in OJSC "Surgutneftegas" in 2017, t

Table 36. Consumption of anti-turbulent additives by the enterprises of PJSC "Transneft" in 2016-2017, t

Figure 1. The main producers of additives to oil in Russia in 2017,%

Figure 2. Dynamics of export-import of additives for oil in Russia in 2015-2017, t

Figure 3. Regional structure of imports of additives to oil in Russia in 2015-2017,%

Figure 4. Structure of imports of additives to oil in Russia by types in 2017,%

Figure 5. Dynamics of average import and export prices for oil additives in Russia in 2015-2017, $ / t

Figure 6. Regional structure of consumption of oil additives in Russia in 2017,%

Figure 7. Commodity structure of consumption of additives to oil in Russia in 2017,%

Figure 8. Dynamics of oil production PJSC NK "Rosneft in 2008-2017

Figure 9. Oil and gas condensate production in Russia in 2000-2017, million tons

Figure 10. Forecast of consumption of oil-field reagents in Russia to 2025, kt



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