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Graphene in the world and Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (3 edition)

ページ数: 129 テーブルの数: 45 桁数: 12
レポートの言語: Russian
リリース: 13.02.2023

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原価報告書: 3 000 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


This report is the third edition of the study of the graphene market in the world and in Russia.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the global and Russian graphene markets.

The object of research is graphene and its derivatives, as well as products based on it.

This work is a desk study. As sources of information, data from scientific, industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities, websites of graphene manufacturers, a survey of domestic and foreign experts in the production and use of graphene were used.

Chronological scope of the study: 2017-2022, forecast for 2023-2025

Geography of the study: countries of the world and the Russian Federation.


The report consists of 5 chapters, contains 129 pages, including 45 tables, 12 figures and 3 appendices.

The first chapter provides information about graphene, its main properties and approaches to the standardization of graphene materials. Selectively, the levels of impurities are indicated for individual industrial grades of graphene.

The second chapter describes the raw materials used and the main industrial technologies for the production of graphene films and graphene powders.

The third chapter provides a description of the global market in 2022. The main producers of graphene are considered in detail, the main market drivers are formulated, the leading research centers for graphene are indicated, the areas of application of graphene are briefly described, and a price analysis of graphene from different manufacturers is carried out.

The fourth chapter examines the state of the graphene industry in Russia in 2017-2022.

The fifth chapter discusses the prospects for the development of the graphene industry in the Russian Federation and provides a forecast for production and consumption until 2025.

The appendices provide addresses and contact information of Russian graphene manufacturers, a list of Russian R&D centers with graphene, and a list of graphene inventions for 2017-2022.


A distinctive feature of the report is a detailed review of the profile of all well-known manufacturers of graphene and graphene products in Russia, an analysis of open purchases of graphene, equipment and graphene services, an overview of R&D topics and their financing, as well as information on Russian patents for inventions and utility models, certificates for programs for Computers, databases in the field of graphene.


Target audience of the study:

- graphene market participants – producers, consumers, traders;

- students of specialized universities;

- nanotechnologies market analysts;

- potential investors.


The proposed study claims to be a reference tool for decision makers working in the market of graphene and its derivatives.



Terms and Definitions




1. Main characteristics of graphene


2. Raw materials and technologies for the production of graphene


3. Global graphene market

3.1 The main producers of graphene in the world in 2022

3.1.1 Dispersed graphene manufacturers in 2022

NanoXplore (Canada)

The Sixth Element Materials Technology (China)

SuperC Technology (China)

XG Sciences (USA)

Moxi Group/Ningbo Morsch Technology (China)

XFNANO Materials Tech Co., Ltd. (China)

BTR New Material Group (China)

Global Graphene Group/Angstron Materials (USA)

3.1.2 Single crystal graphene manufacturers

Chongqing Graphene Technology (China)

2D Carbon (Changzhou) Tech (China)

Wuxi Graphene Film (China)

Grolltex (USA)

Graphenea (Spain)

Graphensic AB (Sweden)

Graphene Square (South Korea)

LG Electronics (South Korea)

Kuk Il Graphene (South Korea)

Graphene Platform Corp. (Japan)

3.2 Key trends in the global graphene market in 2022


4. Graphene market in Russia in 2017-2022, producers and consumers

4.1 Producers of graphene in the Russian Federation in 2017-2022

Nanotechcenter LLC (Tambov)

Zavkom JSC (Tambov)

OOO Global SO (Khimki)

AkKo Lab LLC (Moscow)

LLC "Rusgrafen" (Protvino)

LLC "Grafenoks" (Chernogolovka)

NPO Graphene Materials LLC (St. Petersburg)

Global AKZ LLC (Tomsk)

Carbolight LLC (Dolgoprudny)

MIP Grafen LLC (Yakutsk)

Nanomaterials LLC (Tambov)

Mineral LML LLC (Aleksandrov)

Active-Nano LLC (St. Petersburg)

Grafentek LLC (Moscow)

Graf-SK LLC (Moscow)

Grafsensors LLC (Moscow)

Sinteza LLC (St. Petersburg)

PKF Alliance LLC (St. Petersburg)

Tenzograph LLC (Tula region)

OOO GKNK (St. Petersburg)

OOO "Agni-K" (Moscow)

Graphene Institute LLC (Moscow)


4.2 Foreign trade operations of the Russian Federation with graphene in 2017-2022

4.2.1 Imports of graphene and graphene products in 2017-2022

4.2.2 Export of graphene and graphene products in 2017-2022

4.3 Consumers of graphene in the Russian Federation in 2017-2022

4.4. R&D on graphene in the Russian Federation in 2017-2022

4.5. Copyright protection in 2017-2022

4.6. RF prices for graphene


5. Prospects for the development of the graphene industry in Russia, forecast for 2023-2025


Appendix 1. Main producers of graphene in Russia

Appendix 2. Main topics of the leading research centers on graphene in Russia in 2017-2022

Appendix 3. Graphene inventions of the Russian Federation issued in 2017-2022

Table 1: Main properties of monolayer graphene (MG), multilayer graphene nanoparticles (GNP) and crushed graphite

Table 2: Analysis of graphene nanoparticles for impurity content of seven elements, ppm

Table 3: Capacities of the countries of the world for the production of dispersed graphene in 2022, thousand tons

Table 4: The largest producers of dispersed graphene (powder) in 2022, thousand tons

Table 5: The main characteristics of grades of graphene produced by The Sixth Element (Changzhou) Materials Technology

Table 6: The main characteristics of graphene oxide grades produced by The Sixth Element (Changzhou) Materials Technology

Table 7: Main characteristics of SC grade graphene pastes produced by SuperC Technology

Table 8: Specifications for xGnP® Graphene NanoWaves

Table 9: Specifications of grades of graphene nanoparticles produced by Global Graphene Group

Table 10: Capacities for the production of single-crystal graphene in the world in 2022, million m2

Table 11: Applications of the global graphene market

Table 12: Characteristics of aqueous pastes of graphene nano-wafers

Table 13: Key financial indicators of Nanotechcenter LLC in 2017-2021, million rubles

Table 14: Main properties of graphene produced by Zavkom JSC

Table 15: Main financial indicators of Global CO LLC in 2017-2021, million rubles

Table 16: Main financial indicators of AkKo Lab LLC in 2017-2020, million rubles

Table 17: Main financial indicators of Rusgrafen LLC in 2017-2021, million rubles

Table 18: Graphene products of Grafenox LLC

Table 19: Main financial indicators of Grafenoks LLC in 2017-2021, million rubles

Table 20: Main financial indicators of Global AKZ LLC in 2019-2021, million rubles

Table 21: Main financial indicators of MIP Grafen LLC in 2017-2021, million rubles

Table 22: Key financial indicators of Nanomaterialy LLC in 2017-2021, million rubles

Table 23: Key financial indicators of Mineral LML LLC in 2017-2021, million rubles

Table 24: Main financial indicators of Active-Nano LLC in 2017-2021, million rubles

Table 25: Main financial indicators of Graf-SK LLC in 2018-2021, million rubles

Table 26: Main financial indicators of Grafsensors LLC in 2020-2021, million rubles

Table 27: Main financial indicators of Sinteza LLC in 2018-2021, million rubles

Table 28: Main characteristics of CFera® graphene lubricant

Table 29: Main financial indicators of PKF Alliance LLC in 2017-2021, million rubles

Table 30: Main financial indicators of Tenzograph LLC in 2017-2021, million rubles

Table 31: Specification for single-crystal graphene plates of GKNK LLC

Table 32: Main financial indicators of OOO GKNK in 2018-2021, million rubles

Table 33: Characteristics of graphene and graphene oxide produced by Graphene Institute LLC

Table 34: Characteristics of graphene nanoplates and nanoflakes produced by Graphene Institute LLC

Table 35: Graphene imports in 2017-2022, grams, $

Table 36: Import of graphene products in 2017-2022, units, $

Table 37: Export of Russian graphene and related products in 2017-2022, kg, $

Table 38: Key financial indicators of Fescom JSC in 2019-2021, million rubles

Table 39: Open purchases of graphene and graphene oxide in 2017-2022, grams, thousand rubles

Table 40: Open purchases of equipment for the synthesis of graphene in 2017-2022, units, thousand rubles

Table 41: Public procurement of services for graphene in 2017-2022, units, thousand rubles

Table 42: Grants for research and development in the field of graphene, issued in 2017-2022, million rubles

Table 43: Open tenders for R&D in the field of graphene in 2017-2022, thousand rubles

Table 44: Dynamics of issuance of titles of protection for graphene in the Russian Federation in 2017-2022, units

Table 45: Distribution structure of RF patents for inventions in the field of graphene in 2017-2022 by sections of the IPC, %

Figure 1: Single crystal graphene (left) and amorphous graphene (right)

Figure 2: Defects in single-layer graphene such as "vacancy", "Stone-Wales topological defect" and "nanopore"

Figure 3: Structure of graphene with incorporated crown ether molecules

Figure 4: Electron photographs of graphene oxide pom-poms

Figure 5: CVD diagram of the graphene synthesis process on a substrate

Figure 6: Scheme for obtaining graphene from graphite through the intermediate formation of graphite oxide

Figure 7: Share of different technologies in global graphene production in 2022

Figure 8: Grolltex single crystal graphene production process flow diagram

Figure 9: Scheme of continuous exfoliation of a graphene film from a copper substrate to an intermediate polymer layer according to the development of Graphene Square

Figure 10: Scheme for the synthesis of graphene on a substrate with a titanium catalyst from Kuk Il Graphene

Figure 11: Volumes of graphene production in Russia in 2017-2022, kg

Figure 12: Forecast of graphene production in the Russian Federation for 2023-2025, tons



February 2025

Organosilicon compounds in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast

February 2025

Sputtering Metal Targets in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

February 2025

Titanium Raw Materials in Russia, the EAEU and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (5 edition)

March 2025

Niobium and niobium products in Russia, EAEU countries and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (9 edition)



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