Chrome Raw Materials in Russia, the CIS and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (2 edition)
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This report is the second edition of the study of the market of chrome raw materials in Russia, the CIS and the world.
Market monitoring has been conducted since 1995.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the market of chrome raw materials in the CIS countries and the world.
The object of research is chromium raw materials.
This work is a desk study. As sources of information, the databases of the United Nations (UNdata), the Statistical Committees of the CIS countries (including Rosstat, the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, the Agency on Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, customs statistics of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, official statistics of railway transportation of the Russian Federation; materials of industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities, Internet sites of enterprises-producers and consumers of chromium raw materials, as well as the Infomine database.
Timeline of the study: 1995-2021; forecast - 2022-2030
Research geography: Russian Federation, Republic of Kazakhstan, Ukraine (detailed analysis), other countries of the CIS and the world (volumes of production of chromium raw materials, foreign trade, identification of leading mining companies).
The report consists of 9 parts, contains 155 pages, including 41 tables, 39 figures and 1 appendix.
The first chapter of the report provides data on the development of the world market of chromium raw materials in 2001-2021. Information about the leading producers of chromium raw materials is analyzed, information is provided on the volume of production of commercial chromium raw materials, directions and volumes of foreign trade in this type of raw material, as well as the price level.
The second chapter of the report is devoted to the analysis of the mineral resource base of chromium in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine. Information on the main deposits of chromium in the CIS is presented.
The third chapter of the report presents data on industry requirements for the properties of chromium ores, the technology of their enrichment.
The fourth chapter of the study presents data on the production of chromium raw materials in the CIS in 1995-2021.
The fifth chapter of the report analyzes the activities of enterprises for the extraction of chromium ores in the CIS in 1995-2021.
The sixth chapter of the report provides information on projects for the extraction of chromium raw materials in the CIS.
The seventh chapter of the report is devoted to the analysis of exports and imports of chromium raw materials in the CIS in the period 1995-2021.
The eighth chapter of the report is devoted to the analysis of the consumption of chromium raw materials in the CIS in 1995-2021. Data are presented on the balance of production and consumption of chromium raw materials in the Republic of Kazakhstan and Russia, the main sectors of consumption are identified, and the work of the main consumer enterprises of chromium raw materials, primarily producers of ferrochrome, is analyzed.
The ninth chapter of the study presents a forecast for the production and consumption of chromium raw materials in the CIS for the period up to 2030.
The appendix contains the addresses and contact information of the main manufacturing companies and consumers of chromium raw materials.
Target audience of the study:
- market participants of chrome raw materials - producers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be a reference tool for marketing services and management decision makers working in the chrome raw material market.
1. Overview of the global market for chromium raw materials
1.1. World production of chrome ore in 2001-2021
1.2. Export-import of chrome ore in 2007-2021
1.3. World prices for chrome ore
2. Mineral resource base of chromium in Russia and the CIS
2.1. Kazakhstan
2.2. Russia
2.3. Ukraine
3. Industry requirements for the properties of chromium ores, technologies for their enrichment
3.1. Industry requirements for chrome ores
3.2. Technology of enrichment of chrome ores
4. Extraction of chromium raw materials in Russia and the CIS in 1995-2021
5. Enterprises for the extraction and production of marketable chromium ore in the CIS
5.1. JSC Donskoy GOK (Kazakhstan, Aktobe region, Khromtau)
5.2. Subdivision of ChEMK JSC in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
5.3. OSB "Saranovskaya mine" Rudnaya "(Russia, Perm region, Gornozavodsky district, Sarany village)
5.4. OOO "Akkarginsky Chromites" (Russia, Orenburg region, settlement Svetly)
5.5. Chrome-Resource LLC (Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Alapaevsk, settlement Asbestovy)
5.6. Voskhod group of enterprises (Kazakhstan, Aktobe region)
6. Projects for the extraction of chromium raw materials in Russia
7. Export-import of chromium raw materials in the CIS in 1995-2021
7.1. Foreign trade in chromium raw materials in the Russian Federation in 1995-2021
7.1.1. The volume of exports - imports of chromium raw materials in the Russian Federation in 1995-2021
7.1.2. The main directions of export-import supplies of chromium raw materials in the Russian Federation
7.2. Foreign trade in chromium raw materials in Kazakhstan in 2004-2022
7.3. Foreign trade in chromium raw materials in Ukraine in 2005-2021
8. Consumption of chrome raw materials in the CIS in 1995-2021
8.1. Consumption of chrome raw materials in Russia
8.1.1. Balance of "production-consumption" of chromium raw materials in Russia in 1995-2021
8.1.2. The main industries and enterprises-consumers of chromium raw materials in Russia
8.1.3. Ferrochromium production in Russia in 1995-2022
8.1.4. The current state of the main producers of ferrochromium in Russia in 1995-2022. JSC "Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant" (Chelyabinsk) Serov Ferroalloy Plant JSC (SZF JSC) (Sverdlovsk Region, Serov) LLC "Tikhvin Ferroalloy Plant" (Leningrad region, Tikhvin) PJSC Klyuchevsky Ferroalloy Plant (Sverdlovsk region, Sysert district, Dvurechensk settlement)
8.1.5. Production of chromium compounds in Russia JSC "Novotroitsk plant of chromium compounds" (Orenburg region, Novotroitsk) JSC "Russian Chrome 1915" (Sverdlovsk region, Pervouralsk)
8.2. Consumption of chrome raw materials in Kazakhstan
8.2.1. Balance of "production-consumption" of chromium raw materials in Kazakhstan in 2004-2021
8.2.2. The current state of the main producers of ferrochromium in Kazakhstan Aksu Ferroalloy Plant (R. Kazakhstan, Pavlodar region, Aksu) Aktobe ferroalloy plant (R. Kazakhstan, Aktobe region, Aktobe)
9. Forecast of production and consumption of chromium raw materials in Russia and the CIS until 2030
9.1. Forecast of production and consumption of chromium raw materials in the Russian Federation
9.2. Forecast of production and consumption of chromium raw materials in Kazakhstan
Appendix. Contact information of mining enterprises and producers of ferrochromium in the CIS
Table 1. Production of marketable chromium ore and concentrate in the world in 2001-2021, million tons
Table 2. Export of marketable chromium ore from Turkey by countries in 2010-2021, thousand tons
Table 3. Main exporting countries of chromium ore in 2007-2021, thousand tons
Table 4. Imports of chromium raw materials to China from selected countries in 2010-2021, thousand tons
Table 5. World imports of chromium ore by countries of destination in 2007-2021, thousand tons
Table 6. World export prices for chrome ore in 2007-2021, $/t
Table 7. Main deposits of chromium ores in Russia and Kazakhstan
Table 8. Main deposits of chromium ores and distribution of their balance reserves by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2021, mmt
Table 9. TU 14-9-102-76. Chrome ore of the Donskoy GOK (for the production of refractory products)
Table 10. TU 14-9-220-81. Chrome ore of the Donskoy GOK (for the production of ferroalloys)
Table 11
Table 12. TU 14-9-219-81. Chrome ore of the Donskoy GOK (for the production of chromium compounds)
Table 13. TU 14-9-149-78. Chrome pebble ore of the Saranovskoye deposit (for foundry production)
Table 14. TU 14-9-148-78. Chrome ore of the Saranovskoye deposit (for the production of chrome-magnesite products)
Table 15. Chromite concentrate of Donskoy GOK for highly refractory products
Table 16. TU 14-9-250-83. The composition of chromite concentrates of the Donskoy GOK (for the production of ferroalloys and refractory products)
Table 17. Production of marketable chromium ore in the CIS by enterprises in 2005-2021, thousand tons
Table 18. Consumers of JSC Donskoy GOK in the Russian Federation in 2005-2021, thousand tons
Table 19. Consumers of the enterprise "Saranovsk mine" Rudnaya "in 2005-2021, thousand tons
Table 20. Consumers of Khrom-Resource LLC, in 2005-2021, thousand tons
Table 21. Consumers of SE Voskhod in the Russian Federation in 2009-2021, thousand tons
Table 22. Imports of chromium raw materials to Russia by supplier companies in 2010-2021, thousand tons
Table 23. Russian imports of chromium ore by supply lines in 1995-2022, thousand tons
Table 24. Russian exports of chromium ore by supply lines in 1995-2022, thousand tons
Table 25. Export of chrome raw materials of Kazakhstan in 2004-2021 by directions of supply, thousand tons, %
Table 26. Russian buyers of Kazakhstani chromium raw materials in 2005-2021, thousand tons
Table 27. Imports of chromium raw materials by Ukraine in 2005-2021, thousand tons
Table 28. The share of individual countries in the structure of imports of chrome raw materials by Ukraine in 2005-2021, %
Table 29. Suppliers of chrome raw materials to Ukraine in 2005-2021, thousand tons
Table 30. Recipients of imported chromium raw materials in Ukraine in 2005-2021, thousand tons
Table 31. Production-consumption balance of marketable chromium ore in the Russian Federation in 1995-2021, thousand tons
Table 32. The main consumers of chromium raw materials in the Russian Federation in 2007-2021, thousand tons
Table 33. Deliveries of chromium ore to ChEMK JSC in 2005-2021, thousand tons
Table 34. Chemical composition of ferrochrome produced by SZF JSC, wt. %
Table 35. Deliveries of chromium ore to NWF in 2005-2021, thousand tons
Table 36. Financial performance of TFZ LLC in 2010-2021, billion rubles
Table 37. Chemical composition of some grades of low-carbon ferrochrome produced by PJSC KZF, wt %
Table 38. Chemical composition of carbon chromium produced by PJSC "KZF", wt. % (TU 14-00186482-055-2005)
Table 39. Production-demand balance of marketable chromium ore in Kazakhstan in 2004-2021, thousand tons
Table 40. Chemical composition of the main ferroalloys produced by AZF, wt. %
Table 41. Chemical composition of ferrochromium produced by AkZF JSC, %
Figure 1. World production of stainless steels in 2007-2021 (million tons), China's share in output (%)
Figure 2. Distribution of marketable chromium ore in the world in 2021 by quality, %
Figure 3. The share of individual countries in the structure of supplies of chromium raw materials to China in 2010-2021,%
Figure 4. Dynamics of world export prices for chromium ore in 2007-2021, $/t
Figure 5. Dynamics of commercial chromium ore production in the CIS in 1995-2021, thousand tons
Figure 6. Dynamics of commercial chromium ore production at Donskoy GOK JSC in 1995-2021, thousand tons
Figure 7. Dynamics of commercial chromium ore production of ChEMK JSC subdivision in YNAO in 2003-2021, thousand tons
Figure 8. Dynamics of commercial chromium ore production at OSB Saranovskaya Mine Rudnaya in 2003-2021, thousand tons
Figure 9. Dynamics of chromium ore production by Khrom-Resource LLC in 2005-2021, thousand tons
Figure 10. Production of chromium ore by SE Voskhod in 2009-2021 (thousand tons), share in the Republic of Kazakhstan (%)
Figure 11. Dynamics of Russian imports and exports of chrome ore in 1995-2021, thousand tons
Figure 12. Dynamics of the share of chromium ore from Kazakhstan, South Africa and Turkey in Russian imports in 1995-2021, %
Figure 13. Dynamics of average import prices for chromium ore in the Russian Federation in 1995-2021, $/t
Figure 14. Dynamics of exports of chrome raw materials of Kazakhstan in 2005-2022, thousand tons
Figure 15. Dynamics of production, imports and apparent consumption of marketable chromium ore in the Russian Federation in 1995-2021, thousand tons
Figure 16. Distribution diagram of imported and domestic chromium raw materials in Russia in 1995-2021, %
Figure 17. Structure of consumption of chromium raw materials in Russia in 2007-2021, %
Figure 18. Dynamics of ferrochromium production (60%) in Russia in 1995-2022, thousand tons
Figure 19. Dynamics of ferrochromium production (60%) at ChEMK JSC and its share in the Russian Federation in 1995-2022, thousand tons, %
Figure 20. Financial performance of ChEMK JSC in 2010-2021, billion rubles
Figure 21. Dynamics of ferrochromium production at NWF JSC in 1995-2022, thousand tons
Figure 22. Financial performance of NWF JSC in 2010-2020, billion rubles
Figure 23. Deliveries of chromium ore to TFZ LLC in 2007-2021, thousand tons
Figure 24. Dynamics of ferrochromium production (60%) at TFZ LLC in 2007-2022, thousand tons
Figure 25. Deliveries of chromium ore to PJSC KZF in 2005-2021, thousand tons
Figure 26. Dynamics of ferrochromium production (60%) in PJSC "KZF" in 1995-2022, thousand tons
Figure 27. Financial indicators of PJSC "KFZ" in 2010-2021, billion rubles
Figure 28. Production of chromium compounds in terms of chromium peak of NZKhS JSC in 2005-2021, thousand tons
Figure 29. Financial indicators of NZHSS in 2010-2021, billion rubles
Figure 30. Production of chromium compounds in terms of chromium peak JSC "Russian Chrome 2015" in 2005-2021, thousand tons
Figure 31. Financial performance of Russian Chrome 1915 JSC in 2010-2021, billion rubles
Figure 32. Dynamics of production, export and domestic consumption of marketable chromium ore in Kazakhstan in 2004-2021, thousand tons
Figure 33. Dynamics of ferrochromium production in Kazakhstan in 1995-2021, thousand tons
Figure 34. Dynamics of ferrochromium production (60%) at AZF JSC in 1995-2021, thousand tons
Figure 35. Dynamics of ferrochromium production (60%) at AkZF JSC in 1995-2021, thousand tons
Figure 36. Forecast of the production of commercial chromium raw materials in Russia until 2030, million tons
Figure 37. Forecast of consumption of commercial chromium raw materials in Russia until 2030, million tons
Figure 38. Forecast of production of chromium raw materials in Kazakhstan until 2030, million tons
Figure 39. Forecast of consumption of chromium raw materials in Kazakhstan until 2030, million tons