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Feldspar in Russia and the EAEU countrie: Production, Market and Forecast (13 edition)

ページ数: 141 テーブルの数: 48 桁数: 29
レポートの言語: Russian + English
リリース: 29.11.2023

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Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and Adobe Illustrator presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

原価報告書: 2 000 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


This report is the thirteenth edition of the feldspar market research in Russia and the EAEU countries.


Market monitoring has been carried out since 2002.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the feldspar market - world, Russian and EAEU countries.

The objects of research are feldspar raw materials and feldspathic and quartz-feldspathic concentrates.

Data from the statistical committees of the EAEU countries (including Rosstat, the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan) were used as sources of information; UN international databases (UNdata), World Bank, Eurostat; international and European trade data (UN Comtrade, Trade Map); Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (until 2022); Unified information system in the field of procurement; railway transport statistics; VLSI databases; foreign specialized companies; annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers; industry and regional press, conference materials, Internet sites of manufacturing enterprises and consumers of the products under study; scientific and technical literature (elibrary, etc.), FIPS patent database; InfoMine database, etc.

Chronological scope of the study: 2000 - 1st half of 2023; forecast – 2023-2030

Geography of the study: Russian Federation – comprehensive detailed market analysis; EAEU countries – general retrospective market analysis; rest of the world - general information about market dynamics and characteristics.


The report consists of 8 parts, contains 141 pages, including 29 figures, 48 tables and 1 appendix.

The first chapter of the report provides a brief description of the world feldspar market (reserves, mining, production, producing countries, prices).

The second chapter of the report provides information on the mineral resource base of feldspar in the EAEU countries, provides the structure of reserves and characteristics of the main deposits.

The third chapter describes the production technologies for feldspathic products and the requirements for their quality.

The fourth chapter of the report is devoted to the extraction and production of feldspathic products in Russia. This chapter describes the current state of the main feldspar producing enterprises in Russia, provides quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the products produced at each enterprise, and analyzes data on the volumes and directions of supplies in the period 2008-1 half of 2023.

The fifth chapter of the report provides data on foreign trade operations with feldspathic products in the Russian Federation (2000-1st half of 2023). Statistical data on the volumes of foreign trade transactions in physical and monetary terms, the regional structure of exports and imports of feldspar, data on the volumes and directions of supplies by the main exporters and importers are presented. The section also provides data on foreign trade transactions with feldspars in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia.

The sixth chapter of the report provides data on the dynamics of export-import prices for feldspar in Russia in 2000-2023. and current prices on the Russian domestic market.

The seventh chapter of the report examines feldspar consumption in Russia in 2000-2023. (2023 – estimate). This section shows the balance of production and consumption of these products, assesses the sectoral and regional consumption patterns, the main consumers, as well as the current state and development prospects of the largest consumer enterprises.

The eighth chapter of the report provides a forecast for the development of the Russian feldspar market for the period until 2030.

The appendix provides address and contact information of the main enterprises producing feldspathic products in Russia.


Target audience of the study:

- participants in the feldspathic products market – producers, consumers, traders;

- potential investors.

The proposed study claims to be a reference guide for marketing services and specialists making management decisions working in the feldspathic products market.





1. Overview of the world feldspar market


2. Raw material base of feldspar in the EAEU

2.1. Mineral resource base of Russia

2.2. Raw material base of feldspathic raw materials of other EAEU countries


3. Production technology and quality requirements for feldspathic ores and concentrates

3.1. Description of feldspathic production technology

3.2. Quality requirements for feldspathic products


4. Extraction and production of feldspathic raw materials and products (lumpy feldspar, feldspathic concentrate) in Russia and the EAEU

4.1. Feldspar production in Russia in 2000-2023.

4.2. Manufacturers of feldspathic products

JSC Vishnegorsk Mining and Processing Plant (Chelyabinsk region)

JSC "Malyshevskoe Mining Administration" (Sverdlovsk region)

Kovdorslyuda LLC/Kola Pegmatite LLC (Murmansk region)

LLC "Chupinskoye GOP" (Republic of Karelia)


5. Foreign trade operations with feldspathic products

5.1. Foreign trade operations with feldspathic products in Russia in 2000-1 half. 2023

5.1.1. Export of feldspathic products

5.1.2. Import of feldspathic products

5.2. Foreign trade operations with feldspathic products of the EAEU countries

5.2.1. Belarus (2002-2021)

5.2.2. Kazakhstan (2002-2022)

5.2.3. Kyrgyzstan (2002-2022)

5.2.4. Armenia (2017-2022)


6. Prices for feldspathic products

6.1. Review of export-import prices in Russia in 2000-2023.

6.2. Domestic prices for feldspathic products in Russia


7. Feldspar consumption

7.1. Balance of production and consumption of feldspar in Russia in 2000-2023.

7.2. Structure of feldspar consumption in Russia

7.2.1. Industry structure of consumption of feldspathic products

7.2.2. Regional structure of consumption of feldspathic products

7.3. Main consumers of feldspar in Russia

7.3.1. Ceramic industry enterprises

7.3.2. Glass industry enterprises


8. Prospects and forecast for the development of the feldspar market until 2030.

8.1. Current state and forecast for the development of consuming industries

8.2. Forecast for the development of the feldspar market in Russia


Application. Contact information of manufacturing companies of feldspathic materials in the Russian Federation

Table 1. World production of feldspathic products in 2000-2022, million tons

Table 2. Export volumes of feldspathic products by the world's largest exporters in 2010-2022, thousand tons

Table 3. Import volumes of feldspathic products by the world's largest importers in 2010-2022, thousand tons

Table 4. Main deposits of feldspar raw materials in Russia

Table 5. Grades and areas of application of feldspathic materials

Table 6. Grades and areas of application of quartz-feldspathic materials

Table 7. Standardized indicators for the physical and chemical properties of ground feldspathic materials

Table 8. Standardized indicators for the physical and chemical properties of feldspathic lump materials

Table 9. Standardized indicators for the physical and chemical properties of ground and finely ground quartz-feldspathic materials

Table 10. Standardized indicators for the physical and chemical properties of quartz-feldspathic lump materials

Table 11. Grade and scope of application of feldspathic and quartz-feldspathic materials for the glass industry

Table 12. Standardized quality indicators for feldspathic and quartz-feldspathic materials for the glass industry

Table 13. Grade and area of application of feldspathic and quartz-feldspathic materials for fine ceramics

Table 14. Standardized quality indicators for feldspathic and quartz-feldspathic materials for fine ceramics

Table 15. Grade of quartz-feldspathic materials for building ceramics

Table 16. Standardized quality indicators of quartz-feldspathic materials for building ceramics

Table 17. Grade and standardized quality indicators of feldspar for electrode coatings

Table 18. Production of feldspathic materials in Russia by enterprise in 2000-2022, thousand tons

Table 24. Quality indicators of feldspathic concentrates produced by Vishnegorsky GOK JSC

Table 20. Volumes of supplies of feldspathic products of Vishnegorsky GOK JSC to Russian consumers in 2008-1st half of 2023, thousand tons

Table 26. Main financial indicators of the activities of JSC Vishnegorsky Mining and Processing Plant in 2017-2022.

Table 22. Quality indicators of feldspathic and quartz-feldspathic concentrates produced by JSC Malyshevskoe Mining Administration

Table 23. Volumes and directions of supplies of feldspathic products of Malyshevskoe Mining Management JSC in 2008-1 half. 2023, thousand tons

Table 24. Main financial indicators of the activities of JSC “Malyshevskoye Mining Management” in 2017-2022.

Table 25. Quality indicators of feldspathic products of Kovdorslyuda LLC

Table 26. Volumes of supplies of feldspathic products by Kovdorslyuda LLC to Russian consumers in 2008-1st half of 2023, thousand tons

Table 27. Quality indicators of quartz-feldspathic materials produced by Chupinskoye GOP LLC

Table 28. Volumes of supplies of feldspar products from Chupinskoye GOP LLC to Russian consumers in 2006-2013, tons

Table 29. Volumes of export supplies of feldspathic products from Russia by destination in 2000-1st half of 2023, thousand tons

Table 30. Export volumes of feldspathic products in Russia by recipient in 2010-2022, thousand tons

Table 31. Volumes of imports of feldspar products to Russia by destination in 2000-1 half. 2023, thousand tons

Table 32. Volumes of supplies of imported feldspathic products to the main Russian recipients in 2011-1 half. 2023, thousand tons

Table 33. Volumes of imports of feldspar products to Belarus by country in 2002-2021, thousand tons

Table 34. Volumes of feldspar imports by Belarusian enterprises from Russia and Ukraine in 2007-2021, thousand tons

Table 35. Average annual export prices for feldspathic products in Russia by destination in 2004-1st half. 2023, $/t

Table 36. Average annual import prices for feldspathic products in Russia by destination in 2004-1st half. 2023, $/t

Table 37. Balance of production and consumption of feldspathic products in Russia in 2000-2022, thousand tons, %

Table 38. Main Russian consumers of feldspar products in the ceramic industry in 2011-2022, thousand tons

Table 39. Production volumes of main types of products at the enterprises of the Uni Tile holding in 2010-2022, million m2

Table 40. Supplies of feldspathic raw materials to the enterprises of the Uni Tile holding in 2015-2022, thousand tons

Table 41. Production volumes of ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware by the Kerama Marazzi LLC plant (Oryol region) in 2013-2022, million m2

Table 42. Supplies of feldspar raw materials to Kerama Marazzi enterprises in 2015-2022, thousand tons

Table 43. Main Russian consumers of feldspathic products in the glass industry in 2010-2022, thousand tons

Table 44. Supplies of feldspar raw materials to Rusjam enterprises in 2015-2022, thousand tons

Table 45. Forecast of production indices of other non-metallic mineral products, %

Table 46. Dynamics of production of ceramic products in Russia in 2011-2022.

Table 47. Dynamics of glass container production in Russia in 2010-2022, million pieces.

Table 48. Dynamics of flat glass production in Russia in 2005-2022, million m2 (in physical terms)

Figure 1. Dynamics of world prices for feldspar in 2009-2022, $/t

Figure 2. Regional structure of distribution of feldspathic raw materials reserves in Russia, %

Figure 3. Technological scheme for the enrichment of feldspathic raw materials at the Chupinsky factory

Figure 4. Dynamics of production of feldspathic products in Russia in 2000-2022, thousand tons

Figure 5. Dynamics of production (2000-2022) and export (2006-2022) of feldspar products of Vishnegorsky GOK JSC, thousand tons

Figure 6. Dynamics of production of feldspathic products by JSC Malyshevskoye Mining Administration in 2000-2022, thousand tons

Figure 7. Dynamics of production of feldspar products by Kovdorslyuda LLC in 2004-2022, thousand tons

Figure 8. Dynamics of production of feldspathic products by Chupinskoye GOP LLC in 2000-2013, thousand tons

Figure 9. Dynamics of Russian foreign trade operations with feldspathic raw materials in 2000-2022, thousand tons

Figure 10. Dynamics of Russian exports of feldspathic products in physical (thousand tons) and monetary (millions of $) terms in 2000-2022.

Figure 11. Change in the regional structure of Russian exports of feldspathic products in 2007-2022, %

Figure 12. Dynamics of Russian imports of feldspathic products in physical (thousand tons) and monetary (millions of $) terms in 2000-2022.

Figure 13. Regional structure of imports of feldspathic products in Russia in 2005-2022, %

Figure 23. Dynamics of Belarusian imports of feldspathic products in 2002-2021, thousand tons

Figure 15. Dynamics of exports of feldspathic products from Kazakhstan in 2002-2008, tons

Figure 16. Dynamics of imports of feldspathic products in Kazakhstan in 2002-2022, thousand tons

Figure 17. Dynamics of imports of feldspathic products in Kyrgyzstan in 2002-2022, thousand tons

Figure 18. Dynamics of imports of feldspathic products in Armenia in 2017-2022, thousand tons

Figure 19. Dynamics of average annual export and import prices for feldspathic products in Russia in 2000-2022, $/t

Figure 20. Dynamics of prices for feldspathic concentrates produced by Vishnegorsky GOK OJSC in 2008-2022, rub./t

Figure 21. Dynamics of production and consumption of feldspathic products in Russia in 2001-2022, thousand tons

Figure 22. Dynamics of changes in the industrial structure of consumption of feldspathic products in Russia in 2000-2022, %

Figure 23. Industry structure of consumption of feldspar products in Russia in 2022, %

Figure 24. Regional structure of consumption of feldspathic products in Russia in 2022, %

Figure 25. Dynamics of changes in the regional structure of consumption of feldspathic products in Russia in 2008-2022, %

Figure 26. Dynamics of production of glass container products by JSC Glanit in 2010-2022, million pieces.

Figure 27. Dynamics of production of glass container products of Kamyshin Glass Container Plant JSC in 2006-2022, million pieces.

Figure 28. Dynamics of production of glass container products of Siberian Glass LLC in 2006-2022, million pieces.

Figure 29. Forecast of production and consumption of feldspathic products in Russia until 2030, thousand tons



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Organosilicon compounds in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast

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Sputtering Metal Targets in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

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