Sulfur (lump, liquid, granulated) in Russia, the CIS and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (20 edition)
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This report is the twentieth edition of the sulfur market research in Russia, the CIS countries and the world.
Market monitoring has been carried out since 2002.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the Russian and CIS sulfur markets.
The object of study is sulfur (lumpy, ground, liquid, granular).
A distinctive feature of this study is a detailed description of the main sources of raw materials for the production of various types of sulfur not only in Russia, but also in other CIS countries. Information on the global sulfur market, as well as the sulfur markets of all CIS countries (including Ukraine), includes a detailed description of the largest manufacturing enterprises and consumers of the chemical in question. A detailed forecast of production and consumption (including by producing/consuming enterprises and consuming industries) and sulfur prices takes into account the situation in Russia and the world due to the coronavirus pandemic, as well as Russia’s special operation on territory of Ukraine.
The work presented is a desk research. Data from the statistical committees of the EAEU countries (including Rosstat, the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan) were used as sources of information; UN international databases (UNdata), World Bank, Eurostat; international and European trade data (UN Comtrade, Trade Map); Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (until 2022); Unified information system in the field of procurement; railway transport statistics; VLSI databases; foreign specialized companies; annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers; industry and regional press, conference materials, Internet sites of manufacturing enterprises and consumers of the products under study; scientific and technical literature (elibrary, etc.), FIPS patent database; Infomine database, etc.
Chronological scope of the study: 1997-2023; forecast – 2024-2035
Geography of the study: Russian Federation – comprehensive detailed market analysis; Ukraine, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Belarus and other CIS countries - a general retrospective analysis of the market, the world market - a brief description.
The report consists of 7 parts, contains 197 pages, including 67 tables, 67 figures and 2 appendices.
The first chapter provides a brief description of the global sulfur market for the period 2000-2023, as well as prospects for its development.
The second chapter is devoted to methods for producing sulfur and raw materials used in industry; it examines the directions and volumes of supplies of raw materials to its producers in the CIS.
The third chapter analyzes sulfur production in Russia and the CIS countries for the period from 1998 to 2023. The section provides data on the volumes and structure of production, traces the dynamics of the output of these products at enterprises in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan, examines the current state of sulfur producers in the CIS (data is provided on the available raw material base, production volumes, plans for the development of enterprises, as well as data on volumes and directions of product supplies in recent years).
The fourth chapter of the report examines foreign trade operations with sulfur in the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Kazakhstan and other CIS countries with an analysis of the volumes and directions of export-import supplies, as well as other CIS countries.
The fifth chapter is devoted to consideration of the dynamics of sulfur prices in the domestic and foreign markets of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Kazakhstan in 2003-2023.
The sixth part describes the sulfur consumption market in the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Here the structure of consumption, the balance of “production-consumption” is analyzed in detail. An overview of the main consumer sectors is given, as well as a description of the largest Russian consumer enterprises of this product.
The seventh chapter of the report provides a forecast (including price) for the development of the Russian sulfur market for the period until 2035.
The appendices provide the addresses and contact information of the main manufacturing enterprises (in Russia and the CIS) and consumers (in Russia) of sulfur.
Target audience of the study:
- sulfur market participants – producers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study purports to be a reference guide for marketing services and specialists making management decisions working in the sulfur market.
I. World sulfur market (2000-2023)
I.1. Brief characteristics of the world sulfur market
I.2. Main sulfur producing countries
II. Sulfur production technology and raw materials used in industry
II.1. Methods for obtaining sulfur
II.1.1. Extraction of native sulfur
II.1.2. Obtaining sulfur from hydrogen sulfide-containing gases (in the process of extraction and processing of oil and natural gas)
II.1.3. Obtaining sulfur from sulfur dioxide
II.2. Forms of elemental sulfur used in industry
II.3. Sulfur production capacity in Russia and the CIS countries in 2022
II.4. Main raw material suppliers
II.4.1. Deposits of native sulfur in Russia and the CIS countries
II.4.2. Main types of oil and gas fields in Russia and CIS countries
II.4.2.1. Gas fields
II.4.2.2. Petroleum gas
II.4.2.3. Oil refining
II.4.3. Coke production
II.4.4. Exhaust gases from non-ferrous metallurgy
III. Sulfur production in Russia and CIS countries
III.1. Product quality
III.2. Equipment for the production and granulation of sulfur used by Russian enterprises
III.3. Volumes and structure of sulfur production in Russia and the CIS countries in 1997-2023.
III.3.1. Sulfur production in Russia in 1997-2023.
III.3.2. Sulfur production in Kazakhstan in 1997-2023.
III.3.3. Sulfur production in Uzbekistan in 1997-2023.
III.3.4. Sulfur production in Turkmenistan in 2009-2023.
III.3.5. Sulfur production in Ukraine in 1998-2021.
III.4. The largest sulfur producing enterprises in Russia and the CIS countries
III.4.1. Gazprom dobycha Astrakhan LLC (Aksaraisky settlement, Astrakhan region, Russian Federation)
III.4.2. Gazprom dobycha Orenburg LLC (Orenburg, Russian Federation)
III.4.3. Tengizchevroil LLP (Kulsary village, Atyrau region, Kazakhstan)
III.4.4. Integrated oil and gas treatment plant (OPNiG) “Boshalak” (Atyrau region, Kazakhstan)
III.4.5. Gas processing plants "Bagtyyarlyk" (Lebap velayat, Turkmenistan)
III.4.6. UDP "Mubarek Gas Processing Plant" (Mubarek, Kashkadarya region, Uzbekistan)
III.4.7. PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel (Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russian Federation)
IV. Export and import of sulfur in Russia and CIS countries
IV.1. Export and import of sulfur in Russia in 1997-2023.
IV.1.1. Export
IV.1.2. Import
IV.2. Export and import of sulfur in Ukraine in 1998-2023.
IV.2.1. Export
IV.2.2. Import
IV.3. Export and import of sulfur in Kazakhstan in 1999-2023.
IV.4. Export and import of sulfur in other CIS countries in 2008-2022.
V. Review of sulfur prices in the Russian Federation and EAEU countries
V.1. Review of domestic prices for sulfur in the Russian Federation in 2008-2023.
V.2. Dynamics of export-import prices
V.2.1. Dynamics of export-import prices in Russia in 1997-2023.
V.2.2. Dynamics of export-import prices for sulfur in Ukraine in 1999-2023.
V.2.3. Dynamics of export-import prices in Kazakhstan in 2004-2023.
VI. Sulfur consumption in Russia and CIS countries
VI.1. Balance of sulfur consumption (Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan)
VI.1.1. Balance of sulfur consumption in Russia in 1997-2023.
VI.1.2. Balance of sulfur consumption in Ukraine in 1998-2021.
VI.1.3. Balance of sulfur consumption in Kazakhstan in 1999-2023.
VI.2. Structure of sulfur consumption in Russia
VI.3. Current state and development prospects of the main sulfur consuming industries in Russia
VI.3.1. Chemical industry (production of sulfuric acid and phosphate mineral fertilizers)
VI.3.2. Pulp and paper industry
VI.3.3. Other industries
VI.4. Large Russian consumer enterprises and their projects
VI.4.1. PJSC PhosAgro
JSC "Apatit" (Cherepovets, Vologda region)
Balakovo branch of Apatit JSC (Balakovo, Saratov region)
Volkhov branch of JSC Apatit (Volkhov, Leningrad region)
VI.4.2. JSC MCC "EuroChem"
LLC PG Phosphorit (Kingisepp, Leningrad region)
EuroChem-Belorechensky Mineral Fertilizers LLC (Krasnodar Territory)
JSC "Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers" (Voskresensk, Moscow region)
VI.4.4. PJSC "Kuibyshevazot", Samara region.
VII. Forecast of sulfur production and consumption in Russia and the CIS countries for the period up to 2035.
VII.1. Forecast of sulfur production in Russia and the CIS until 2035, broken down by type of production and major producers
VII.2. Forecast of sulfur consumption in Russia and the CIS until 2035.
VII.3. Forecast of sulfur prices for the period up to 2035.
Appendix 1. Contact information of the largest sulfur producing enterprises in Russia and the CIS countries
Appendix 2. Contact information of the main Russian sulfur consuming enterprises
Table 1. World prices for sulfur in 2016-2021, $/t
Table 2. Key indicators of the sulfur market in China in 2014-2023, million tons, %
Table 3. Main indicators of the sulfur market in the USA in 2010-2023, million tons, %
Table 4. Conditional classification of various forms of elemental sulfur
Table 5. CIS enterprises with sulfur production capacities and the technologies they use
Table 6. Affiliation with the holdings of the main enterprises producing sulfur in the CIS (at the beginning of 2024)
Table 7. Characteristics of developed hydrogen sulfide-containing natural gas fields in the CIS
Table 8. Characteristics of oil refineries in the CIS producing sulfur (as of the beginning of 2024)
Table 9. Coke plants in Ukraine producing sulfur
Table 10. Chemical composition of copper and nickel concentrates obtained at the Norilsk and Talnakh factories from rich ores, %
Table 11. Forms of sulfur produced by leading manufacturers in the CIS
Table 12. Requirements for the quality of technical sulfur (according to GOST 127-93)
Table 13. Physico-chemical parameters of liquid technical sulfur (according to GOST R 56249-2014)
Table 14. Physico-chemical indicators of lump technical sulfur (according to GOST R 56249-2014)
Table 15. Physico-chemical parameters of granulated technical sulfur (according to GOST R 56249-2014)
Table 16. Physico-chemical parameters of ground technical sulfur for the tire and rubber industry (according to GOST R 56249-2014)
Table 17. Physico-chemical parameters of ground technical sulfur for agriculture (according to GOST R 56249-2014)
Table 18. Physico-chemical parameters of modified technical sulfur for the production of sulfur asphalt concrete (according to GOST R 56249-2014)
Table 19. Physico-chemical parameters of modified technical sulfur for the production of sulfur concrete (according to GOST R 56249-2014)
Table 20. Russian enterprises producing granulated sulfur and the equipment they use
Table 21. Sulfur production in the CIS countries in 1998-2023, thousand tons
Table 22. Volumes of sulfur production in the CIS in 2005-2023. broken down by production methods, thousand tons
Table 23. Sulfur production in Russia by enterprise in 2005-2023, thousand tons
Table 24. Production of liquid, lump, granulated and other sulfur by enterprises of the Russian Federation in 2009-2021, thousand tons
Table 25. Enterprises producing sulfur in Ukraine in 1998-2021, thousand tons
Table 26. Largest sulfur producers in the CIS in 2011-2023, thousand tons
Table 27. Largest recipients of sulfur LLC Gazprom Dobycha Astrakhan in 2010-2023, thousand tons
Table 28. Largest recipients of sulfur LLC Gazprom Dobycha Orenburg in 2010-2023, thousand tons
Table 29. Directions of Russian sulfur exports in 2006-2023, thousand tons, %
Table 30. Russian enterprises exporting sulfur in 2006-2023, thousand tons, %
Table 31. Geographical structure of sulfur imports of the Russian Federation in 2004-2023, thousand tons
Table 32. Largest Russian consumers of imported sulfur in 2010-2023, thousand tons
Table 33. Volume of sulfur exports and imports by Ukraine in natural (thousand tons) and monetary (millions of $) terms in 2002-2023.
Table 34. Directions of Ukrainian sulfur imports in 2004-2023, thousand tons
Table 35. Largest Ukrainian consumers of imported sulfur in 2006-2020, thousand tons, %
Table 36. Volume of sulfur exports and imports by Kazakhstan in natural (thousand tons) and monetary (millions of $) terms in 2002-2023.
Table 37. Directions of sulfur export by Kazakhstan in 2006-2023, thousand tons
Table 38. Volumes (thousand tons, thousand $) and directions of sulfur export-import in other CIS countries in 2008-2022, export-import prices ($/t)
Table 39. Average monthly prices for sulfur manufacturing enterprises in Russia in 2008-2024, rub./t (excluding VAT)
Table 40. Average annual prices for sulfur in the Russian Federation and federal districts in 2009-2023, rub./t excluding VAT
Table 41. Export prices of Russian sulfur producers and traders in 2008-2023, $/t
Table 42. Main indicators of the sulfur market in Russia in 2015-2023, thousand tons
Table 43. Main indicators of the sulfur market in Ukraine in 2015-2021, thousand tons, %
Table 44. Main indicators of sulfur production and consumption in Kazakhstan in 2015-2023, thousand tons, %
Table 45. Comparison of the volumes of “apparent” and real consumption of sulfur in the Russian Federation in 2015-2023, thousand tons
Table 46. Industry structure of sulfur consumption in Russia in 2015-2023, thousand tons
Table 47. Production growth rates in selected industries in Russia in 2013-2023,% compared to the previous year
Table 48. Production of sulfuric acid from sulfur and waste gases of industrial enterprises in the Russian Federation in 2005-2023, million tons
Table 49. Production of sulfuric acid and consumption of sulfur (by enterprise) in Russia in 2015-2023, thousand tons
Table 50. Sulfur supplies to the largest Russian chemical industry enterprises in 2015-2023, thousand tons
Table 51. Railway supplies of sulfur to the largest Russian pulp and paper industry enterprises in 2015-2023, thousand tons
Table 52. Key milestones in the development of sulfuric acid production and production of phosphate mineral fertilizers at PhosAgro-Cherepovets JSC
Table 53. Supplies of raw materials to JSC Apatit in 2015-2023, thousand tons
Table 54. Some financial indicators of the activities of JSC Apatit in 2013-2021, billion rubles.
Table 55. Main milestones in the development of sulfuric acid production and the production of phosphate mineral fertilizers in the Balakovo branch of Apatit JSC
Table 56. Railroad supplies of sulfur to the Charitable Branch of JSC Apatit in 2015-2023, thousand tons
Table 57. Main milestones in the development of sulfuric acid production and production of phosphate mineral fertilizers at PG Phosphorit LLC
Table 58. Railroad supplies of sulfur to PG Phosphorit LLC in 2015-2023, thousand tons
Table 59. Some financial indicators of the activities of PG Phosphorit LLC in 2015-2022, million rubles.
Table 60. Main milestones in the development of sulfuric acid production at Eurochem-BMU LLC
Table 61. Some financial indicators of the activities of Eurochem-BMU LLC in 2015-2022, million rubles.
Table 62. Railroad supplies of sulfur to Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers JSC in 2015-2023, thousand tons
Table 63. Forecast of sulfur production in the CIS countries until 2035, million tons
Table 64. Projects to increase sulfur production capacity at Russian refineries for the period until 2025, thousand tons per year
Table 65. Forecast of sulfur production by the largest producers in the CIS for the period until 2035, thousand tons
Table 66. Forecast of sulfur consumption in Russia for the period up to 2035, thousand tons, %
Table 67. Forecast of sulfur consumption in Russia (by enterprises and federal districts) until 2035, thousand tons
Figure 1. Dynamics of world sulfur production in 2000-2023, million tons
Figure 2. Geographical structure of world sulfur production in 2008, 2015 and 2021, %
Figure 3. Sectoral structure of global sulfur consumption
Figure 4. Dynamics of sulfur production by the main producing countries in 2000-2023, million tons
Figure 5. Schematic diagram of the Claus process
Figure 6. Increase in sulfur production capacity in Russia and the CIS countries in 2008-2023. thousand tons
Figure 7. Shares of countries in the total potential of the CIS for sulfur production in 2023, %
Figure 8. Structure of sulfur production capacity in the CIS by production method in 2023, %
Figure 9. Sulfur production in Russia, Kazakhstan and the CIS in 1997-2023, million tons
Figure 10. Shares of CIS countries in total sulfur production in 1997-2023, %
Figure 11. Dynamics of the sectoral structure of sulfur production in the CIS in 2000-2023, %
Figure 12. Dynamics of sulfur production in Russia in 1997-2023, million tons
Figure 13. Dynamics of sulfur production by industry in Russia in 2010-2023, million tons
Figure 14. Capacity utilization for sulfur production by production sectors in Russia in 2020-2023, %
Figure 15. Shares of the largest manufacturing enterprises in the total sulfur output in the Russian Federation in 2023, %
Figure 16. Distribution of sulfur production in the Russian Federation by holdings in 2023, %
Figure 17. Change in the structure of sulfur production by federal districts of the Russian Federation in 2004-2023, %
Figure 18. Changes in the sectoral structure of sulfur production in Russia in 2003-2023, %
Figure 19. Commodity structure of sulfur production in the Russian Federation in 2009-2021, %
Figure 20. Dynamics of sulfur production in Kazakhstan in 1997-2023, thousand tons
Figure 21. Shares of the largest manufacturing enterprises in the total sulfur output in Kazakhstan in 2023, %
Figure 22. Dynamics of sulfur production in Turkmenistan in 2009-2023, thousand tons
Figure 23: Sulfur production in Ukraine in 1998-2021, thousand tons
Figure 24. Shares of the largest sulfur producers in the total production of the CIS in 2023, %
Figure 25. Dynamics of sulfur production at Gazprom Dobycha Astrakhan LLC in 1990-2023, million tons
Figure 26. Commodity structure of sulfur production by Gazprom Dobycha Astrakhan LLC in 2009-2022, %
Figure 27. Dynamics of sulfur production at Gazprom Dobycha Orenburg LLC in 1980-2023, million tons
Figure 28. Commodity structure of sulfur production by Gazprom Dobycha Orenburg LLC in 2009-2022, %
Figure 29. Dynamics of oil production (with gas condensate) and sulfur production of Tengizchevroil LLP in 1997-2023, million tons
Figure 30. Production, sales and sulfur balance at TCO warehouses in 2003-2023, million tons
Figure 31. Production chain of the Polar Branch of PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel
Figure 32. Sulfur utilization at PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel in 1996-2023, thousand tons
Figure 33. Dynamics of foreign trade operations with sulfur in Russia in 1997-2023, million tons
Figure 34. Dynamics of Russian sulfur exports in physical (thousand tons) and monetary ($ million) terms in 1997-2023.
Figure 35. Shares of the main consumer countries in the total volume of sulfur exports of the Russian Federation in 2007-2023, %
Figure 36. Commodity structure of sulfur exports of the Russian Federation in 2007-2023, %
Figure 37. Dynamics of Russian sulfur imports in 1997-2023, thousand tons
Figure 38. Commodity structure of sulfur imports of the Russian Federation in 2007-2022, %
Figure 39. Dynamics of sulfur export-import in Ukraine in 1998-2023, thousand tons
Figure 40. Dynamics of sulfur export-import in Kazakhstan in 1999-2023, thousand tons
Figure 41. Shares of the main consuming countries in the total volume of sulfur exports of Kazakhstan in 2004, 2012, 2019, 2021 and 2023, %
Figure 42. Dynamics of average wholesale prices for sulfur producers in the Russian Federation in 2008-2024, rub./t (excluding VAT)
Figure 43. Dynamics of average annual prices for sulfur by Russian producers in 2006-2023, rub./t (excluding VAT)
Figure 44. Dynamics of Russian export-import prices for sulfur in 1997-2023, $/t
Figure 45. Main financial indicators of sulfur imports of the Russian Federation in 2000-2022, million $, $/t
Figure 46. Dynamics of export-import prices of Ukraine in 1999-2023, $/t
Figure 47. Dynamics of export-import prices of Kazakhstan in 2004-2023, $/t
Figure 48. Comparative dynamics of average export prices for sulfur in the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Ukraine in 2004-2023, $/t
Figure 49. Comparative dynamics of average import prices for sulfur in the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Ukraine in 2004-2023, $/t
Figure 50. Dynamics of production, “apparent” consumption, export and import of sulfur in the Russian Federation in 1997-2023, thousand tons
Figure 51. Dynamics of production, “apparent” consumption, export-import of sulfur in Ukraine in 1998-2021, thousand tons
Figure 52. Main applications of sulfur
Figure 53. Regional structure of sulfur consumption in Russia in 2023, %
Figure 54. Dynamics of production of sulfuric acid and phosphorus-containing fertilizers in Russia in 1997-2023, million tons
Figure 55. Application of mineral fertilizers by Russian agricultural producers in 2006-2021, thousand tons of nutrients
Figure 56. Dynamics of cellulose production in Russia in 2000-2023, million tons
Figure 57. Scheme of vulcanization of polyisoprene (natural rubber) with sulfur
Figure 58. Dynamics of production of sulfuric acid and phosphate fertilizers at JSC Apatit in 2000-2023, thousand tons
Figure 59. Dynamics of production of sulfuric acid and phosphate mineral fertilizers by the Baltic Branch of JSC Apatit in 2000-2023, thousand tons
Figure 60. EuroChem MCC production chain
Figure 61. Dynamics of production of sulfuric acid and phosphate mineral fertilizers at PG Phosphorit LLC in 2000-2023, thousand tons
Figure 62. Dynamics of production of sulfuric acid and phosphate fertilizers at Eurochem-BMU LLC in 2004-2023, thousand tons
Figure 63. Asset diagram of JSC UCC URALCHEM
Figure 64. Dynamics of production of sulfuric acid and phosphate mineral fertilizers at VMU JSC in 2000-2023, thousand tons
Figure 65. Dynamics of oil refining (million tons) and gas (billion m3) in Russia in 1997-2023.
Figure 66. Forecast of sulfur production and consumption in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2035, thousand tons
Figure 67. Forecast of prices (Russian and world) for sulfur until 2035, $/t