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Oxygen in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

ページ数: 73 テーブルの数: 31 桁数: 21
レポートの言語: Russian
リリース: 23.06.2017

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Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and PowerPoint presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

原価報告書: 2 000 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


This report is the first edition of the study of the market of oxygen in Russia.

The purpose of the study is the analysis of the oxygen market.

The object of the study is oxygen (gaseous and liquid).

This paper is a desk study. As sources of information, data from the Federal Service of State Statistics of the Russian Federation (Rosstat), the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (FCS of the Russian Federation), customs statistics and statistics of rail transportation, the UNdata database were used.

The data of the sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers, Internet sites of manufacturing enterprises (suppliers) and consumers of copper scrap were also attracted; The InfoMine database was used; Conference proceedings.

The main chronological scope of the study: 2008-2016; forecast - until 2025.

Geography of the research: Russia.


Scope of the study: the report consists of 9 parts, contains 73 pages, including 31 tables, 21 figures, 1 annex.

The first chapter (introduction) gives a brief description of the industrial gas market in Russia and the role of oxygen.

The second chapter examines the requirements for the quality of gaseous and liquid oxygen in Russia, the main technical characteristics.

The third chapter is devoted to a review of the equipment used to produce oxygen, indicating the main producers and suppliers to the Russian market. The technical characteristics of the air separation plants (ASU) used are also given.

The fourth chapter is devoted to the production of oxygen in Russia (2008-2016) with the identification of major producers. Given the structure of production by industry and region. Separately presented information on the volume of production of commercial oxygen.

In the fifth chapter, the main Russian companies producing oxygen, their equipment, the dynamics of the release of oxygen and other products were examined.

The sixth chapter of the survey provides data on exports and imports of oxygen in Russia in 2008-2016.

The seventh chapter is devoted to a brief review of the prices of liquid oxygen.

The eighth chapter describes the use of oxygen in Russia, shows the balance of production and consumption, the structure of oxygen consumption (including commodity), shows the main areas of use.

In the ninth chapter, the forecast "InfoMine" for the consumption of oxygen in Russia before 2025 is given.

The appendix gives the addresses and contact information of the main participants of the oxygen market in Russia.


The target audience of the study:

- participants in the market of industrial gases - producers, consumers, traders;

- potential investors.

The proposed study claims to be a reference tool for marketing services and specialists who make managerial decisions on the Russian market of industrial gases.



1. Introduction. The market of industrial gases in Russia


2. Requirements for the quality of oxygen


3. Equipment used to produce oxygen, major producers


4. Production of oxygen in Russia (2008-2016).


5. The main producers of oxygen in Russia



ZF of OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel


OJSC ChMK (Mechel)

OJSC Severstal (CherMK)


Specialized companies

Air Liquide

Linde Gas



6. Export-import of oxygen of Russia (2008-2016).


7. The price of oxygen in 2010-2016.


8. Consumption of oxygen in Russia (2008-2016).

8.1. The balance of production-consumption of oxygen, the structure of the use of oxygen

8.2. Main areas of oxygen consumption and trends in their development

Ferrous metallurgy

Other main areas of consumption


9. Forecast of production and consumption of oxygen in Russia before 2025.


Application. Contact information on the main participants of the oxygen market in Russia

Table 1: Requirements for the quality of gaseous oxygen (GOST 5583-78)

Table 2: Requirements for the quality of liquid oxygen (GOST 6331-78)

Table 3: The main technical characteristics of the cryogenic ASP of JSC "Cryogenmash", which produce oxygen

Table 4: Basic parameters of cryogenic ASUs of JSC "Cryogenmash", producing oxygen

Table 5: Deliveries of ASU of JSC "Cryogenmash" to Russian enterprises (1992-2017).

Table 6: Supplies of ASPs by Western companies to Russian enterprises taking into account on-site (2006-2017).

Table 7: Technical characteristics of industrial electrolysis cells of the Uralkimmash SEU

Table 8: Technical characteristics of industrial electrolytic cells of BEU and FV of OJSC "Uralkhimmash"

Table 9: Dynamics of production of oxygen by Russian enterprises * by industry (2008-2016), million m3

Table 10: Dynamics of oxygen production by the main Russian regions in 2008-2016, million m3

Table 11: Production of oxygen by Russian enterprises in 2008-2016, million m3

Table 12: Dynamics of production of oxygen, cast iron and steel by NLMK in 2010-2016, thousand tons, million m3

Table 13: Air separation plants operating at major producers of oxygen in Russia

Table 14: Dynamics of production of MMK oxygen, iron and steel in 2010-2016, thousand tons, million m3

Table 15: Dynamics of production of the Polar Division of MMC Norilsk Nickel of oxygen, copper and nickel in 2010-2016, thousand tons, million m3

Table 16: Dynamics of production of oxygen, cast iron and steel at ZSMK in 2010-2016, thousand tons, million m3

Table 17: Production dynamics for CMP of oxygen, iron and steel in 2010-2016, thousand tons, million m3

Table 18: Production dynamics for CherMK oxygen, iron and steel in 2010-2016, thousand tons, million m3

Table 19: Dynamics of production of oxygen, iron and steel at NTMK in 2010-2016, thousand tons, million m3

Table 20: Production of oxygen by Air Liquide divisions in Russia (2010-2016), million m3

Table 21: Production of oxygen by Linde Gas units in Russia (2010-2016), million m3

Table 22: The main financial indicators of JSC "LSR" in 2012-2016. , Million rubles.

Table 23: Production of oxygen by Praxair in Russia (2010-2016), million m3

Table 24: Directions of supplies in the Russian Federation of oxygen (2018-2016), thousand tons / million dollars

Table 25: Directions of deliveries from the Russian Federation of oxygen (2018-2016), thousand t / million dollars

Table 26: Russian companies importing liquid oxygen in 2012-2016, kt

Table 27: Dynamics of the average monthly domestic prices of the Russian Federation for liquid oxygen (2010-2016), rubles / t

Table 28: Balance of production and consumption of oxygen in Russia (2008-2016), kt

Table 29: Companies receiving liquid oxygen by rail in Russia (2008-2016), t

Table 30: The main Russian consumers of oxygen in the ferrous metallurgy (2014-2016), bn m3

Table 31: Characteristics of new projects and enterprises in the Russian ferrous metallurgy (2017-2019).

Figure 1: Structure of industrial gas production in Russia (2016),%

Figure 2: Types and characteristics of air separation plants of JSC "Cryogenmash"

Figure 3: Technological layout of the location of the equipment of the AS of KtA manufactured by OJSC Cryogenmash

Figure 4: Dynamics of oxygen production in Russia (2008-2016) *, bcm

Figure 5: Structure of oxygen production in Russia (averaged over 2008-2016 *),%

Figure 6: Regional structure of oxygen production in Russia (averaged over 2008-2016 *),%

Figure 7: Structure of oxygen production in Russia by major manufacturing enterprises (2016),%

Figure 8: Dynamics of oxygen production by the largest producers (TOP-10) in 2014-2016, million m3

Figure 9: Dynamics of the production of commercial oxygen in Russia (2010-2016), million m3

Figure 10: Technological scheme of production of metals of the Polar Division of OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel

Figure 11: Layout of Linde Gas structures in Russia

Figure 12: Dynamics of export and import of the Russian Federation of oxygen (2008-2016), kt

Figure 13: Average monthly producer prices for liquid oxygen in Russia in 2010-2016, rubles / t (excluding VAT)

Figure 14: Dynamics of average annual contractual import prices of the Russian Federation for liquid oxygen (2010-2016), $ / t

Figure 15: Structure of oxygen consumption in Russia in 2016,%

Figure 16: Structure of consumption of commercial oxygen in Russia in 2016,%

Figure 17: Scheme of the main flows of commercial oxygen in Russia

Figure 18: Average sectoral structure of shipments of commodity liquid oxygen by rail in Russia (2008-2016),%

Figure 19: Structure of the use of oxygen in the Russian ferrous metallurgy * (2016),%

Figure 20: Dynamics of production of cast iron, open-hearth furnace, oxygen-converter steel, electric steel and oxygen consumption in ferrous metallurgy, mln tons

Figure 21: Forecast of oxygen consumption in Russia before 2025, million tons



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