Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) from the Textile Industry, Polyester Fibers and Yarns and Raw Materials for their Production in the CIS: Production, Market and Forecast (2nd edition)
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This report is the second edition of the study of the markets of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) for textile purposes, polyester fibers and yarns and raw materials for their production in the CIS, it is dedicated to identifying the main market participants, determining the prospects for demand for the products in question.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the market for PET textiles, polyester fibers and yarns and raw materials for their production in the CIS.
The object of study is PET for textile purposes, polyester fibers and threads and raw materials for their production.
The presented work is a desk study. The sources of information were the UN databases (UNdate), the Statistical Committees of the CIS countries (including the Rosstat, the GKS of Belarus, the Statistics Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan), the customs statistics of the Russian Federation and Ukraine; materials of the sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities, Internet sites of enterprises-producers and consumers of the products in question, as well as the database "InfoMine".
Chronological framework of the study: 2007-2017; the forecast is 2018-2025
Research geography: Russian Federation - a comprehensive detailed analysis of the market, Ukraine, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Belarus and other CIS countries - a general retrospective analysis.
The report consists of 7 parts, contains 129 pages, including 38 tables, 43 figures and 3 appendices.
Chapter 1 provides a detailed description of the markets for raw materials for the production of polyethylene terephthalate, as well as polyester fibers and filaments. The dynamics of their production, foreign trade operations and prices, demand from the main consumers in 2007-2017, as well as forecast indicators for the period up to 2025, are presented. The logistics of the delivery of raw materials to consumers is considered.
Chapter 2 contains information on the production of PET for textile purposes, polyester fibers and threads in 2007-2017. in the CIS, a forecast for the period up to 2025 is given. The chapter presents a description of the largest enterprise-producers of the analyzed products, the level of their production capacity utilization.
Chapter 3 introduces the dynamics and structure of foreign trade in PET for textile purposes, polyester fibers and threads in the CIS countries in 2007-2017.
Chapter 4 contains a price analysis of the market for the products under consideration: pricing mechanisms are described, a retrospective (2007–2017) and forecast (until 2025) price dynamics are presented, and a comparative analysis of prices in the world and Russian markets is carried out.
Chapter 5 is devoted to the consumption of the products in question in the CIS countries in 2007-2017. and the forecast for the period up to 2025. Here are the balance of supply and demand, the largest countries and consumer companies, as well as logistics companies and traders present in the market. Also, the sectoral structure of consumption is given, the indicators of market concentration in the industry are analyzed.
Chapter 6 presents the factors influencing the development of the analyzed markets. In particular, a PEST analysis was made, indicators of state regulation of the market, the rate of innovation in the industry, barriers to entry into the industry were considered in more detail.
Chapter 7 is devoted to a brief description of the market for basic substitutes and the forecast of its development.
The appendices provide contact information for the largest market participants (producers, consumers, traders) of the products in question in the CIS.
Target audience of the study:
- market participants of polyethylene terephthalate (primary and secondary) and polyester products (fibers and yarns) - producers and consumers, traders.
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be a reference tool for marketing services and management decision-makers working in the market for PET and polyester products.
1. PET production technology. Raw materials supply of polyethylene terephthalate and polyester products in the CIS
1.1. Production technology
1.2. The main raw material for the production of PET
1.3. Main producers and directions of raw materials supply
1.4. Dynamics of supply and demand balance in the raw materials market in 2007-2017 and forecast for 2018-2025
1.4.1. Terephthalic acid
1.4.2. Monoethylene glycol
1.5. Dynamics of prices for raw materials in 2007-2017 and forecast for 2018-2025
1.5.1. Terephthalic acid
1.5.2. Monoethylene glycol
1.6. Analysis of the possibility of raw materials for the Russian production of PET textile (film) destination at the expense of Russian / foreign producers of raw materials
2. Production of polyethylene terephthalate and polyester products in the CIS
2.1. Production of PET and polyester products in 2007-2017 35
2.1.1. Russia
2.1.2. Belorussia
2.1.3. Other CIS countries
2.2. Capacity utilization rate
2.3. Production forecast for the period up to 2025
3. Foreign trade operations with PET and polyester products in the CIS in 2007-2017
3.1. Dynamics of export / import of primary PET granules
3.2. Dynamics of exports / imports of polyester products
4. Analysis of prices for polyethylene terephthalate for textile purposes, polyester fibers and threads
4.1. Description of pricing mechanisms
4.2. Analysis of historical (2007-2017) price dynamics
4.3. Forecast (2018–2025) analysis of price movements
4.4. Comparative analysis of the average level of world market prices and prices of polyester products in the Russian Federation
5. Consumption of PET and polyester products in the CIS
5.1. Dynamics and structure of consumption by countries and enterprises in 2007-2017, the forecast for the period up to 2025
5.1.1. Russia
5.1.2. Belorussia
5.1.3. Other countries
5.2. The current state of the largest Russian consumer companies and trade and logistics companies
5.3. Market concentration indicators in the industry
6. Factors Affecting Market Development
6.1. PEST analysis
6.2. Degree of state regulation of the market
6.3. The rate of innovation and technological change in the industry
6.4. Barriers to entry into the industry
7. A brief overview of the market of basic substitutes, market development forecast
Appendix 1. Contact information of the largest enterprise-producers of PET fiber and threads in the CIS
Appendix 2. List of the largest enterprises-consumers of PET fiber and threads in the Russian Federation
Appendix 3. Contact information of the largest beneficiaries of PET fiber in Russia
Table 1. The largest countries exporters / importers of TPA for the production of PET in the CIS in 2007-2017, kt
Table 2. The largest countries exporters / importers of ethylene glycol for the production of PET in the CIS in 2007-2017, kt
Table 3. The balance of supply and demand in the market of physical complex operations in the CIS in 2007-2017, kt,%
Table 4. Forecast of production of terephthalic acid (TPA) in Russia for the period up to 2030 by producers, kt
Table 5. Balance of supply and demand for MEG in the CIS in 2007-2017, kt,%
Table 6. Polymer PET granulate production (from TPA or DMT and MEG) in the CIS countries in 2007-2017, kt
Table 7. PET manufacturing enterprises in the CIS countries in 2017
Table 8. Production of polyester fibers and yarns in the CIS countries in 2007-2017, kt
Table 9. Production of primary PET polymer in Russia by enterprises in 2009–2017, kt
Table 10. Russian producers of polyester staple fiber (secondary) and polyester yarn in 2013-2017, kt,%
Table 11. Forecast of global demand for BOPET films (by type of film) for the period up to 2022
Table 12. Production of polyethylene terephthalate and polyester products in Russia in 2007-2017, kt
Table 13. Projects for the construction of new PET productions in Russia
Table 14. Production of polyethylene terephthalate and polyester products in Belarus in 2007-2017, kt
Table 15. Loading of capacities for the production of polyester products in the CIS in 2007-2017,%
Table 16. Forecast of production of polyester products in Russia for the period up to 2025 by manufacturers, kt
Table 17. The largest countries exporters / importers of PET granulate in the CIS in 2007-2017, kt
Table 18. The largest countries exporters / importers of PEF fibers and threads in the CIS in 2007-2017, kt
Table 19. The largest Russian recipient companies of imported PET fiber in 2012-2017, kt
Table 20. The largest Ukrainian companies, recipients of imported PET fiber in 2012-2017, kt
Table 21. The largest recipients of imported PET threads in Russia in 2012-2017, kt
Table 22. The largest recipients of imported PET threads in Ukraine in 2012-2017, kt
Table 23. Estimation of the gross margin of PET production at Mogilevkhimvolokno OJSC in 2007-2017, forecast for the period up to 2030, $ / t
Table 24. Consumption of polyethylene terephthalate (granulate, flexs) of textile purpose in the CIS in 2007-2017, kt
Table 25. Consumption of polyethylene terephthalate (granules, flexs) for textile purposes in the CIS in 2007-2017, kt
Table 26. Consumption of polyester products (fibers and threads) in the CIS in 2007-2017, kt
Table 27. Indicators of polyethylene terephthalate (granulate) market in Russia in 2007-2017, kt,%
Table 28. Supply-demand balance for textile PET and polyester products in Russia in 2007-2017, kt
Table 29. Market indicators of primary polymer PET in Belarus in 2007-2017, kt,%
Table 30. Supply-demand balance for textile PET in Belarus in 2007-2017, kt
Table 31. Supply-demand balance for PE fiber and yarn in Belarus in 2007-2017, kt
Table 31. Supply-demand balance for textile PET in other CIS countries (Uzbekistan, Ukraine) in 2007-2017, kt
Table 32. Products sold by LLC "Ruskhimvolokno"
Table 34. The range of PET fibers sold by Vostokkhimvolokno Group of Companies
Table 35. Indicators of market concentration of polyester products in Russia and the CIS in 2017
Table 36. Growth rates of some sectors of industrial production in Russia in 2010-2017,% to prev. year
Table 37. Indicators of innovation activities of enterprises of certain industries in the Russian Federation in 2014-2017
Table 38. Key Indicators of the Strategy for the Development of Light Industry in the Russian Federation until 2025
Figure 1. Applications of PET depending on the value of the characteristic viscosity
Figure 2. Main uses of polyester products
Figure 3. Comparison of global and Russian PET consumption patterns by segment
Figure 4. PET production technology
Figure 5. The dynamics of the balance of supply and demand in the TFC market in the CIS in 2007-2017 and forecast for the period up to 2025, kt
Figure 6. Scheme of the project for the construction of the production of TPA and PET (bottle, fiber and film) in the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation
Figure 7. Dynamics of supply and demand balance in the MEG market in the CIS in 2007-2017 and forecast for the period up to 2025, kt
Figure 8. Dynamics of Russian prices for export-import of TPA in 2007-2017 ($ / t), the ratio of prices for TFC and oil in 2007-2025.
Figure 9. Dynamics of domestic and export prices for MEG in the Russian Federation in 2007-2017 ($ / t), the ratio of prices for MEG and oil in 2007-2025.
Figure 10. Dynamics of production of primary PET polymer (including textile purposes) in the CIS countries in 2007-2017, kt
Figure 11. Dynamics of polyester fiber production in the CIS in 2007-2017, kt
Figure 12. Dynamics of production of polyester technical threads in the CIS in 2007-2017, kt
Figure 13. Dynamics of production of polyester textile yarns in the CIS in 2007-2017, kt
Figure 14. Dynamics of production of primary PET polymer in Russia in 2003-2017, kt
Figure 15. Shares of the largest producers of primary polymer PET in Russia in 2017,%
Figure 16. Balance of supply and demand of BOPET films in the Russian Federation in 2014-217, kt
Figure 17. Import (thousand tons) and the share of imports in consumption (%) of BOPET films in the Russian Federation in 2014-2017
Figure 18. Product structure of production of PET and polyester products in Russia in 2017,%
Figure 19. Dynamics of production of primary PET polymer in Belarus in 2007-2017, kt
Figure 20. Dynamics of production of main types of products of JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" in 2010-2017, kt
Figure 21. Dynamics of production and export of textile PET threads of SvetlogorskKhimvolokno OJSC in 2010-2017, kt
Figure 22. Forecast dynamics of the production of polyester products in Russia for the period up to 2025, kt
Figure 23. Dynamics of Russian imports of polyester fiber by supplying countries in 2007-2017, kt
Figure 24. Dynamics of Belarusian average annual prices of exports of primary PET, polyester fibers and threads in 2007-2017, $ / t
Figure 25. Dynamics of average prices of imports of PET, polyester fibers and yarn in Russia in 2007-2017, $ / t
Figure 26. Dynamics of the gross margin of production of polyethylene terephthalate in JSC "Mogilevchimvolokno" in 2007-2017 and forecast for the period up to 2030, $ / t
Figure 27. Dynamics of average annual prices of Chinese exports of PET, polyester fibers and yarn in 2007-2017, $ / t
Figure 28. Comparative dynamics of export prices for Chinese and Belarusian polyester fibers in the Russian Federation in 2007-2017, $ / t
Figure 29. Comparative dynamics of export prices for Chinese and Belarusian polyester yarn in the Russian Federation in 2007-2017, $ / t
Figure 30. Dynamics of consumption of PET (primary and secondary) textile destination in the CIS countries in 2007-2017, kt
Figure 31. Sectoral pattern of consumption of PET for textile purposes in the CIS countries in 2017,%
Figure 32. Shares of the largest consumers of PET for textile purposes in the total volume of consumption in the CIS in 2017,%
Figure 33. Dynamics of consumption of PE fiber in the CIS countries in 2007-2017, kt
Figure 34. Sectoral structure of consumption of recycled PET fiber in the CIS countries in 2017,%
Figure 35. Sectoral structure of consumption of primary PET fiber in the CIS countries in 2017,%
Figure 36. Dynamics of consumption of PET threads in the CIS countries in 2007-2017, kt
Figure 37. Sectoral structure of consumption of technical PEF threads in the CIS countries in 2017,%
Figure 38. Sectoral pattern of consumption of textile PET threads in the CIS countries in 2017,%
Figure 39. Structure of PET consumption in Russia by type in 2017,%
Figure 40. Industrial use of polyester fibers and yarns by major segments of the Russian market in 2007-2017. and for the future up to 2025, kt
Figure 41. Dynamics of main indicators of the polyethylene terephthalate market in Belarus in 2007-2017, kt
Figure 42. Product structure of consumption of PET and polyester products in Belarus in 2017,%
Figure 43. Structure of production of synthetic fibers and threads by types in Russia in 2017,%