Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC) and Polyanionic Cellulose (PAC) in the CIS: Production, Market and Forecast (5 edition)
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This report is the fifth edition of a market study for carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and polyanionic cellulose (PAC) in Russia and the CIS.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the market for CMC and PAC in Russia and the CIS.
A distinctive feature of this study is the analysis of not only the Russian market, but also the markets of Ukraine and other CIS countries. Information about the Russian market includes a detailed description of the largest manufacturers and consumers of the chemical under consideration.
The work is a desk study. The sources of information were the data of Rosstat, the committees on statistics of the CIS countries, customs statistics of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, the site of foreign trade operations UNdata, statistics of railway transportation of the Russian Federation; materials from the industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers, websites of manufacturing enterprises and consumers of the CMC / PAC were used. Some of the data was confirmed and refined by telephone interviews with specialists from the enterprises considered in this report.
Chronological scope of the study: 2001-2020; forecast for the period up to 2030
Geography of research: Russian Federation - a comprehensive detailed analysis of the market, the rest of the CIS countries - a general retrospective analysis of the markets.
The report consists of 6 Sections, contains 139 pages, including 32 Figures, 58 Tables and 3 Appendices.
The first chapter of the report provides information on the raw materials required for the production of carboxymethyl cellulose, its characteristics. Also in this chapter, the technology for the production of CMC / PAC is considered in detail.
The second chapter is devoted to the production of CMC / PAC in the CIS countries. This section provides quality indicators of the products obtained, provides statistical and estimated data on the volume of production of CMC / PAC in Russia and the CIS countries. The enterprises-manufacturers of CMC / PAC in Russia and the CIS, the current situation at these plants and development prospects are described in detail.
The third chapter of the report provides data on foreign trade operations with carboxymethyl cellulose and polyanionic cellulose in Russia and the CIS.
The fourth chapter provides information on producer prices on the Russian market. In addition, data on changes in export-import prices for products in Russia and import prices in other CIS countries have been analyzed.
The fifth chapter of the report examines the consumption of CMC / PAC. This section presents the balance of production and consumption of these products, the sectoral structure of consumption, characterizes the main consumer industries, as well as the current state and development prospects of the largest consumer enterprises in Russia.
The sixth chapter of the report provides a forecast of the development of the Russian market for carboxymethyl cellulose and polyanionic cellulose for the period up to 2030.
The appendices contain a list of the largest service companies operating in the non-oil and gas market of the Russian Federation, as well as the addresses and contact information of enterprises producing and consuming CMC / PAC in the CIS countries.
Target audience of the study:
- CMC / PAC market participants - producers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be a reference manual for marketing services and management decision-makers working in the CMC / PAC market.
I. Technology for the production of carboxymethyl cellulose and polyanionic cellulose and raw materials used in industry
I.1 Methods for the production of CMC and PAC
I.2 Main suppliers of raw materials, directions and volumes of supplies
II. Production of carboxymethyl cellulose and polyanionic cellulose in the CIS
II.1 Product quality
II.2. The volume of production of carboxymethyl cellulose and polyanionic cellulose in the CIS in 1997-2020
II.3. The main manufacturers of CMC / PAC in Russia
II.4. Production indicators by type (CMC and PAC)
II.5. Current state of the largest Russian producers of carboxymethyl cellulose and polyanionic cellulose in the CIS
II.5.1. LLC "Biya-Sintez" (Biysk, Altai Territory, RF)
II.5.2. LLC "Davos-Trading" (Aksai, Rostov region, RF)
II.5.3. CJSC "Karbokam" (Krasnokamsk, Perm region, RF)
II.5.4. FKP "Combine" Kamensky "(Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov region, RF)
II.5.5. Policell CJSC (Vladimir, RF)
II.5.6. Other Russian manufacturers
II.5.7. Kazakhstan
II.5.8. Uzbekistan
III. Export-import of carboxymethyl cellulose and polyanionic cellulose in the CIS
III.1. Foreign trade operations with CMC / PAC in Russia in 1997-2020
III.1.1. Import
CHONGQING Lihong Fine Chemicals Co. LTD (China)
DENKIM Denizli Kimya (Turkey)
LANDOIL Chemical Group (China)
III.1.2. Brief description of the main manufacturers of imported CMC / PACs present on the Russian market
UGUR Seluloz Kimya (Turkey)
M-I Swaco (USA)
UNITECH Chemicals (ZIBO) LTD. (China)
CP KELCO OY (Finland)
Shanghai EVERBRIGHT Enterprise Development Co. LTD (China)
III.1.3. Export
III.2. Foreign trade operations with CMC / PAC in Ukraine in 1999-2020
III.3. Export-import of CMC / PAC in other CIS countries in 2005-2020
IV. Review of prices for carboxymethyl cellulose and polyanionic cellulose
IV.1. Current domestic prices for CMC / PAC in Russia
IV.2. Dynamics of export-import prices in the Russian Federation in 2003-2020
IV.3. Import prices for CMC / PAC in other CIS countries in 2010-2020
V. Consumption of carboxymethyl cellulose and polyanionic cellulose in the CIS
V.1. The balance of consumption of CMC / PAC in Russia in 2001-2020
V.2. Consumption structure of CMC / PAC in Russia
V.3. Balance and structure of consumption of CMC / PAC in Ukraine in 2001-2020
V.4. Main industries-consumers of CMC / PAC
V.4.1. Application of CMC / PAC in the oil and gas industry
V.4.2. The technology of flotation concentration of ores and the use of CMC as a flotation reagent
V.4.3. The use of CMC in the production of synthetic detergents
V.4.4. The use of CMC in the composition of building materials
V.4.5. Application of CMC in the pulp and paper industry
V.4.6. Application of CMC in the food industry
V.4.7. Other sectors of the Russian economy using CMC
V.5. Main enterprises-consumers of CMC / PAC
V.5.1. PJSC "NK" Rosneft "(Moscow)
V.5.2. PJSC "Surgutneftegas" (Surgut, Tyumen region)
V.5.3. LLC "Drilling company" Eurasia "(Moscow)
V.5.4. PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel (Krasnoyarsk Territory)
V.5.5. LLC Procter and Gamble-Novomoskovsk (Novomoskovsk, Tula region)
V.5.6. JSC "Borovichi Refractories Plant" (Borovichi, Novgorod Region)
VI. Forecast of the market development for carboxymethyl cellulose and polyanionic cellulose for the period up to 2030
Appendix 1: List of the largest oil and gas service companies operating in the Russian market
Appendix 2: Contact information of CMC / PAC manufacturers in the CIS
Appendix 3: Contact information of the largest Russian consumers of CMC / PAC
Table 1: Application of CMC / PAC in industry and its main substitutes
Table 2: Physical and chemical indicators of technical cellulose
Table 3: Producers of CMC / PAC in the CIS, their production facilities and main suppliers of raw materials
Table 4: Technical characteristics of carboxymethyl cellulose
Table 5: Production of CMC / PAC in the CIS countries in 2010-2020, thousand tons
Table 6: Production of CMC / PAC by the largest producers in the Russian Federation in 2003-2020, thousand tons
Table 7: Main characteristics of polyanionic cellulose produced by OOO Biya-Sintez (TU 2231-066-50664923-2005)
Table 8: Main characteristics of carboxymethyl cellulose produced by OOO Biya-Sintez (TU 2231-001-50664923-2005)
Table 9: Railway deliveries to the largest consumer enterprises of CMC / PAC manufactured by Biya-Sintez LLC in 2010-2020, t
Table 10: Some financial indicators of the activity of LLC "Biya-Sintez" in 2013-2020, million rubles.
Table 11: Technical characteristics of the CMC produced by Davos-Trading LLC (TU 2231-001-5353-5770-01)
Table 12: Technical characteristics of the CMC of the Davoscell and PAC brands produced by Davos-Trading LLC
Table 13: Some financial performance indicators of Davos-Trading LLC in 2013-2020, RUB mln.
Table 14: Main characteristics of carboxymethyl cellulose (TU 2231-002-50277563-2000) and polyanionic cellulose (TU 2231-010-50277563-2003) produced by CJSC Karbokam
Table 15: Railroad deliveries to the largest consumer enterprises of CMC / PAC produced by CJSC Karbokam in 2010-2020, t
Table 16: Some financial indicators of the activity of CJSC "Karbokam" in 2013-2020, million rubles.
Table 17: Technical characteristics of CMC grades 55H, 55C, 75H, 75C, 75B, 75B * manufactured by FKP "Combine" Kamensky "
Table 18: Technical characteristics of CMC grades 85H, 85C and 85H of different grades produced by FKP "Combine" Kamensky "
Table 19: Railway supplies to the largest consumer enterprises of CMC / PAC produced by FKP Kombinat Kamenskiy in 2010-2020, t
Table 20: Technical characteristics of the brand Policell KMTs 7, 9 produced by CJSC Policell (TU2231-017-32957739-09)
Table 21: Technical characteristics of the Policell KMTs-TS brand produced by Policell CJSC (TU2231-009-32957739-2009)
Table 22: Railroad deliveries to the largest consumer enterprises of CMC / PAC produced by CJSC Policell in 2010-2020, t
Table 23: Some financial performance indicators of Policell CJSC in 2013-2020, RUB mln.
Table 24: Technical characteristics of the CMC produced by LLC Carbocell Plant (TU 2231-001-68373646-2010)
Table 25: Some financial indicators of the activity of LLC "Plant Karbocel" in 2013-2020, million rubles.
Table 26: Some financial performance indicators of Technological Systems LLC in 2013-2020, RUB mln.
Table 27: Foreign trade of carboxymethyl cellulose and polyanionic cellulose in the Russian Federation in 1997-2020, t, million $, $ / t
Table 28: Main countries-suppliers of CMC / PAC to Russia in 2010-2020, ton
Table 29: The largest foreign companies supplying CMC / PAC to Russia in 2010-2020, t
Table 30: Main Russian consumers of imported CMC / PAC in 2010-2020, ton
Table 31: Main countries-consumers of the Russian CMC / PAC in 2010-2020, tons
Table 32: Export of CMC / PAC by Russian enterprises in 2010-2020, t
Table 33: Foreign trade of carboxymethyl cellulose and polyanionic cellulose in Ukraine in 1999-2020, t, million $, $ / t
Table 34: Main countries-suppliers of CMC / PAC to Ukraine 2010-2020, tons
Table 35: The largest supplying companies of CMC / PAC to Ukraine in 2010-2020, t
Table 36: Main Ukrainian consumers of imported CMC / PAC in 2010-2020, tons
Table 37: Volumes of foreign trade operations with CMC / PAC of the CIS countries in 2010-2020, tons, thousand $
Table 38: The largest supplying countries of CMC / PAC to Kazakhstan in 2010-2020, t
Table 39: Average prices of the largest supplying countries of CMC / PAC to Russia in 2013-2020, $ / kg
Table 40: Average prices of the largest supplying companies of CMC / PAC to Russia in 2013-2020, $ / kg
Table 41: Export prices for the main consumer countries of the Russian CMC / PAC in 2013-2020, $ / kg
Table 42: Export prices for the main suppliers of the Russian CMC / PAC in 2013-2020, $ / kg
Table 43: Average import prices for the CIS countries in 2010-2020, $ / kg
Table 44: Balance of production-consumption of CMC / PAC in Russia in 2007-2020, thousand tons,%
Table 45: Indicators of consumption of CMC / PAC in Ukraine in 2007-2020; T, %
Table 46: The volume of production and exploration drilling in the Russian Federation in 2008-2020, km
Table 47: Performance of work under construction contracts in Russia in 2008-2020, billion rubles,% to the previous one year
Table 48: Main Russian consumers of CMC / PAC in 2017 and 2020, tonnes
Table 49: The volume of production and exploratory drilling of PJSC NK Rosneft in 2011-2020, km
Table 50: Some financial performance indicators of LLC RN-Burenie in 2013-2020, billion rubles.
Table 51: Selected financial indicators of PJSC “Surgutneftegas” activities in 2013-2020, billion rubles.
Table 52: Some financial performance indicators of BKE LLC in 2013-2020, RUB mln.
Table 53: Supplies of CMC / PAC to Kola MMC JSC in 2007-2020, t
Table 54: Some financial performance indicators of PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel in 2013-2020, billion rubles.
Table 55: Supplies of CMC to LLC Procter and Gamble-Novomoskovsk in 2007-2020, ton
Table 56: Some financial performance indicators of Procter & Gamble-Novomoskovsk LLC in 2013-2020, RUB mln.
Table 57: Some financial indicators of JSC "BKO" in 2013-2020, million rubles.
Table 58. Growth rates of production in selected industries in Russia in 2010-2020, % to the previous year
Figure 1: Schematic flow diagram of the production of CMC from cotton cellulose, intermediate products of the process of production of cellulose and linters
Figure 2: Production of CMC / PAC in the CIS countries in 1997-2020, thousand tons
Figure 3: Comparison of the structure of CMC / PAC production in the CIS countries in 2001-2020,%
Figure 4: Structure of CMC / PAC production by enterprises in Russia in 2020,%
Figure 5: Structure of production of CMC / PAC in the Russian Federation by enterprises in 2001, 2011, 2018, 2020,%
Figure 6: Dynamics of CMC / PAC production at Biya-Sintez LLC in 2014-2020.
Figure 7: Production of CMC / PAC JSC "Karbokam" in 1999-2020, t
Figure 8: Production of carboxymethyl cellulose and polyanionic cellulose at FKP "Combine" Kamenskiy "in 1999-2020, tons
Figure 9: Railroad deliveries of cellulose to FKP Kombinat Kamenskiy in 2010-2020, t
Figure 10: Production of CMC / PAC, railway supplies of cellulose to Policell CJSC in 2012-2020, thousand tons
Figure 11: Dynamics of export-import of CMC / PAC in the Russian Federation in 1997-2020, thousand tons
Figure 12: Dynamics of Russian imports of CMC / PAC in 1997-2020, thousand tons, million $
Figure 13: Dynamics of Russian imports of CMC / PAC by supplying countries in 2003-2020, thousand tons
Figure 14: Change in the structure of supplies of CMC / PAC in the Russian Federation by country in 2005-2020,%
Figure 15: Dynamics of Russian exports of CMC / PAC in 1997-2020, thousand tons, million $
Figure 16: Dynamics of Russian exports of CMC / PAC by recipient countries in 2003-2020, thousand tons
Figure 17: Dynamics of CMC / PAC imports in Ukraine in 1999-2020, thousand tons
Figure 18: Dynamics of supplies of CMC / PAC to the CIS countries in 2005-2020, t
Figure 19: Dynamics of export-import prices for CMC / PAC in the Russian Federation in 2003-2020, $ / kg
Figure 20: Dynamics of the main indicators of the CMC / PAC market in Russia in 2001-2020, thousand tons
Figure 21: The main directions of use of CMC / PAC in Russia in 2018-2020,%
Figure 22: Dynamics of the main indicators of the CMC / PAC market in Ukraine in 2001-2020, thousand tons
Figure 23: Main directions of CMC / PAC use in Ukraine in 2018 and 2020,%
Figure 24: The total volume of drilling in Russia in 2005-2020, thousand km
Figure 25: Structure of well drilling in the Russian oil industry by company in 2020,%
Figure 26: Dynamics of the production of SMS in the Russian Federation in 1997-2020, thousand tons
Figure 27: Dynamics of production of basic SMS by the largest Russian enterprises in 2009-2020, thousand tons
Figure 28. Dynamics of the production of pulp, paper and cardboard in Russia in 2000-2020, million tons
Figure 29: Dynamics of drilling volumes (exploration and production) of PJSC "Surgutneftegas" in 2014-2020, km
Figure 30: Dynamics of drilling volumes (exploration and production) of BKE LLC in 2014-2020, km
Figure 31: Dynamics of proppant production at Borovichi Refractories Plant JSC in 2000-2020, thousand tons
Figure 32: Forecast of production and consumption of CMC / PAC in Russia for the period up to 2030