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Secondary Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

ページ数: 143 テーブルの数: 37 桁数: 30
レポートの言語: Russian
リリース: 21.09.2015

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原価報告書: 2 000 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


This report is the second edition of the study of the secondary market of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) in Russia. The report is devoted to the identification of key participants, to determine the prospects of demand for these products.

The purpose of research – analysis of the Russian market of recycled PET.

The object of study – recycled PET.

This work is a Desk study. As sources of information was used the database of the United Nations (UNdata), , the customs statistics of the Russian Federation; the materials sector and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities, Internet-sites of company-producers and consumers of recycled PET, as well as the database of "INFOMINE".

The chronological scope of the study: 2003-2014; Outlook 2015-2019

Geography research: Russian Federation – a comprehensive detailed analysis of the market.


The report consists of 8 sections, contains 143 pages, including 37 tables, 30 figures and Appendix.

Chapter 1 provides a brief description of the Russian market of primary terephthalate and PET preforms (preforms for blow molding plastic packaging) 2003-2014

Chapter 2 contains information on the types of recycled PET, its characteristics and properties.

Chapter 3 introduces the structure of education in Russia, PET wastes, and to the accumulation of industrial and domestic waste. Because the cost of recycled PET plays a significant role logistics experts LLC "INFOMINE" tried to give detailed geographical picture of waste generation. Maybe it will help to minimize costs when selecting the location for the next processing or sorting of the enterprise. In addition, this Chapter presents forecast of PET waste in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2019

In Chapter 4 the analysis of the organization of the collection and preparation of PET waste to recycling. The methods of data collection, basic processing stage of the collected PET waste.

Description and characteristics of existing methods of recycling PET waste is presented in Chapter 5.

Chapter 6 analyzes the market for recycled PET in Russia in 2005-2014 In particular here, given the technological scheme of production of PET flakes and PET granules, characteristic and the amount of processing plastic waste for the main players of the market of recycled PET, considered the experience of foreign trade in PET waste are the prices of different types of recycled PET and price forecasts, and analyzes the level of demand for recycled PET in the Russian market that presents a balance of production-consumption of this product. In addition this Chapter presents the forecast of market development for the period up to 2019

Chapter 7 discusses the main areas of consumption of recycled PET. A description is presented of the largest enterprises-consumers of raw materials.

Chapter 8 presents basic legal acts regulating waste management in Russia.


Target audience research:

- market participants recycled PET collecting PET waste, producers and consumers of recycled PET, traders;

- potential investors.


This research claims to be the Handbook for marketing services and for decision management solutions operating in the market of recycled PET.





1. Brief description of the primary market of PET packaging products in Russia in 2003-2014

1.1. The primary PET market

1.2. The market for PET preforms


2. Types of recycled PET (flakes, pellets): characteristics and properties


3. Education of PET wastes in the Russian Federation

3.1. Classification of PET waste sources of education

3.2. An estimation of total annual generation of waste PET

3.2.1. Estimation of accumulation of industrial PET waste

3.2.2. Estimation of accumulation of domestic PET waste

3.3. Forecast of waste PET for the period up to 2019


4. Organization of the collection and preparation of PET waste to recycling in the Russian Federation

4.1. Methods of collecting PET waste

4.1.1. Separate collection of PET waste

4.1.2. Waste sorting (recycling) stations (plants)

4.1.3. Manual collection of PET waste

4.2. Treatment of waste PET

4.2.1. Sorting

4.2.2. Packaging


5. Methods of recycling of PET wastes in the Russian Federation

5.1. Classification of methods for recycling PET

5.2. Characteristic ways of processing waste PET

5.2.1. Energy/thermal methods

5.2.2. Chemical methods

5.2.3. Mechanical and mechanical-chemical methods


6. The recycled PET market in Russia

6.1. The production of recycled PET in 2005-2014

6.1.1. The volume and structure of production

6.1.2. Current state of the major processing enterprises in PET waste

The largest producers of PET granules

The largest manufacturers of PET flakes

6.2. Foreign trade operations of PET waste in Russia in 2006-2014

6.3. Prices for recycled PET in Russia in 2010-2014 and the forecast for the period up to 2019

6.4. The consumption of recycled PET in Russia in 2010-2014

6.5. Forecast of production and consumption of recycled PET in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2019


7. The main uses of recycled PET in the Russian Federation

7.1. Quality requirements of raw materials from certain consumer segments

7.2. Processing of recycled PET into polyester fiber

7.3. Processing of recycled PET in packaging film

7.4. Processing of recycled PET in building materials

7.5. Processing of recycled PET in foil and sheets

7.6. Processing of recycled PET in the production of bottles for food and non-food purposes

7.7. Processing of recycled PET in an additive in the production of primary granules and preforms


8. Basic legislative acts regulating waste management in Russia


Appendix. Contact information on producers of recycled PET in Russia

Table 1. Physico-chemical characteristics of polyethylene terephthalate

Table 2. The nomenclature of PET preforms, manufactured by CJSC "Retal"

Table 3. The nomenclature of the preform produced by the Association of enterprises "* EUROPLAST"

Table 4. Item preforms, manufactured by LLC "ALPLA"

Table 5. Technical requirements for the PET flakes, used for further processing

Table 6. Technical characteristics of granulate

Table 7. Structure and an average annual generation of domestic PET waste by region in 2014, thousand t, %

Table 8. The list of the largest waste recycling plants, waste sorting stations and complexes in Russia

Table 9. Technical characteristics of the installation for the detection of PVC in the flow of polymers produced by "Ecomania™"

Table 10. Technical characteristics of the automatic complex sorting of waste plastics produced by "Atlases"

Table 11. Indicators of the toxicity of gases from combustion of some polymers

Table 12. The main producers of recycled PET in Russia in 2010 and 2013-2014, thousand t, %

Table 13. Technical characteristics of flakes and granules recycled PET obtained from PET bottles in LLC "plastservis"

Table 14. Technical characteristics of the cereal and PET chips produced by "SME-PAT"

Table 15. Specifications PET flakes, produced by JSC "RB Group"

Table 16. Specifications PET flakes, produced by JSC "EcoTechnologies"

Table 17. The volume of imports of PET waste in Russia in bulk and in money terms (t, thousand $), the prices of products supplied ($/kg) by country-suppliers in 2010-2015

Table 18. The largest foreign suppliers of PET waste in Russia in 2010-2014, t

Table 19. Volumes of Russian export of waste PET in natural and money terms (t, thousand $), the prices of products supplied ($/kg) by recipient countries in 2010-2015

Table 20. The largest Russian companies-suppliers of PET waste for export in 2010-2014, t

Table 21. Average annual prices for recycled PET in Russia in 2010-2015, RUB/t (with delivery to the consumer)

Table 22. The balance of production-consumption recycled PET in Russia in 2010-2014, thousand t, %

Table 23. The viscosity of the recycled PET depending on the area of application

Table 24. The greatest company-consumers of PET flakes and pellets in Russia in 2014, thousand t, %

Table 25. The balance of production-consumption recycled PET by region in 2014, thousand t, %

Table 26. Recommendations of the European Agency PЕТСОR on structure and properties of PET for the manufacture of packaging for food products

Table 27. Specifications recycled PET used in the production of products not intended for contact with food

Table 28. The largest producers of polyester fiber from recycled PET in Russia in 2013-2014, thousand t, %

Table 29. The largest producers of PET packaging tape from recycled PET in Russia in 2013-2014, thousand t, %

Table 30. Physico-mechanical properties of building materials based on PET

Table 31. Comparison of the properties of the primary and secondary PET

Table 32. The change in molecular weight of PET in stages of manufacturing the product and the recycled PET

Table 33. The largest producers of pellets of recycled PET for the production of preforms in Russia in 2013-2014, thousand t, %

Table 34. Sanitary-epidemiological and hygienic requirements for PET for the production of packaging for food industry in Russia

Table 35. Main characteristics of primary terephthalate

Table 36. Indicators of quality of primary PET granulate according to GOST R 51695-2000

Table 37. The balance of production-consumption recycled PET by sector potrebelenie in Russia in 2014, thousand t, %

Figure 1. The dynamics of the main indicators of the market of PET in Russia

Figure 2. The dynamics of the main indicators of the market of PET preforms in Russia in 2003-2014, kt

Figure 3. Structure of production of PET preforms by enterprises in 2010-2014, %

Figure 4. The block diagram and the balance of primary and secondary market of PET in Russia (2014), kt, %

Figure 5. Dynamics of accumulation of PET waste in 2010-2014 and forecast for the period 2015-2019, kt

Figure 6. The structure of collecting PET waste, %

Figure 7. A block diagram of an enterprise of complex processing of solid waste

Figure 8. Diagram of waste sorting complex

Figure 9. Sorting line of production of LLC "Ural-Cells"

Figure 10. Automatic complex sorting of waste plastics produced by LLC "Plant of polymeric engineering "Atlases"

Figure 11. Baling press produced by "Ecomania™"

Figure 12. The main ways of recycling waste PET

Figure 13. Technological scheme of processing of PET waste into granulate

Figure 14. Dynamics of production of recycled PET in Russia in 2005-2014, kt

Figure 15. Shares of the largest producers of recycled PET in the total amount of its production in Russia in 2014, %

Figure 16. Regional structure of recycling PET waste in Russia in 2014, %

Figure 17. Recycling of PET waste by Federal districts of the Russian Federation in 2013-2014, %

Figure 18. Scheme of production of granulate food industry plant "Plarus"

Figure 19. Dynamics of imports and exports of recycled PET in Russia in 2006-2014, t

Figure 20. Shares of the largest importers of PET waste in the Russian Federation in 2010, 2012 and 2014, %

Figure 21. Dynamics of average monthly prices for recycled PET (with VAT) in the Russian Federation in 2012-2014, RUB/kg (delivered to customer)

Figure 22. Dynamics of prices on the secondary PEF fiber and PET flakes in the Russian Federation in 2012-2014, RUB/kg (delivered to customer)

Figure 23. Dynamics of average prices of imports of primary PEF fiber in Russia in 2010-2014, RUB/kg

Figure 24. The forecast of monthly prices for recycled PET in the Russian Federation for the period 2015-2016, RUB/kg (delivered to customer)

Figure 25. A General scheme for recycling used PET bottles

Figure 26. Sectoral structure of consumption of recycled PET in Russia in 2014, %

Figure 27. Structure of consumption of recycled PET in Russia by Federal districts in 2014, %

Figure 28. Forecast of development of production of recycled PET up to 2015, kt

Figure 29. Dynamics of production of polyester fiber in Russia in 2010-2014, thousand t

Figure 30. Dynamics of imports of PET waste OJSC Komitex in 2010-2014, t



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