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Prospects of Russian Coal Exports through Ports of the Far East

ページ数: 752 テーブルの数: 17 桁数: 17
レポートの言語: Russian
リリース: 30.05.2011

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Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and PowerPoint presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

原価報告書: 9 800 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 5 weeks after receiving a payment.


The report focuses on the study of prospects of increasing export supplies of Russian coal through the ports of the Far East.
The report consists of eight chapters, contains 752 pages including 17 Figures, 17 Tables and 7 Appendices.
This work is a desk study. As information sources, we used: The Long-Term Program for Development of Russian Coal Industry up to 2030, which was developed in accordance with the Protocol of meeting at the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin on June 24, 2010 № EP-P9-35 pr (Novokuznetsk), item12; The General Layout of Electric Power Facilities in Russia up to 2020 with Perspectives up to 2030, The Program for Licensing of Coal Deposits; The Transport Strategy for the Period up to 2030 ; The Strategy for Development of Railway Transport in the Russian Federation up to 2030, The Strategy for Development of Metallurgical Industry in Russia in 2020, Strategy for Socio-Economic Development of the Far East and the Baikal Region up to 2025, The Strategy for Socio-Economic Development of Siberia up to 2020, The Federal Target Program The Development of Transport System of Russia (2010 - 2015); Subprograms: Railway Transport, Maritime Transport, Federal, Investment Project Construction of the Railway Line Kyzyl - Kuragino in Conjunction with the Development of Mineral Resources of the Republic of Tuva, and others.
The first chapter of the report presents data on the resources of coal in Russia.
The second chapter is devoted to the situation in the Russian coal industry, data on the volume of coal production, the work of individual companies, foreign trade in coal, investments in the sector.
The third chapter of the report discusses prospects of the Russian coal industry, analyzes provisions of key policy documents relevant to the development of this industry, which were adopted in the country. The structure and amount of investments in The Long-Term Program for Development of Russian Coal Industry up to 2030 is presented, estimate of current and future demand for Russian coal is given.
The fourth chapter describes the main research projects to develop coal deposits in Eastern Siberia and the Far East and implementation of railway development projects in conjunction with their performing, including the development of Elga and the Ulug-Khem coal fields, Apsat deposit.
The fifth chapter analyzes activities of the Russian Railways (JSC RZhD), position of which determines the possibility of expanding coal exports through the ports of the Far East.
The sixth chapter analyzes the opportunities for freight carriage of goods by the Russian Railways, presents the main directions of its improvement, the structure of transportation of basic goods by the Russian Railways.
The seventh chapter examines operation of the main branches of the Russian Railways in Siberia and the Far East.
In the eighth chapter of the study, general characteristics of maritime transport are given, transport of the major cargo types for export is analyzed, and operation of the main ports of the Far East and the prospects for their development is described.
The conclusions provide assessment of the prospects for increasing exports of Russian coal through the ports of the Far East on the basis of carrying capacity of the Railways and the ports.
The Appendices provide information on key policy documents approved in Russia, which determine the development of the coal industry and transport for the long term.


1. Coal resources in Russia

2. Position and Problems of Development of Russian coal industry
2.1. Structure and volumes of coal production in Russia
2.2. Coal production by the largest companies
2.3. Subsoil use and licensing
2.4. Coal conversion
2.5. The largest company-producers of coal
2.5.1. JSC Siberian Coal Energy Company (SUEK)
2.5.2. JSC MC Kuzbassrazrezugol
2.5.3. JSC Mechel
2.5.4. JSC Raspadskaya
2.5.5. JSC HC SDS-Ugol '
2.5.6. JSC Belon
2.5.7.  LLC Vostsibugol
2.5.8. Holding Sibuglemet

2.6. Investments
2.7. Investment activities of individual enterprises
2.8. Coal consumption
2.9. Foreign trade
3. Prospects of development of Russian coal industry
4. The major projects for development of coal fields in Eastern Siberia and the Far East and implementation of the railway network development projects
4.1. The development of the Elga coal deposit
4.2. The development of the Ulug-Khem coal basin
4.3. The development of Apsat coal deposit
4.4. Other coal deposits
5. JSC RZD: General characterization
6.  Transport capacities
7. Routes to export markets

7.1. Baikal-Amur Railway
7.2. Trans-Siberian Railway
7.3. East-Siberian Railway - branch of JSC RZD
7.4. West-Siberian Railway - branch of JSC RZD
7.5. Krasnoyarsk Railway - branch of JSC RZD
7.6. Far Eastern Railway - branch of JSC RZD
7.7. Trans-Baikal Railway - branch of JSC RZD
8. General characteristics of maritime transport in Russia
8.1. Port Vladivostok
8.2. Port Vostochny
8.3. Port Vanino
8.4. Port Nakhodka
8.5. Merchant Port Posiet
Appendix 1: The Strategy for Development of Railway Transport in the Russian Federation up to 2030
Appendix 2: The Sub-Program Rail Transport of the Federal Target Program The Development of Transport System of Russia (2010 - 2015)
Appendix 3: The Sub-Program  Development of Exports of Transport Services
of the Federal Target Program The Development of Transport System of Russia (2010 - 2015)
Appendix 4: The Federal Target Program Economic and Social Development of the Far East and Transbaikalia up to 2013
Appendix 5: The Long-Term Program for Development of Coal Industry of Russia up to 2030
Appendix 6: The Strategy for Socio-Economic Development of Siberia up to 2020
Appendix 7: The Action Plan for implementation of the Strategy for Socio-Economic Development of the Far East and the Baikal Region up to 2025

Table 1. Assessment of coal reserves in the Russian Federation (as of 01.01.2009), mln t
Table 2. Balance (on-balance) reserves and prognostic resources of coking coal in Eastern Siberia and the Far East (as of 01.01.2007), mln t
Table 3. Coal exports from Russia to Eastern and South-East Asia in 2005-2010, mln t
Table 4. The structure and amount of investments in The Long-Term Program for Development of the Russian Coal Industry for the Period up to 2030
Table 5. Dynamics (2007-2010) and assessment of the demand for Russian coal up to 2030, mln t
Table 6. Estimated dynamics of coal mining by Federal Districts, mln t

Table 7. Performance of JSC RZD in 2005-2009
Table 8. The amount of funding of the Federal Target Program: The Development of Transport System of Russia (2010 - 2015)
Table 9. Financial performance of the project for reconstruction of section Oune-Vysokogornaya with construction of the Kuznetsovsky tunnel in the section Komsomolsk-on-Amur - Sovetskaya Gavan
Table 10. The pattern of railway freight traffic by types of freight in 2005-2009, mln t (by railway transport for general use)
Table 11. The shares of basic kinds of goods in the total volume of the railway freight traffic (by railway transport for general use), %

Table 12. Characteristics of Port Vladivostok berths
Table 13. The volumes of freight handling in JSC Port Vostochny in 2005-2010, th. tonnes
Table 14. Berths of Port Vostochny, at which ferrous metals, coal, coke, scrap and iron ore may be transshipped
Table 15. Berths of Port Vanino, at which ferrous metals, coal, coke, scrap and iron ore may be transshipped
Table 16. World imports of steam coal in 2009-2016, mln t
Table 17. Supply of coal for export through the ports and border crossings of the Far East, mln t

Figure 1. Coal production in Russia in 2005-2010, mln t
Figure 2. Coal production in Russia by the main basins in 2007-2010, mln t
Figure 3. Coal production in Russia by methods in 2005-2010, mln t
Figure 4. The structure of coal production in Russia by Federal Districts in 2009-2010,%
Figure 5. Coal production in Russia by type in 2005-2010, mln t
Figure 6. Production of coking coal by the largest companies in 2010, th. tonnes
Figure 7. Investments in fixed assets of coal enterprises in 2000-2010, bln rub.
Figure 8. Dynamics of export and import of coal in Russia 2005-2010, mln t
Figure 9. Dynamics of export of coal from Russia to Eastern and South-East Asia in 2005-2010 (mln t), the share of the region in the total Russian exports (%)
Figure 10. The scheme of the East-Siberian Railway

Figure 11. The scheme of the West-Siberian Railway

Figure 12. The scheme of the Krasnoyarsk Railway

Figure 13. The scheme of the Far Eastern Railway

Figure 14. The scheme of Port Vladivostok

Figure 15. The scheme of Port Vostochny

Figure 16. The scheme of Port Vanino

Figure 17. The scheme of Port Nakhodka



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