Bunkering Market Research in the Black Sea-Azov Basin and the Caspian Sea Basin of Russia
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This report is the first edition of the study of the Russian market of marine bunkering in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov and the Caspian basin.
Market monitoring is carried out from 2006
The purpose of the study - an analysis of the Russian market of marine bunkering in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov and the Caspian basin.
The objects of study are the bunkering companies and ports in this region with an active bunkering business.
This work is a desk study. As information sources, we used data of Rosstat, sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of companies, as well as Internet sites and port companies, bunkering vessels.
The chronological framework of the study: 2006-2014; Forecast - 2015-2020
Geography Research: Russian Federation - a comprehensive detailed analysis of the market; rest of the world - general information.
The report is composed of 7 Sections, contains 171 pages, including 24 figures, 38 tables and 4 application.
The first chapter describes the features of the Russian market of marine bunkering in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov and the Caspian basin. In particular, we consider bunkering on the quays in the port waters and on the roads, as well as the typical tricks bunker. Given the volume of bunkering for 2006-2014, and also describes two scenarios of market development for 2015-2020
In the second chapter of the report presents the main bunkering companies in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov and the Caspian basin. The main attention is paid to specialized units such companies as "Gazprom" and "Rosneft".
The third chapter is devoted to a review of main ports where bunkering (Novorossiysk, Tuapse, Sevastopol, etc.).
The fourth chapter discusses the types of marine fuel. Provides details of international standards for ship oil and diesel, as well as combined with them the Russian technical regulations
In the fifth chapter the consideration of legislation relevant to the bunkers. Separately investigated the state of the customs, environmental, antitrust and fire legislation.
The sixth chapter describes the principles of pricing, including the issue of VAT and export duties.
In conclusion reasoned favorable market prospects bunkering in the southern basin
The annex is given registry burkerovschikov RF, their contact details, list of bunkering tankers and the dates actions necessary licenses, given the form of bunker receipts and a typical contract for bunkering, and lined with selected chapters of the Customs Code of the Russian Federation.
1. Description of the market of bunkering in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov and the Caspian Basin
1.1. Bunkering system in the Black Sea-Azov basin
1.2. System bunkering in the Caspian Basin
1.3. The main methods of bunkering
1.3.1. On the quays
1.3.2. In the port
1.3.3. On the roads
1.3.4. Tricks bunkering
1.4. Overview of bunkering in Russia
1.4.1. Dynamics of bunkering in the last decade
1.4.2. Prospects for growth
2. Summary of bunkering, their volumes bunkering market share, navy ships bunkering in BSAB and CB
2.1. LLC "Gazprom Neft Marine Bunker"
2.2. JSC "Rosneft"
2.3. JSC "LUKOIL-Bunker"
2.4. JSC "Transneft-Service"
2.5. JSC "Transbunker"
2.6. JSC "NCSP Fleet"
2.7. Smaller bunkering company
3. The main Russian ports and oil depots, bunkering vessels in BSAB and CB
3.1. Port of Novorossiysk
3.2. Port of Tuapse
3.3. Port of Rostov-on-Don
3.4. Port of Sevastopol (and newfound Crimean ports)
3.5. Port Taman
3.6. Port Kavkaz
3.7. Port of Makhachkala
3.8. Port of Astrakhan
3.9. Port Olya
4. The main types of fuel used for bunkering in the southern basin
4.1. International standard
4.2. RF standards
5. Fundamentals of the legislation governing the market of bunkering
5.1. Customs laws
5.2. Environmental requirements
5.3. Antitrust laws
5.4. Fire safety
5.5. The bodies of state supervision
6. The principles of pricing bunkering at ports
6.1. VAT
6.2. Export duties
6.3. Excises
Appendix 1. List of legal bunkering RF
Appendix 2. Example of a ship bunker receipts
Appendix 3. Sample Contract for bunkering
Appendix 4. Selected chapters of the Customs Lawbook of the Russian Federation
Table 1: Ranking the most risky and disadvantaged settlements bunkering of ships in the world in 2010-2014
Table 2: Bunker fleet of "Lukoil-Bunker" in Russian
Table 3: Specialization subsidiaries LLC "Holding Company" Transbunker "in the southern basin of Russia
Table 4: Tank farm and transshipment of "holding company" Transbunker "in the southern basin of Russia, thous. M3 million tons
Table 5: Performance Indicators of "Fleet NTMP" in 2011-2013, m3, t
Table 6: Bunkering fleet of "YugBunkerServis" in Russian
Table 7: Technical equipment of the port of Novorossiysk
Table 8: Characteristics of berths port of Novorossiysk
Table 9: Financial results of JSC "Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port" in 2010-2014, bln. Rubles.,%
Table 10: Characteristics of berths Tuapse
Table 11: Technical equipment of the port of Tuapse
Table 12: Financial results of JSC "Tuapse Commercial Seaport" in 2010-2014, bln. Rubles.,%
Table 13: Characteristics of berths Rostov-on-Don
Table 14: Technical equipment of the port of Rostov-on-Don
Table 15: Throughput of the port of Rostov-on-Don in 2008-2012, kt
Table 16: Financial results of JSC "Rostov port" in 2010-2014, mln.,%
Table 17: Characteristics of berths Taman
Table 18: Technical equipment of the port of Taman
Table 19: Characteristics of berths Caucasus
Table 20: Technical equipment port Caucasus
Table 21: Throughput of the port Caucasus in 2003-2012, kt
Table 22: Characteristics of Moorings cargo port of Makhachkala
Table 23: Technical equipment of the port of Makhachkala
Table 24: Characteristics of berths Astrakhan
Table 25: Technical equipment of the port of Astrakhan
Table 26: Throughput of the port of Astrakhan in 2003-2012, kt
Table 27: Some financial indicators of "freight company" Armada "in 2008-2014, mln.
Table 28: Characteristics of berths Olya
Table 29: Financial results of JSC "First Stevedoring Company" in 2009-2013, mln.,%
Table 30: Characteristics of marine fuel oil on the international standard ISO 8217: 2012
Table 31: Characteristics of diesel fuel on the international standard ISO 8217: 2012
Table 32: Classification of petroleum fuels (Class F) according to GOST 28577.0-90
Table 33: Performance requirements for marine fuel on the technical regulations of the Customs Union
Table 34: Prices of the main types of bunker fuel in the major ports of the world in March 2014 $ /
Table 35: Prices of fuel in the ports of the southern basin 11.18.2014 Russia, $ / t
Table 36: Prices of fuel in the ports of the north-western basin 11.18.2014 Russia, $ / t
Table 37: Register of bunkering
Table 38: Ship bunker receipt
Figure 1: The total turnover of goods through the ports of Russia in 2000-2014, mln t
Figure 2: Structure of cargo traffic through the ports of the Black Sea-Azov basin in 2013, mln t
Figure 3: Structure of freight flows through the main ports of the Caspian Sea in 2013, mln t
Figure 4: The volume of bunkering in the southern basin in 2010-2014 and forecast for 2015-2020, mln t
Figure 5: The main companies in the market of bunkering southern basin Russia in 2014
Figure 6: Implementation of the Marine Fuels LLC "Gazprom Neft Marine Bunker" in Russia in 2009-2014, mln t
Figure 7: Structure of the implementation of bunker fuel, LLC "Gazprom Neft Marine Bunker" in the southern basin of Russia in 2014 to 11 ports,%
Figure 8: Implementation of marine fuel "RN-Bunker" in Russia in 2009-2014, mln t
Figure 9: Structure of the supply of bunker fuel "RN-Bunker" in Russia in 2010-2014
Figure 10: The volume of bunkering "Lukoil-Bunker" in Russia in 2003-2013, th. Tonnes
Figure 11: Sales volumes of fuel oil and diesel fuel JSC "Transneft-Service" in Russia in 2008-2013, mln t
Figure 12: The volume of bunkering "NCSP Fleet" in Russia in 2006-2014, th. Tonnes
Figure 13: Structure of revenues for stevedoring and additional services and fleet services in the three ports of "Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port" in 2013,%
Figure 14: Throughput of the port of Novorossiysk in 2003-2014, mln t
Figure 15: Structure of the ship calls at the port of Novorossiysk in 2013,%
Figure 16: Throughput of the port of Tuapse in 2003-2014, mln t
Figure 17: Structure of the cargo traffic at the port of Tuapse in 2013,%
Figure 18: Throughput of the port of Tuapse in 2003-2014, mln t
Figure 19: Throughput of the port of Taman in 2008-2014, mln t
Figure 20: Throughput of the port Caucasus in 2003-2014, mln t
Figure 21: Throughput of the port of Makhachkala in 2003-2014, mln t
Figure 22: Throughput of the port of Astrakhan in 2003-2014, mln t
Figure 23: Summary cargo port of Olya in 2003-2014, mln t
Figure 24: World Index of MABUX from 18.11.2013 on 18.11.2014, $ / t