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Rare-Earth Elements (REE) and compounds in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (15 edition)

ページ数: 133 テーブルの数: 26 桁数: 20
レポートの言語: Russian
リリース: 20.06.2024

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Pdf, Word (version for copying and editing)

Pdf, Word, Excel - the version with the source data

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies (for credit organizations)

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and PowerPoint presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

原価報告書: 2 500 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


This report is the 15th edition of the rare earth elements (metals) market research.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the market for rare earth elements (metals) and their compounds in Russia and forecast its development until 2030.

The object of research is rare earth elements (yttrium, lanthanum and 13 elements of the lanthanide group: cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, lutetium), their concentrates, alloys and chemical compounds. The study does not consider scandium, the market of which was analyzed in a separate report by Infomine (http://www.infomine.ru/research/38/378 ).

This work is a desk research. Data from the statistical committees of the EAEU countries (including Rosstat, the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan) were used as sources of information; UN international databases (UNdata), World Bank, Eurostat; international and European trade data (UN Comtrade, Trade Map); Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (until 2022); Unified information system in the field of procurement; railway transport statistics; VLSI databases; foreign specialized companies; annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers; industry and regional press, conference materials, Internet sites of manufacturing enterprises and consumers of the products under study; scientific and technical literature (elibrary, etc.), FIPS patent database; Infomine database, etc.


Chronological scope of the study: 1997-2023; forecast – until 2030

Geography of the study: Russian Federation – comprehensive detailed market analysis.

Scope of the study: the report consists of 8 parts, contains 133 pages, including 20 figures, 26 tables and 2 appendices.


The first chapter of the report describes in detail the mineral resource base of rare earth metals in Russia. The characteristics of existing deposits are shown, and data on potential reserves of rare earth metals are given.

The second chapter of the report is devoted to projects in the Russian Federation related to the extraction and processing of rare earth raw materials. The most promising projects are identified and their characteristics are given.

The third chapter provides data on the extraction and enrichment of ores containing rare earth metals. A detailed description is given of the main producer of rare earth raw materials in Russia (Lovozersky GOK LLC).

The fourth chapter is devoted to the production of rare earth products in Russia. It presents the range of rare earth products of Russian enterprises, provides a detailed description of the enterprises producing rare earth products, and shows the dynamics of production and supplies.

The fifth chapter provides data on the export and import of rare earth metals by Russia in 1997-2023. with distribution by supply directions and types of products. The dynamics of prices for various types of supplied rare earth metals (compounds and metals) is also given here.

The sixth chapter describes in detail the consumption of rare earth products in Russia. This chapter presents the dynamics of consumption of rare earth metals in Russia (2000-2023), the structure of consumption for individual rare earth metals, and the main consumer enterprises. The characteristics of the areas of consumption of rare earth products in Russia are also given.

The seventh chapter is devoted to an overview of patent activity in Russia in the field of rare earth metals.

The eighth chapter provides a forecast for the production and consumption of rare earth products in Russia until 2030, and presents various options for the development of the situation in the rare earth metal market.

The appendices provide contact information for the main manufacturers and consumers of rare earth products in the Russian Federation.


Target audience of the study:

- participants in the rare earth products market - producers, consumers, traders;

- potential investors.


The proposed study claims to be a reference guide for specialists working in the rare earth metals market and making management decisions.





1. Mineral resource base of rare earth elements in the Russian Federation


2. Projects in Russia related to the extraction and processing of rare earth raw materials

Tomtor project

Project for processing technogenic raw materials (monazite concentrate)

Projects for the extraction of rare earth metals from the products of processing of apatite-nepheline ores of the Khibiny group

Project for the development of the Alluive eudialyte-loparite ore site

Other projects


3. Mining and enrichment of ores containing rare earth metals in Russia (1997-2023)


4. Production of rare earth products in the Russian Federation

4.1 Dynamics of production of rare earth products in 1999-2023

4.2 Review of the current state of manufacturing companies

OJSC Solikamsk Magnesium Plant (Russia)

JSC Acron

LIT LLC (Skygrad Group of Companies)


5. Export-import of rare earth products of the Russian Federation in 1997-2023.

REM connections

Metals and alloys of rare earth metals


6. Consumption of rare earth products in Russia in 2000-2023.

Catalysts for oil refining

Production of glass products, optics

Production of autocatalysts

Catalysts for rubber production


Growing Crystals

Production of rare earth magnets


7. Patent activity in the Russian Federation in the field of production and consumption of rare earth metals (2017-2023)


8. Forecast of production and consumption of rare earth metals in Russia until 2030.


Appendix 1. Contact information of the main manufacturers and consumers of rare earth metal products in Russia

Appendix 2. Patents registered in the Russian Federation (2017-2023) related to the production and consumption of rare earth metals

Table 1: Characteristics of the main rare earth metal deposits in Russia

Table 2: Content and distribution of rare earth metal oxides in various RF sources, %

Table 3: Financial indicators of Lovozersky GOK LLC

Table 4: Production volumes of rare earth metals in the Russian Federation (in terms of oxides) in 1999-2023, t

Table 5: Range of rare earth metal products at Russian enterprises

Table 6: Characteristics of carbonates of JSC Solikamsk Magnesium Plant

Table 7: Financial performance indicators of OJSC Solikamsk Magnesium Plant in 2005-2023, million rubles.

Table 8: Structure of rare earth metals of ACRON JSC products in 2017-2020, %

Table 9. Nomenclature of the main rare earth products of LIT LLC (Skygrad Group of Companies)

Table 10: Export of rare earth metal compounds from Russia by recipient countries in 1999-2023, tons (in volume terms)

Table 11: Import of rare earth metal compounds by Russia by supplier countries in 1999-2023, tons (in volume terms)

Table 12: Main companies supplying rare earth compounds to Russia in 2004-2023, tons

Table 13: Structure of supplies of rare-earth metal compounds by type of product and element in 2007-2023, %

Table 14: Prices for rare earth metal compounds from various suppliers in 2004-2023, dollars/kg

Table 15: Average annual prices for rare-earth metal compounds regularly imported into the Russian Federation in 2019-2023, dollars/kg

Table 16: Export of rare earth metals from Russia by country in 1999-2023, kg

Table 17: Imports of rare earth metals and alloys by Russia by sending countries in 1999-2023, tons

Table 18: Companies supplying rare earth metals and alloys to Russia in 2004-2023, tons

Table 19: Prices for rare earth metals and alloys imported by Russia in 2004-2023, dollars/kg

Table 20: Balance of production and consumption of rare earth metals (in terms of oxides) in Russia in 2000-2023, thousand tons

Table 21: Main consumer enterprises of imported rare earth compounds in Russia in 2006-2023, tons (excluding traders)

Table 22: Technical characteristics of rare earth cracking catalysts of Russian manufacturing enterprises

Table 23: Consumers and suppliers of rare earth products in the Russian Federation based on the results of open tenders and competitions in 2018

Table 24: Consumers and suppliers of rare earth products in the Russian Federation based on the results of open tenders and competitions in 2019

Table 25: Consumers and suppliers of rare earth products in the Russian Federation based on the results of open tenders and competitions in 2020

Table 26: Consumers and suppliers of rare earth products in the Russian Federation based on the results of open tenders and competitions in 2021-2023. 

Figure 1: Distribution of REM reserves by regions of Russia

Figure 2: Production of loparite concentrate and REM in it by Lovozersky GOK LLC in 1997-2022, thousand tons

Figure 3: Dynamics of loparite concentrate processing at SMZ OJSC in 1999-2022, thousand tons

Figure 4: Dynamics of shipments of rare earth products of Solikamsk Magnesium Plant OJSC in 1993-2022, (in terms of oxides), t

Figure 5: Distribution of supplies of REM carbonates produced by SMZ by importers in 2006-2022, %

Figure 6: Dynamics of supplies of REM compounds from the Solikamsk magnesium plant to the domestic market in 2009-2022, tons

Figure 7: Principal process flow diagram for the processing of group rare earth concentrate (SMZ carbonates) LLC "LIT"

Figure 8: Export and import of rare earth compounds in Russia in 1999-2022, tons (in physical terms)

Figure 9: Dynamics of exports of REM compounds from Russia in 1999-2022, thousand tons, million dollars

Figure 10: Dynamics of imports of REM compounds to Russia in 1999-2022, thousand tons, million dollars

Figure 11: Dynamics of export and import of rare earth metals in Russia in 1999-2022 in kind

Figure 12: Dynamics of exports and imports of rare earth metals and alloys in monetary terms in 1999-2022, thousand dollars

Figure 13: The structure of imports of REM and alloys by Russia by type of product in 2006-2022, %

Figure 14: Structure of REM imports by Russia in 2004-2013 and in 2014-2022. broken down by metals, %

Figure 15: Dynamics of "apparent" and real consumption of REM (in terms of oxides) in Russia in 2000-2022, thousand tons

Figure 16: Estimated structure of REM consumption in Russia by directions in 2004-2022 (in terms of oxides), %

Figure 17: Estimated structure of REM use in Russia (in terms of oxides) broken down by metals in 2010-2022, %

Figure 18: Mischmetal import dynamics in Russia in 2005-2022, tons

Figure 19: Forecast of REM production (in terms of oxides) in Russia

Figure 20: Forecast of real REM consumption (in terms of oxides) in Russia until 2030, thousand tons



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