Manganese compounds in Russia and the CIS: Production, Market and Forecast (3 edition)
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This report is the third edition of the study of the market for chemical compounds of manganese in the CIS.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the markets for chemical compounds of manganese in Russia and the CIS countries
The object of research is the chemical compounds of manganese: Mn oxides, Mn dioxide, Mn sulfate, K permanganate, Mn carbonate, Mn nitride, Mn nitrate, Mn phosphate, Mn sulfide, Mn cyclopentadienyltricarbonyl, Mn dithiocarbamate.
This work is a desk study. As sources of information, data from Rosstat, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, the State Customs Service of Ukraine, data from UN data, industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers, websites of manufacturers and consumers of manganese compounds were used.
Chronological scope of the study: 2009-2022, forecast - 2023-2030.
Research geography: Russian Federation - a comprehensive detailed market analysis, other CIS countries - a brief market analysis.
The report consists of 7 parts, contains 89 pages, including 28 tables, 21 figures and 1 appendix.
The first chapter of the report describes the raw material base of manganese in the CIS countries: Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Georgia, describes the main deposits and the degree of their development.
The second chapter of the report describes the properties and production technology of various chemical compounds of manganese.
The third chapter of the report is devoted to the production of manganese compounds in the CIS, the main producers are described.
The fourth chapter analyzes foreign trade operations with manganese compounds.
Section 4.1. describes foreign trade operations with manganese oxides in the CIS countries, provides data on the volume of imports of the products under study. A detailed analysis of Russian imports of Mn oxides is made, the regional structure of deliveries is given, and the main suppliers and recipients of products are described.
Section 4.2. analyzes foreign trade operations with manganese dioxide in the CIS countries, provides data on the volume of imports of the products under study. A detailed analysis of Russian imports of Mn dioxide is made, the regional structure of supplies is given, and the main suppliers and recipients of products are described.
Section 4.3. foreign trade operations with manganese sulfate in Russia and Ukraine are analyzed, the regional structure of deliveries is given, the main suppliers and recipients of products are described.
Section 4.4. the analysis of Russian imports of other manganese compounds was carried out, the structure of imports of manganese compounds in the Russian Federation as a whole was assessed.
The fifth chapter is devoted to the analysis of prices for manganese compounds in Russia. This section provides an overview of import prices for oxides, dioxide, sulfate, and other manganese compounds.
The sixth chapter of the report, devoted to the consumption of manganese compounds in Russia, shows the dynamics of consumption of this product in the Russian Federation in 2009-2022. Also in this section, the sectoral structure of consumption of various manganese compounds is given and the largest consumer enterprises are described.
The seventh chapter of the report provides a forecast for the development of the market for manganese compounds until 2030, taking into account the trends in the development of consuming industries.
The appendix contains contact information for producers of manganese compounds in the CIS and their largest consumers in Russia.
Target audience of the study:
- participants of the manganese market - producers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be a reference tool for marketing services and decision-makers working in the market of manganese-containing products: concentrates, ferroalloys, chemical compounds.
1. Characteristics of the raw material base of manganese in the CIS
2. Chemical compounds of manganese. Properties, production technology
3. Production of manganese compounds in Russia and the CIS
4. Foreign trade operations with manganese compounds
4.1. Export-import of manganese oxides in the CIS
4.2. Export-import of manganese dioxide in the CIS
4.3. Export-import of manganese sulfate in the CIS
4.4. Import of other manganese compounds to Russia
5. Price analysis of manganese compounds in Russia
6. Consumption of manganese compounds in Russia
6.1. Dynamics of consumption of manganese compounds in Russia in 2009-2022 Sectoral structure of consumption
6.2. The main consumers of manganese compounds in the Russian Federation
7. Forecast for the development of the market for manganese compounds in the Russian Federation until 2030
Appendix: Addresses and contact information of manufacturers of manganese compounds in the CIS and the largest consumers in the Russian Federation
Table 1: Distribution of Ukrainian manganese reserves by basins, million tons
Table 2: Characteristics of the approved reserves of the Porozhinskoye field, thousand tons
Table 3: Balance reserves of ferromanganese nodules in the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic Sea, thousand tons
Table 4: Main deposits of manganese ores in the Russian Federation
Table 5: Export of manganese sulfate produced by JSC "Marganetsky GOK" in 2009-2011, tons
Table 6: Imports of manganese oxides by Russia and CIS countries in 2009-2022, tons
Table 7: Imports of manganese oxides to Russia by directions in 2009-2022, tons
Table 8: Main suppliers of manganese oxides to Russia in 2015-2022, tons
Table 9: Main recipients of manganese oxides in Russia in 2015-2022, t
Table 10: Export of manganese oxide produced by MnChemical Georgia in 2010-2021, tons
Table 11: Imports of manganese dioxide by the CIS countries in 2009-2022, tons
Table 12: Imports of manganese dioxide to Russia by directions in 2009-2022, tons
Table 13: Main suppliers of manganese dioxide to Russia in 2015-2022, tons
Table 14: Main recipients of manganese dioxide in Russia in 2015-2022, t
Table 15: Export of manganese dioxide produced by MnChemical Georgia in 2010-2021, tons
Table 16: Export of manganese dioxide from Ukraine in 2015-2021, tons
Table 17: Imports of manganese sulfate to Russia and Ukraine in 2010-2022, tons
Table 18: Import of manganese sulfate to Russia by directions in 2010-2022, tons
Table 19. Main suppliers of manganese sulfate in the Russian Federation in 2016-2022, t
Table 20: Main recipients of manganese sulfate in Russia in 2015-2022, t
Table 21: Import of manganese sulfate to Ukraine by directions in 2012-2020, tons
Table 22: Imports of manganese compounds to Russia in 2009-2022, tons
Table 23: Import prices for manganese oxides, dioxide and sulfate in Russia by directions in 2012-2022, $/t
Table 24: Import prices for manganese oxide, dioxide and sulfate in Russia by suppliers, terms of delivery in 2020-2022, $/t
Table 25: Main sectors of consumption of manganese compounds and consumer companies
Table 26: Volumes of supplies of manganese oxide and sulfate for NJSC "De Hoes" in 2010-2022, t
Table 27: Volumes of supplies of manganese oxide for Stroma Plant LLC in 2013-2022, t
Table 28: Production growth rates in selected industries in Russia in 2015-2022, %
Figure 1. Dynamics of exports of oxides and manganese dioxide from Georgia in 2009-2021, tons
Figure 2. Dynamics of imports of manganese oxides to Russia in 2009-2022, tons, mln $
Figure 3. Regional structure of imports of manganese oxides to Russia in 2010-2022, $
Figure 4. Dynamics of imports of manganese dioxide to Russia in 2009-2022, tons, mln $
Figure 5. Dynamics of export/import of manganese dioxide in Ukraine in 2010-2021, tons
Figure 6. Dynamics of imports of manganese sulfate to Russia in 2010-2022, tons, mln $
Figure 7. Dynamics of import/export of manganese sulfate in Ukraine in 2010-2020, tons
Figure 8. Structure of import supplies of manganese compounds to Russia (average data for 2013-2022), %
Figure 9. Import prices for manganese compounds in 2022, (per physical ton), $/t
Figure 10. Dynamics of import prices for manganese oxide, dioxide and sulfate in Russia in 2010-2022, $/t
Figure 11. Dynamics of consumption of manganese compounds (in physical weight and in terms of Mn content) in 2009-2022, $/t
Figure 12. Dynamics of consumption of oxides, manganese dioxide and sulfate in Russia in 2010-2022, tons
Figure 13. Sectoral structure of consumption of manganese compounds in 2022, %
Figure 14. Structure of consumption of Mn oxides in 2022, %
Figure 15. Structure of consumption of Mn dioxide in 2022, %
Figure 16. Structure of Mn sulfate consumption in 2022, %
Figure 17. Supply volumes of sulfate and manganese oxide for Megamix LLC in 2015-2022, tons
Figure 18. Volumes of supplies of manganese oxide for ESAB LLC in 2010-2022, tons
Figure 19. Volumes of supplies of manganese dioxide for Fengzi LLC in 2011-2022, tons
Figure 20. Dynamics of premix production in the Russian Federation in 2010-2022, thousand tons
Figure 21. Dynamics of production of ceramic bricks (billion pieces) in the Russian Federation in 2012-2022