Natural Graphite in Russia, CIS and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (8 edition)
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This report is the eighth edition of a ready-made study of the natural graphite market in Russia, the CIS countries and the world.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the natural graphite market in the CIS countries and the world, identify the main market participants, and determine the prospects for market development.
The object of research is natural graphite.
Chronological scope of the study: 1997-2023, forecast – 2024-2030.
Geography of research: Russia, Ukraine – comprehensive detailed market analysis; global market and CIS countries - general retrospective analysis, general information about the dynamics and characteristics of the market.
This review is the most complete among those presented on the information market on this topic, and claims to be a reference manual replacing Rosstat data, because Due to the peculiarities of reporting by different companies on natural graphite production volumes, Rosstat data contains serious inconsistencies.
Using this data without additional thorough analysis can lead to erroneous management decisions being made by marketing services and specialists working in the market for natural graphite-based products.
The distinctive feature of this study is that it provides a detailed analysis of the natural graphite market. When working on the report, additional sources of information were used (including telephone interviews) to obtain the maximum possible objectivity of the data, which allowed us to avoid mistakes made by the authors of studies on this topic conducted by other companies.
The second distinctive feature of this work is the breadth of the geographical and time frame - a detailed analysis of production and foreign economic transactions with natural graphite was carried out not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries in the period 2004-2023.
This work is a desk research. Data from the statistical committees of the EAEU countries (including Rosstat, the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan) were used as sources of information; UN international databases (UNdata), World Bank, Eurostat; international and European trade data (UN Comtrade, Trade Map); Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (until 2022); Unified information system in the field of procurement; railway transport statistics; VLSI databases; foreign specialized companies; annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers; industry and regional press, conference materials, Internet sites of manufacturing enterprises and consumers of the products under study; scientific and technical literature (elibrary, etc.), FIPS patent database; Infomine database, etc. In addition, while working on the report, telephone interviews were conducted with participants in the natural graphite market.
The report consists of 8 parts, contains 189 pages, including 54 tables, 51 figures and 2 appendices.
The first chapter provides a brief description of the global graphite market (reserves, mining, production, producing countries, prices).
The second chapter provides information about the mineral resource base of graphite in the CIS countries, the structure of reserves and the characteristics of the main deposits.
The third chapter is devoted to the mining and production of natural graphite in the CIS countries in 1997-2023. In addition, this chapter provides quality requirements for graphite concentrates of various grades and describes the technologies used in the enrichment of graphite ores of various compositions.
The fourth chapter describes the current state of the main graphite producing enterprises in the CIS countries in 2000-2023, and presents the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the products produced at each enterprise.
This chapter also provides descriptions of projects for the development of new graphite deposits.
The fifth chapter analyzes data on foreign economic transactions with natural graphite in the Russian Federation, Ukraine and other CIS countries (2004-2023). This chapter provides statistical information on the volumes and directions of export-import supplies, and identifies the main exporters and consumers of natural graphite.
The sixth chapter analyzes the dynamics of domestic and average annual export-import prices for natural graphite in the CIS (2004-2023).
The seventh chapter is devoted to the consumption of natural graphite in Russia and Ukraine. This section shows the balance of production and consumption of these products (2004-2023), evaluates the industry structure of consumption, identifies the main consumers of graphite, and also studies the status and development prospects of the largest consumer enterprises.
The eighth chapter provides a forecast for the development of the Russian graphite market for the period until 2030.
The appendices provide contact information for the main enterprises producing and consuming natural graphite.
Target audience of the study:
– participants in the graphite market and its further consumption chains – producers, consumers, traders;
– potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be a reference guide for marketing services and specialists making management decisions working in the Russian natural graphite market.
1. Brief description of the state of the global natural graphite market in 2005-2023.
1.1. World reserves and production of natural graphite in 2005-2023.
1.2. World trade of natural graphite 2006-2023
1.3. World prices for natural graphite in 2006-2023.
1.4. World consumption of natural graphite in 2006-2023.
2. Reserves and deposits of natural graphite in the CIS
2.1. Graphite reserves in the CIS
2.2. Graphite deposits in the CIS
3. Mining and production of graphite in the CIS in 1997-2023.
3.1. Volumes of graphite production in the CIS in 1997-2023.
3.2. Graphite production technology
3.3. Graphite quality requirements
4. Current state of graphite enterprises in the CIS in 2000-2023.
4.1. Russia
4.1.1. Enterprises mining natural graphite
Taiginsky GOK LLC (formerly Uralgrafit LLC, Chelyabinsk region)
JSC "Krasnoyarskgrafit" (Krasnoyarsk Territory)
4.1.2. Projects for the development of new graphite deposits
Project for the development of the Soyuznoye field (Evreiskaya Autonomous Okrug)
Ikhala field development project (Republic of Karelia)
Botogol field development project (Republic of Buryatia)
4.2. Ukraine
PJSC "Zavalyevsky Graphite Plant" (Kirovograd region), LLC "Zavalyevsky Graphite" (Kyiv)
PJSC "Mariupol Graphite Plant" (Markograph)
5. Export-import of natural graphite to the CIS in 2004-2023.
5.1. Foreign trade operations of Russia with natural graphite in 2004-2023.
5.2. Foreign trade operations of Ukraine with natural graphite in 2004-2023.
5.3. Import of graphite by other CIS countries in 2009-2023.
6. Review of graphite prices in the CIS
6.1. Domestic prices for graphite in the Russian Federation in 2009-2024.
6.2. Export-import prices for graphite in the Russian Federation in 2004-2023.
6.3. Export-import prices for graphite in Ukraine in 2004-2022.
7. Domestic consumption of graphite in the CIS in 2004-2023.
7.1. Balance of production and consumption of natural graphite in Russia in 2004-2023.
7.2. Structure of consumption of natural graphite and the main industries consuming it in Russia
7.3. Main consumer enterprises of natural graphite in the Russian Federation
7.3.1 Production of refractories
PJSC "Combine "Magnezit" (Chelyabinsk region)
JSC "Pervouralsk Dinas Plant" (JSC "DINUR")
JSC "Borovichi Refractories Plant" (BKO)
PJSC Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (PJSC MMK)
7.3.2. Production of lubricants
LLC NIPP "Valma"
7.4. Balance of graphite production and consumption in Ukraine in 2004-2022.
8. Forecast of production and consumption of natural graphite in Russia until 2030.
Appendix 1. Contact information of graphite industry manufacturers in the CIS
Appendix 2. Contact information for consumers of the graphite industry in the Russian Federation
Table 1. World graphite production in 2005-2023, thousand tons
Table 2. Main countries exporting natural graphite in 2006-2023, thousand tons
Table 3. Main importing countries of natural graphite in 2006-2023, thousand tons
Table 4. Average annual Japanese import prices for natural graphite in 2014-2023, $/t
Table 5. Specific consumption of minerals/metals in global production of electric vehicles
Table 6. Graphite deposits in the CIS
Table 7. Characteristics of graphite enterprises in the CIS
Table 8. Graphite production in the CIS in 1997-2023, thousand tons
Table 9. Types, grades of graphite and its main areas of application
Table 10. Additional standardized indicators of graphite quality for specific types of consumption and grades
Table 11. Standardized quality indicators for technological high-purity graphite powder
Table 12. Grade and standardized quality indicators of crystalline foundry graphite
Table 13. Grade and standardized quality indicators of cryptocrystalline graphite
Table 14. Grade and standardized quality indicators of elemental graphite
Table 15. Standardized quality indicators of graphite for the production of electric coal products by grade and grade
Table 16. Grade and standardized quality indicators of graphite for the manufacture of active masses of alkaline batteries
Table 17. Grade and standardized quality indicators of crucible graphite
Table 18. Grade and standardized quality indicators of graphite for the production of pencil leads
Table 19. Grade and standardized quality indicators of special low-ash graphite
Table 20. Standardized quality indicators of Zavalevsky crystalline graphite for friction metal-ceramic materials
Table 21. Grade and standardized quality indicators of crushed graphite
Table 22. Grade and standardized quality indicators of graphite for the manufacture of lubricants, coatings and electrically conductive rubber
Table 23. Main Russian recipients of graphite LLC Taiginsky GOK by rail in 2004-2023, tons
Table 24. Volume of export supplies of graphite by Taiginsky GOK LLC by destination in 2010-2023, t
Table 25. Financial and economic indicators of the activities of Uralgrafit LLC in 2006-2009, million rubles.
Table 26. Financial and economic indicators of the activities of Taiginsky GOK LLC in 2016-2021, million rubles.
Table 27. Main Russian consumers of graphite of JSC Krasnoyarskgrafit by railway transport in 2004-2023, t
Table 28. Export supplies of JSC Krasnoyarskgrafit in 2004-2023, tons
Table 29. Financial and economic indicators of JSC Krasnoyarskgrafit in 20-2023, million rubles.
Table 30. Financial performance indicators of PJSC “Zavalyevsky Graphite Plant” in 2007-2020, UAH million
Table 31. Product range of PJSC “Markograph”
Table 32. Production volume of PJSC “Markograph” by type in 2010-2018, tons
Table 33. Financial and economic indicators of PJSC “Markograph” in 2009-2020, thousand UAH
Table 34. Volume of Russian graphite exports by destination in 2004-2023, t
Table 35. Volume of graphite exports by Russian manufacturers in 2004-2023, tons
Table 36. Import of natural graphite from Russia by destination in 2004-2023, tons, million $
Table 37. Main Russian importers of graphite in 2004-2023 thousand tons
Table 38. Export of natural graphite from Ukraine by country in 2004-2023, thousand tons, million $
Table 39. Countries exporting graphite to Ukraine in 2004-2023, tons, million $
Table 40. Importers of natural graphite in Ukraine in 2006-2020, tons
Table 41. Import of graphite by other CIS countries in 2009-2023, tons
Table 42. Price list for graphite products of Taiginsky GOK LLC in 2023, thousand rubles/t, including VAT
Table 43. Average annual export prices for natural graphite by destination in 2018-2023, $/t
Table 44. Average annual export prices of Ukraine by destination in 2013-2023, $/t
Table 45. Balance of production and consumption of natural graphite in Russia in 2004-2023, thousand tons, %
Table 46. Dynamics of production of refractory products by the main companies in the Russian Federation in 2017-2020, thousand tons
Table 47. Main Russian consumers receiving graphite by rail, in 2005-2023, tons
Table 48. Suppliers of natural graphite to PJSC Magnezit Plant in 2004-2023, tons
Table 49. Financial performance indicators of PJSC “Combine “Magnezit” in 2006-2021.
Table 50. Suppliers of natural graphite to JSC DINUR in 2005-2023, thousand tons
Table 51. Main indicators of the financial and economic activities of JSC DINUR in 2008-2021.
Table 52. Main indicators of financial and economic activity of BKO JSC in 2008-2021.
Table 53. Main indicators of financial and economic activity of LLC NIPP "Valma" in 2014-2023.
Table 54. Balance of production and consumption of natural graphite in Ukraine in 2004-2022, thousand tons
Figure 1. Structure of world graphite production by country in 2023, %
Figure 2. Volumes of world graphite exports in 2006-2023, thousand tons, million $
Figure 3. Relationship between the degree of processing of natural graphite and its price
Figure 4. Dynamics of world prices for natural graphite in 2006-2022, $/t
Figure 5. Estimated structure of natural graphite consumption in China, %
Figure 6. Structure of global consumption of natural graphite in 2022, %
Figure 7. Balance reserves of natural graphite in the CIS, %
Figure 8. Graphite deposits in the CIS
Figure 9. Industrial type of ores and main graphite deposits in Russia, %
Figure 10. Geological section of the Kalgutinskoye field
Figure 11. Production of natural graphite in the CIS in 1997-2023, thousand tons
Figure 12. Main producers of natural graphite in the CIS in 2023, %
Figure 13. Technological scheme of enrichment at the Zavalevsky graphite plant
Figure 14. Structure of natural graphite production in Russia by enterprise in 2000-2023, %
Figure 15. Dynamics of graphite production by Taiginsky GOK LLC (thousand tons) and its share in the CIS (%) in 1997-2023.
Figure 16. Dynamics of exports of natural graphite by Taiginsky GOK LLC in 2004-2023, tons
Figure 17. Dynamics of graphite production by JSC Krasnoyarskgrafit (thousand tons) and its share in the CIS (%) in 1997-2023.
Figure 18. Export volumes of natural graphite by JSC Krasnoyarskgrafit in 2004-2023, tons
Figure 19. Dynamics of production of PrJSC “Zavalyevsky Graphite Plant” (thousand tons) and its share in the CIS (%) in 1997-2023.
Figure 20. Dynamics of export supplies of PJSC “Zavalyevsky Graphite Plant” in 2004-2023, thousand tons
Figure 21. Dynamics of graphite production by PJSC Markograph (thousand tons) and its share in the CIS (%) in 1997-2020.
Figure 22. Dynamics of Russian foreign economic transactions with natural graphite in 2004-2023, thousand tons
Figure 23. Dynamics of Russian exports of natural graphite in 2004-2023, thousand tons, million $
Figure 24. Geographical structure of exports of natural graphite of the Russian Federation in 2004-2022, %
Figure 25. Structure of Russian graphite exports by manufacturer in 2004-2023, %
Figure 26. Dynamics of imports of natural graphite from Russia in 2004-2023, thousand tons, million $
Figure 27. Geographical structure of imports of natural graphite in Russia in 2004-2022, %
Figure 28. Dynamics of natural graphite exports in Ukraine in 2004-2023, thousand tons, million $
Figure 29. Geographical structure of Ukrainian exports of natural graphite in 2004-2020, %
Figure 30. Dynamics of Ukrainian imports of natural graphite in 2004-2023, thousand tons, million $
Figure 31. Geographical structure of Ukrainian imports of natural graphite in 2004-2020, %
Figure 32. Industry structure of consumption of imported graphite in Ukraine in 2008-2020, %
Figure 33. Dynamics of average monthly prices for natural graphite in the Siberian Federal District in 2017-2024, thousand rubles/t (excluding VAT)
Figure 34. Dynamics of average annual export prices for natural graphite of JSC Krasnoyarskgrafit and LLC Taiginsky GOK in 2004-2023, $/t
Figure 35. Dynamics of average annual import prices for natural graphite supplied to the Russian Federation from China and Ukraine, 2004-2023, $/t
Figure 36. Dynamics of average annual export prices of PJSC “Zavalyevsky Graphite Plant” in 2004-2023, $/t
Figure 37. Dynamics of average annual prices for natural graphite supplied to Ukraine in 2004-2023, $/t
Figure 38. Dynamics of consumption, production, import and export of natural graphite in the Russian Federation in 2004-2023, thousand tons
Figure 39. Estimated structure of natural graphite consumption in Russia, %
Figure 40. Dynamics of refractory production in Russia in 2010-2023, thousand tons
Figure 41. Dynamics of production of refractory products of PJSC Magnezit Plant in 2005-2020, thousand tons
Figure 42. Dynamics of production of refractory products by JSC DINUR in 2004-2020, thousand tons
Figure 43. Dynamics of production of molded refractories by BKO JSC in 2005-2020, thousand tons
Figure 44. Dynamics of production of refractories by PJSC MMK in 2004-2020, thousand tons
Figure 45. Dynamics of consumption of natural graphite by LLC NIPP “Valma” in 2004-2012, tons
Figure 46. Dynamics of the main indicators of the Ukrainian graphite market in 2004-2022, thousand tons
Figure 47. Dynamics of production of refractory products in Ukraine in 2012-2020, thousand tons
Figure 48. Dynamics of steel and cast iron production in Ukraine in 2004-2023, million tons
Figure 49. Commodity structure of production of refractory products in Ukraine in 2018, %
Figure 50. Steel production in Russia until 2030, million tons
Figure 51. Forecast of the dynamics of production and consumption of natural graphite in Russia until 2030, thousand tons