Diatomite in Russia, the EAEU and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (8 edition)
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This report is the eighth edition of the diatomite market research in Russia and the EAEU.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the current state of the diatomite market in the EAEU and forecast its development for the period until 2030.
The object of study is diatomite.
Chronological scope of the study: 1999-2023, forecast for the period 2024-2030.
Geography of the study: EAEU countries and the world market; Russian Federation – comprehensive detailed market analysis, other countries – brief analysis.
This work is a desk research. Data from the statistical committees of the EAEU countries (including Rosstat, the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Statistical Committee of the Republic of Armenia) were used as sources of information; UN international databases (UNdata), World Bank, Eurostat; international and European trade data (UN Comtrade, Trade Map); Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (until 2022); Unified information system in the field of procurement; railway transport statistics; VLSI databases; foreign specialized companies; annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers; industry and regional press, conference materials, Internet sites of manufacturing enterprises and consumers of the products under study; scientific and technical literature (elibrary, etc.), FIPS patent database; Infomine database, etc.
The report consists of 8 parts, contains 124 pages, including 21 figures, 54 tables and 1 appendix.
The first chapter of the report provides a brief description of the global diatomite market, as well as a description of the world's largest producers.
The second chapter provides information about diatomite deposits in the EAEU and their reserves.
The third chapter is devoted to the production technology of diatomite products and the requirements for the quality of diatomite raw materials.
The fourth chapter provides data on the volume of diatomite production in the EAEU in 1999-2023. This chapter also describes the current state of diatomite manufacturing enterprises in Russia and Armenia. Data is provided on production volumes, characteristics of products, directions and volumes of supplies, as well as plans for further development of production.
The fifth chapter analyzes data on foreign economic transactions with diatomite in Russia and Armenia in 1999-2023.
The sixth chapter examines the dynamics of export-import prices for diatomite products in Russia and Armenia in 2000-2023, and also provides data on current prices on the domestic market of Russia.
The seventh chapter is devoted to the analysis of domestic consumption of diatomite in Russia. This chapter provides a balance of consumption of diatomite products, assesses the industry structure of consumption, and provides data on the volume of use of products by the largest consumers.
The final, eighth chapter provides a forecast for the production and consumption of diatomite in Russia until 2030.
The Appendix provides addresses and contact information of manufacturers and consumers of diatomite in the Russian Federation and the EAEU.
Target audience of the study:
- diatomite market participants – producers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study purports to be a reference guide for marketing services and specialists making management decisions working in the diatomaceous earth products market.
1. Brief description of the world diatomite market
1.1. Diatomite production in the world in 1999-2023.
1.2. Major world producers of diatomite
Imerys Filtration Minerals Inc.
EP Minerals, LLC
Skamol A/S
Showa Chemical Industry Co.,ltd
Jilin Yuantong Mineral Co.,Ltd
2. Reserves and deposits of diatomite in the EAEU
3. Requirements for the quality of diatomite raw materials, technology for the production of diatomite products
4. Extraction and production of diatomite products in 1999-2023.
4.1. Extraction and production of diatomite products in the EAEU countries
4.2. The current state of enterprises producing diatomite products in the EAEU
Main manufacturers
Other manufacturers
Enterprises that have stopped producing diatomite
Projects for the development of diatomite deposits
5. Foreign trade operations with diatomite in 1999-2023.
5.1. Export-import of diatomite in Russia
5.1.1. Export
5.1.2. Import
5.2. Export-import of diatomite in Armenia
6. Review of prices for diatomite in the EAEU in 1999-2023.
6.1. Russia
Domestic prices for diatomite
Export-import prices
6.2. Armenia
7. Consumption of diatomite in the Russian Federation in 1999-2023.
7.1. Consumption balance
7.2. Consumption structure
8. Forecast for the development of the diatomite market in Russia until 2030.
Application. Address book of manufacturers and consumers of diatomite products in the Russian Federation and the EAEU
Table 1. Diatomite production in the world in 1999-2023, thousand tons
Table 2. World production of diatomite according to the British Geological Survey in 2018-2022, thousand tons
Table 3. Main indicators of the diatomite market in the USA in 1999-2023, thousand tons, $/t
Table 4. Average prices for diatomite products for various purposes on the US market in 2006-2023, $/t
Table 5. Main deposits of diatomite in the EAEU
Table 6. Chemical composition of diatomites from some deposits in Russia
Table 7. Textural characteristics of diatomites from various deposits
Table 8. Quality requirements for siliceous opal-cristobalite raw materials for main applications
Table 9. Standardized quality indicators for heat-insulating diatomite
Table 10. Standardized quality indicators for calcined diatomite crumbs
Table 11. List of standards and technical specifications for materials and products made of siliceous rocks
Table 12. Commodity structure of production of the main manufacturers of diatomite products
Table 13. Diatomite production by Russian enterprises in 1999-2023, thousand m3
Table 14. Main indicators of financial and economic activities of the companies of the Diamix Group in 2011-2023, million rubles
Table 15. Quality indicators of diatomite foam bricks of Isolbriks LLC"
Table 16. Main Russian consumers of diatomite foam bricks LLC Isolbriks (formerly LLC Skamol Rus) in 2002-6 months of 2024, tons
Table 17. Main foreign consumers of diatomite foam bricks LLC Isolbriks (formerly LLC Skamol Rus), in 2005-6 months of 2024, tons
Table 18. Main indicators of financial and economic activities of Isolbrix LLC in 2011-2023, million rubles
Table 19. Properties of diatomite from the Kamyshlovsky deposit
Table 20. Technical characteristics of the SDA-F sorbent
Table 21. Application of SDA-F sorbent and options for disposal of spent sorbent
Table 22. Main indicators of financial and economic activity of Ural Diatomite Company LLC in 2011-2023, million rubles
Table 23. Consumers of diatomite products of Ural Diatomite Company LLC in 2005 - 6 months of 2024, tons
Table 24. Main indicators of financial and economic activities of the OKPUR Group of Companies in 2011-2023, million rubles
Table 25. Product specification of PK Kvant LLC
Table 26. Main indicators of financial and economic activities of PC Kvant LLC in 2011-2023, million rubles.
Table 27. Main indicators of financial and economic activities of LLC "ShDK" in 2020-2023, million rubles
Table 28. Main indicators of the financial and economic activities of Vulcanite Products Plant LLC in 2011-2023, million rubles.
Table 29. Main indicators of financial and economic activities of Murachevsky Minerals LLC in 2013-2023, million rubles
Table 30. Output of diatomite products by Inzensky Filter Materials Plant LLC in 2005-2008.
Table 31. Quality indicators of filter powders of Inzensky Filter Materials Plant LLC
Table 32. Russian consumers of products from Inzensky Filter Materials Plant LLC in 2002-2012, tons
Table 33. Main indicators of financial and economic activities of Inzensky Filter Materials Plant LLC in 2011-2023, million rubles
Table 34. Volume of Russian foreign trade transactions with diatomite in 1999-2023, thousand tons, million $
Table 35. Volume of export supplies of diatomite from Russia in 2011-2023. by directions, t
Table 36. Export volume of certain types of products produced by Diamix LLC in 2014-2023, tons
Table 37. Volume and directions of export supplies of the main Russian manufacturers of diatomite in 2012-2023, tons
Table 38. Volume of Russian imports of diatomite by supply direction in 2001-2023, t
Table 39. Main companies exporting diatomite to Russia in 2012-2023.
Table 40. Main Russian recipients of imported diatomite in 2013-2023, tons
Table 41. Volumes of foreign trade transactions of Armenia with diatomite in 1999-2023, tons, thousand $
Table 42. Directions of export supplies of diatomite to Armenia in 2003-2023, tons
Table 43. Main consumers of Armenian diatomite in Russia in 2005-2023, tons
Table 44. Prices for products of Diamix LLC in 2019-2023, thousand rubles/unit.
Table 45. Prices for products of the OKPUR Group of Companies in 2017-2023, thousand rubles/unit.
Table 46. Average annual prices of foreign trade transactions with diatomite in Russia in 1999-2023, $/t
Table 47. Average export prices for diatomite products by destination in Russia in 2001-2023, $/t
Table 48. Average import prices for diatomite products in Russia in 2001-2023, $/t
Table 49. Prices of the main companies exporting diatomite to Russia in 2011-2023, $/t
Table 50. Average export prices for diatomite products in Armenia by destination in 2003-2023, $/t
Table 51. Balance of production and consumption of diatomite in Russia in 1999-2023, thousand tons, , %
Table 52. Main areas of application of diatomite in Russia and supplier companies
Table 53. Main Russian consumers/recipients of diatomite products in 2003-2023, tons
Table 54. Volume of output of some types of products in the production of which diatomite is used, in 2011-2023.
Figure 1. Applications of siliceous rocks
Figure 2. Dynamics of world diatomite production in 1999-2023, million tons
Figure 3. Regional structure of distribution of diatomite reserves in the Russian Federation, %
Figure 4. Dynamics of diatomite production in the EAEU in 1999-2023, thousand m3
Figure 5. Dynamics of production of foam diatomite bricks by Skamol Rus LLC (until 2010 Diatom Plant LLC) in 1999-2023, thousand m3
Figure 6. Diatomite processing scheme "OKPUR-Aqua"
Figure 7. Dynamics of diatomite production in Armenia in 2010-2023, thousand m3
Figure 8. Dynamics of foreign trade operations with diatomite in Russia in 1999-2023, thousand tons
Figure 9. Dynamics of diatomite exports in Russia in 1999-2023. (in kind and in monetary terms), thousand tons, million $
Figure 10. Regional structure of diatomite exports in 2010-2023, %
Figure 11. Dynamics of diatomite imports in Russia in 1999-2023. in kind and in monetary terms, thousand tons, million $
Figure 12. Regional structure of diatomite imports in 2001-2023, %
Figure 13. Dynamics of export and import of diatomite in Armenia in 1999-2023, tons
Figure 14. Dynamics of Armenian diatomite exports in 2003-2023. (in kind and in monetary terms), t, thousand $
Figure 15. Regional structure of Armenian diatomite exports in 2005-2023, %
Figure 16. Dynamics of average annual export-import prices for diatomite products in Russia in 1999-2023, $/t
Figure 17. Dynamics of average annual export prices of Armenia for diatomite in 2003-2023, $/t
Figure 18. Dynamics of “apparent” consumption of diatomite in Russia in 1999-2023, thousand tons
Figure 19. Approximate structure of diatomite consumption by type of product in Russia, %
Figure 20. Industry structure of diatomite consumption in Russia, %
Figure 21. Forecast of production and consumption of diatomite in Russia until 2030, thousand tons