Medicinal Isotopes in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (7 edition)
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This review is the 7th edition of the study of the Russian market of isotopes for medical purposes.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the Russian market of isotopes for medical purposes.
This market has been monitored since 2007.
The object of the study is isotopes used in medicine, in particular: actinium-225, tungsten-188, gadolinium-153, germanium-68, iodine-125, iodine-131, oxygen-18, cobalt-60, lutetium-177, molybdenum-99, palladium-103, radium-223, ruthenium-106, carbon-14, etc.
The chronological framework of the study: 2018-2024, forecast - 2025-2030.
Geography of the study: Russian Federation - comprehensive detailed analysis, world - general retrospective analysis of the market.
The following sources of information were used: data from statistical committees of the EAEU countries (including Rosstat, the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan); international databases of the UN (UNdata), World Bank, Eurostat; international and European trade data (UN Comtrade, Trade Map); the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (until 2022); the Unified Information System in the Sphere of Procurement; railway transportation statistics; the SBIS database; foreign specialized companies; annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities; industry and regional press, conference materials, websites of enterprises-producers and consumers of the studied products; scientific and technical literature (elibrary, etc.), the FIPS patent database; the InfoMine database, etc.
The report consists of an introduction and 8 chapters, contains 245 pages, including 69 tables, 16 figures and 5 appendices.
The first chapter of the report is devoted to the study of the main areas of medical application of radioactive and stable isotopes.
The second chapter of the report describes the main methods of obtaining radionuclides and stable isotopes.
The third chapter of the report is devoted to the main Russian participants in the market of medical isotopes and radiopharmaceuticals, describes the main nomenclature of medical isotope products manufactured by them in 2018-2024, and also lists the largest foreign manufacturers.
The fourth chapter of the report examines Russian foreign trade operations with radiopharmaceutical products in 2018-2024 (partially since 2007).
The fifth chapter of the report analyzes the prices of the main types of medical isotope products in 2007-2024.
The sixth chapter of the report contains a study of the current state of the medical isotope market in the world and the Russian Federation for 2024.
The seventh chapter of the report presents data on the volumes and structure of isotope product consumption in the Russian healthcare system in 2024.
The eighth chapter of the report provides a forecast for the production and consumption of medical isotopes in the Russian Federation for 2025-2030.
The appendices to the report contain the terms of reference for the construction of a new radiopharmaceutical plant in Obninsk, the topics of R&D in the medical isotope field in 2018-2024, contact information for the largest Russian manufacturers and traders of medical isotope products, and a list of the main literature used.
The report features a detailed description of the competence profiles of the leading 40 Russian participants in the Russian medical isotope products market as of December 2024, an analysis of the dynamics of Russian export-import supplies of the main medical isotopes in 2018-2024, as well as a summary of prices for medical isotope products.
The target audience of the study:
- participants in the medical isotope market - manufacturers, consumers, wholesalers, equipment repairers, service companies in the field of engineering, design of nuclear medicine facilities, patent attorneys;
- potential investors;
- students and postgraduates studying the physical, chemical, biological and engineering issues of nuclear medicine.
The proposed study claims to be a reference guide for marketing services and decision-makers working in the medical isotope market.
List of abbreviations
1. Use of isotopes in medicine
1.1. Main areas of medical application of radionuclides
1.1.1. Isotopes for diagnostics
Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)
Positron emission tomography (PET)
Markers for biochemical analysis
1.1.2. Radionuclides for therapeutic purposes
Radionuclide therapy (RNT)
Implantable radioisotope current sources
Radionuclide therapy in rheumatology. Radiosynovectomy
1.2. Main areas of medical application of stable isotopes
1.2.1. Diagnostic use of stable isotopes
1.2.2. Therapeutic use of stable isotopes
2. Methods of obtaining isotopes for medical purposes in Russia
2.1. Production of PET radiopharmaceuticals and GMP rules
2.2. Main methods of obtaining stable isotopes
2.3. Main methods of obtaining radionuclides
2.3.1. Production of radionuclides in nuclear reactors
2.3.2. Obtaining radioisotopes in charged particle accelerators
2.3.3. Radionuclide generators
2.3.4. Online mass separation
2.3.5. Offline mass separation
2.3.6. Reactions under the action of ions with Z = 3-10
2.3.7. Isolation from targets - beam absorbers
3. Manufacturers of medical isotope products in 2018-2024
3.1. Largest foreign manufacturers of medical isotopes
3.2. Main Russian manufacturers of medical isotopes in 2018-2024
PET centers
JSC Rosatom Health Technologies, formerly Rusatom Healthcare (Moscow)
JSC V/O Izotop (Moscow)
JSC NIFHI im. L. Ya. Karpov" (Obninsk, Kaluga region)
FSUE "FTsPRYAM" / Plant "Medradiopreparat" (Moscow)
AO "Pharm-Sintez" (Moscow)
OOO "Bebig" (Moscow)
OOO "Diamed" (Moscow)
FSUE "PO "Mayak" (Ozersk, Chelyabinsk region)
AO "SSC NIIAR" (Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region)
AO "Institute of Reactor Materials" (Zarechny, Sverdlovsk region)
AO "Production Association "Electrochemical Plant" (Zelenogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region
FSUE "Combine "Elektrokhimpribor" (Lesnoy, Sverdlovsk region)
AO "Concern Rosenergoatom" (Moscow)
JSC “SSC RF-IPPE named after. A. I. Leypunsky" (Obninsk, Kaluga region)
JSC "Cyclotron" (Obninsk, Kaluga region)
JSC Radium Institute named after. V. G. Khlopin" (St. Petersburg)
JSC "Ritverts" (St. Petersburg)
JSC "Siberian Chemical Plant" (Seversk, Tomsk region)
RNTsRKhT im. A. M. Granova (St. Petersburg)
NMITs im. V. A. Almazova (St. Petersburg)
Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry named after. A. N. Frumkin RAS (Moscow)0
Tomsk NIMC RAS (Tomsk)
Tomsk Polytechnic (Tomsk)
Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia (Moscow)6
National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" (Moscow)
Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)
4. Export and import of medical isotopes in Russia in 2018-2024
4.1. Features of export-import supplies of isotopes
4.2. Export-import of the main medical isotopes in 2018-2024
Unidentified isotopes
5. Price analysis of medical isotopes in the Russian Federation in 2007-2024
5.1. Prices for raw isotopes
5.2. Prices for isotope generators
5.3. Prices for isotope radiation sources
5.4. Prices for radiopharmaceuticals
6. Analysis of the current market for medical isotopes
6.1. Foreign countries
6.2. The Russian market in 2024
7. Consumption of medical isotopes in the Russian Federation in 2019-2024
8. Forecast for the production and consumption of medical isotopes in Russia for 2025-2030
8.1. Forecast for the production of raw isotopes in the Russian Federation for 2025-2030
8.2. Forecast for the production of medical isotope products in the Russian Federation for 2025-2030
8.3. Forecast for the consumption of isotope medicine services in the Russian Federation for 2025-2030
Appendix 1: Technical specifications for the construction of the “Nuclear Medicine Center in Obninsk”
Appendix 2: R&D topics in the medical isotope field in 2018-2025
Appendix 3: Contact information for the main Russian manufacturers and traders of medical isotope products
Appendix 4: Contact information for the main Russian consumers of medical isotope products
Appendix 5: List of the main references
Table 1: Key foreign players in the nuclear medicine market in 2024
Table 2: Key players in the Russian Federation medical isotope products market in 2024
Table 3: Volume of medical isotope products production in the Russian Federation in 2020, 2022 and 2024, Ki, kg, RUB million
Table 4: Financial indicators of JSC V/O Izotope (Moscow) in 2018-2024, RUB million
Table 5: List of radiopharmaceuticals produced by JSC Karpov Scientific Research Institute
Table 6: Key financial indicators of JSC Karpov Scientific Research Institute in 2018-2024, RUB million
Table 7: Nomenclature of RFLPs at the designed site of the Medradiopreparat Plant (Moscow)
Table 8: Nomenclature of reagents supplied for the production of RFPs to the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Russian Scientific Center of Radiology and Surgery named after Academician A. M. Granov" on March 11, 2022
Table 9: Key financial indicators of JSC Pharm-Sintez in 2018-2024, million rubles
Table 10: Financial indicators of Bebig LLC in 2018-2024, million rubles
Table 11: Nomenclature of RFPs based on technetium-99 produced by Diamed LLC (Moscow)
Table 12: Financial indicators of Diamed LLC in 2018-2024, million rubles
Table 13: Key financial indicators of FSUE PO Mayak in 2018-2024, million rubles.
Table 14: Key financial indicators of JSC SSC RIAR in 2018-2024, million rubles.
Table 15: Key financial indicators of JSC IRM in 2018-2024, million rubles.
Table 16: Key financial indicators of JSC PO ECP in 2018-2024, million rubles.
Table 17: Nuclear medicine products of the A. I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering in 2019.
Table 18: Key financial indicators of JSC SSC RF-IPPE in 2018-2024, million rubles.
Table 19: Key financial indicators of JSC Cyclotron in 2018-2024, million rubles.
Table 20: Key financial indicators of JSC Khlopin Radium Institute in 2018-2024, million rubles.
Table 21: Key financial indicators of JSC Ritverts in 2017-2024, million rubles.
Table 22: Key financial indicators of JSC SCC in 2018-2024, billion rubles.
Table 23: Financial indicators of CRMM LLC in 2018-2024, million rubles.
Table 24: Geographical structure of Russian exports of medical isotopes in 2015-2023, %, conventional units.
Table 25: Raw isotopes, leaders in export value in 2007-2024, thousand $
Table 26: Export of sealed IRS for medical purposes in 2007-2024, thousand $
Table 27: Import of sealed sources and generators of isotopes for medical purposes in 2007-2024, thousand $
Table 28: Companies with unidentified isotopes in export and import transactions in 2018-2023
Table 29: Russian export of raw actinium-225 isotope produced by IPPE via V/O Izotop in 2018-2024, mCi, thousand $
Table 30: Export of raw tungsten-188 isotope produced by SRC RIAR in the form of sodium tungstate solution in 2018-2024, Ci, thousand $, thousand $/Ci
Table 31: Export of raw gadolinium-153 isotope produced by SRC RIAR by Russia in 2018-2024, Ci, thousand $
Table 32: Export of helium-3 isotope of the highest grade (B) with 99.99% of the isotope and grade 1A with 99.8% of the isotope produced by FSUE PO Mayak by Russia in 2018-2024, g, thousand $
Table 33: Export of raw isotope germanium-68 produced by JSC Cyclotron in 2018-2024, Ci, thousand $
Table 34: Export of gallium-68 generators based on the isotope germanium-68 by Russia in 2018-2024, units, Ci, thousand $
Table 35: Import of gamma therapy sources from the isotope iridium-192 by Russia in 2018-2024, Ci, thousand $
Table 36: Export of raw isotope iodine-125 by Russia in 2018-2024, Ci, thousand $, thousand $/Ci
Table 37: Import of radioimmune kits based on the isotope iodine-125 by Russia in 2018-2024, mCi, thousand $, units, thousand $/mCi, $/unit
Table 38: Russia's import of iodine-125 for the production of microcapsules for brachytherapy in 2018-2024, Ci, thousand $, thousand $/Ci
Table 39: Russia's import of microcapsules for brachytherapy based on the isotope iodine-125 in 2018-2024, Ci, thousand $, units, $/Ci, $/unit
Table 40: Export of raw iodine-131 isotope by Russia in 2018-2024, Ci, thousand $, $/Ci
Table 41: Import of iodine-131 isotope in carbonate buffer for intravenous injection by Russia in 2018-2024, Ci, thousand $, thousand $/Ci
Table 42: Import of unregistered drug 131I-MIBG produced by Institute of Isotopes (Hungary) by Medsnab LLC in 2018-2024, Ci, thousand $, thousand $/Ci
Table 43: Export of water enriched with oxygen-18 isotope by Russia in 2018-2024, kg, thousand $, $/g
Table 44: Export of raw cobalt-60 isotope in 2018-2024, thousand Ci, thousand $, $/Ci
Table 45: Export of cobalt-60 isotope sources by Russia in 2007-2024, thousand Ci, thousand $, $/Ci
Table 46: Import of sealed cobalt-60 isotope sources for medical equipment by Russia in 2018-2024, Ci, thousand $
Table 47: Export of raw lutetium-177 isotope by Russia in 2018-2024, Ci, thousand $, thousand $/Ci
Table 48: Export of molybdenum-99 isotope by Russia in 2018-2024, Ci, thousand $, $/Ci
Table 49: Import of technetium-99 generators based on molybdenum-99 isotope in 2018-2024, units, Ki, thousand $, thousand $/unit
Table 50: Export of raw palladium-103 isotope in the form of chloride by Russia in 2018-2024, Ki, thousand $,
Table 51: Russia's import of the drug "Xofigo" based on the isotope radium-223 in 2018-2024, units, mCi, thousand $
Table 52: Russia's export of the raw isotope ruthenium-106 in the form of chloride produced by NIIAR in 2018-2024, Ci, thousand $, thousand $/Ci
Table 53: Import of ophthalmic applicators based on the isotope ruthenium-106 in 2018-2024, units, mCi, thousand $, thousand $/unit
Table 54: Export of raw strontium-89 isotope in the form of chloride produced by NIIAR in 2018-2024, Ci, thousand $, thousand $/Ci
Table 55: Export of raw strontium-90 isotope by Russia in 2018-2024, Ci, thousand $, thousand $/Ci
Table 56: Russian export and import of gaseous carbon dioxide enriched in the isotope 13C in 2018-2024, kg, thousand $, thousand $/kg
Table 57: Export of raw carbon-14 isotope by Russia in 2018-2024, Ci, thousand $, thousand $/Ci
Table 58: Export of raw phosphorus-32 isotope by Russia in 2007-2018, Ci, thousand $
Table 59: Export of raw isotope cesium-131 in 2018-2024, Ci, thousand $, thousand $/Ci
Table 60: Export of reagents based on the isotope cesium-137 by Russia in 2018-2024, Ci, thousand $, thousand $/Ci
Table 61: Export of sealed sources based on the isotope cesium-137 for medical gamma devices by Russia in 2018-2024, units, Ci, thousand $, thousand $/Ci
Table 62: Average export prices for raw isotopes for medical purposes in 2007-2024, $/Ci
Table 63: Average export prices of isotope generators on germanium-68 and molybdenum-99 in 2007-2024, $/Ci, $/unit
Table 64: Average domestic prices for technetium generator purchases in 2011-2024, thousand rubles/unit with VAT
Table 65: Price level for PET examination in April 2023 in Moscow, thousand rubles
Table 66: Price level for PET examination in December 2024 in Moscow, thousand rubles
Table 67: Consumption of medical isotope products in Russia in 2023, million rubles
Table 68: Production-consumption balance of medical isotopes in the Russian Federation in 2019-2024, million rubles, %
Table 69: Consumption of medical isotopes by medical services in the Russian Federation in 2024, thousand units, billion rubles
Figure 1: Estimated shares of Russian manufacturers in the production of medical and dual-use isotopes in 2024, %
Figure 2: Structure of NIIAR isotope sales volume in 2023, %
Figure 3: Dynamics of export and import of medical and dual-use isotopes in 2018-2024, million $
Figure 4: Shares of the main foreign companies-buyers of Russian medical isotope products in 2015-2023, %
Figure 5: Geographic structure of Russian export of medical isotopes in 2015-2023, %
Figure 6: Dynamics of Russian export of isotope-medical products in 2007-2024, million $
Figure 7: Dynamics of import of isotope-medical products in 2007-2024, million $
Figure 8: Shares of the main foreign companies-suppliers of isotope products for medical purposes in the Russian Federation in 2015-2023, %
Figure 9: Dynamics of the average export price for Russian helium-3 grade "1A" (99.8%) in 2007-2024, thousand $/gram
Figure 10: Dynamics of the average export price of water with 97% oxygen-18 isotope in 2007-2024, thousand $/kg
Figure 11: Dynamics of the average export and import price of iodine-131 isotope in 2014-2024, thousand $/Ci
Figure 12: Dynamics of the average price for imported microcapsules for brachytherapy based on iodine-125 isotope in 2007-2024, $/unit
Figure 13: Structure of consumption of medical isotope products in the Russian Federation in 2023, %
Figure 14: Forecast of production of raw medical isotopes in the Russian Federation for 2025-2030, billion rubles
Figure 15: Forecast of production of medical isotope products (RFP, isotope generators, radiation sources, calibration sources, working gases for MRI) in the Russian Federation for 2025-2030, billion rubles
Figure 16: Forecast of the number of civil procedures with medical isotopes in the Russian Federation for 2025-2030, million units per year