Contact information for major CIS Machine Building and Equipment Companies
- Mobile diesel-generator sets
- Springs for Freight Cat Trucks
- Box Freight Cars
- Rail Car Tanks
- Flat Cars
- Gondola cars
- Railway Electric Traction Facilities for Mining Industry
- Shovel excavators
- Articulated Rock Haulers
- Blast Hole Drilling Rigs in Mining Industry
- Mobile Crushing-and-Screening Facilities for Broken Stone Production
- Self-Supporting Insulated Wires
- Welding Electrodes
- Sintered Carbide Alloy Metal-Working Tool
- Electrocorundum
- Lead storage batteries
Mobile diesel-generator sets
Mobile diesel-generator sets Market Research in Russia
JSC "Artes-Energetik"
Address: 2-a, N. Yarnyh str., Barnaul town, Russia, 656011
Phone: +7(385-2) 77-53-14, 36-12-21, 36-10-32
Fax: +7(385-2) 77-58-39
E-mail: : zakaz@artes-sib.ru, info@artes-sib.ru
Web site: http://www.artes-sib.ru
Address: 15, Vashytinskoe highway, Khimki town, Moscow region, Russia, 141402
Phone: +7 495 933 55 55
E-mail: info@ru.atlascopco.com
Web site: atlascopco.com
JSC "Avtodiesel" (Yaroslavl Motor Works)
Address: 75, Oktyabr Pr., 150040 Yaroslavl town, Russia
Phone: +7 (4852) 58-81-20, 27-47-07, 27-46-23, 27-46-01
Fax: +7 (4852) 58-81-44
E-mail: reception@adzl.ru, motor@adzl.ru
Web site: http://eng.gazgroup.ru
JSC "Azimut"
Address: 622 office, 1-a, 20 Kulakova str., Moscow town, Russia, 123592
Phone: +7 (495) 781-8472, 781-8472, (926) 826-20-64
E-mail: sales@gc-azimut.ru, gc-azimut@bk.ru
Web site: http://www.gc-azimut.ru
JSC "Baranchinskiy Electromekhanicheskiy Zavod"
Address: 2-a, Lenina str., Baranchinskiy settl., Sverdlovsk region, Russia, 624315
Phone: +7 (343) 372 86 94
Fax: +7 (343) 372 86 95
Е-mail: salesbemz@bemz.ru
Web site: http://www.bemz.ru/
JSC "Barnaultransmash"
Address: 28, Kalinina str., Barnaul town, Russia, 656037
Phone: +7(3852) 77-15-00
Fax: +7 (3852) 77-05-12
E-mail: om@barnaultransmash.ru, ombtm@yandex.ru
Web site: http://www.barnaultransmash.ru
LTD "Briz Motors"
Address: 126, Savushkina str., St. Petersburg town, Russia, 197374
Phone/fax: +7(812) 347-70-71
E-mail: info@brizmotors.ru
Web site: http://www.brizmotors.ru
"Dizel" Group Company
Address: 303 office, 14, Magistralnaya str., Yaroslavl town, Russia, 150049
Phone/fax: +7 (4852) 45-79-60, 48-61-04, 20-03-68 , 20-06-58
E-mail: director@gkdizel.ru , zlobina@gkdizel.ru
Web site: http://www.gkdizel.ru/
JSC "Dizel-Status"
Address: 58. Kantemirovskaya str., Moscow, Russia, 115477
Phone: +7(495) 220-32-30
Fax: +7(495) 231-42-29
E-mail: info@dizel-status.ru
Web site: http://www.dizel-status.ru/
JSC "Elektroagregat"
Address: 5-a, 2-nd Agregatnaya str., Kursk town, Russia, 305022
Phone: +7(47122) 6-05-50; 6-06-53, 6-51-20; 6-56-15; 6-11-89; 6-11-35; 6-03-26; 6-18-59; 6-06-10; 6-02-89
Fax: +7(4712) 34-17-66; 34-17-99; 34-18-15
E-mail: general@kursknet.ru
Web site: http://www.electroagregat.ru/
JSC "Elektroagregat"
Address: 30, Planetnaya str., Novosibirsk town, Russia
Phone/fax: +7 (383) 278-72-82, 278-72-08
E-mail: eagregat@comgate.ru
Web site: www.agregatnsk.ru
LTD "Elektrodisel" Group Company
Address: 56, Entuziastov highway, Moscow town, Russia, 111123
Phone/fax: +7(495) 258-25-05, 786-99-12
Email: info@eldiesel21.ru
Web site: http://www.eldiesel21.ru
LTD "Elektrospetstekhnika"
Address: 3/4, Bekhtereva str., Ekaterinburg town, Russia, 620137
Phone: +7 (343) 367-80-44 +7 (343) 367-81-41 +7 (343) 213-17-06 +7 (343) 213-71-13
E-mail: info@estech.ru
Web site: http://www.estech.ru
LTD "Energoholding"
Address: 58/3, M. Tukhachevskogo str., Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7(495) 925-81-95
E-mail: info@energoholding.ru
Web site: http://energoholding.ru
JSC "Energostatus"
Address: 141, Lublinskaya str., Moscow, Russia, 109382
Phone: +7 (495) 778-45-44
Fax: +7 (495) 221-61-31
E-mail: info@energo-status.ru
Web site: http://www.energo-status.su/
JSC «Geomash-Centre»
Address: 9/2 Kuntsevskaya St., Moscow town, 121351, Russia
Phone/fax: +7 (495) 416-05-52
E-mail: mail@geomash.ru
Web site: geomash.ru
Ltd "GrandMotors Engineering Company"
Address: 18/3, 1st Tverskoy Yamskoy per., Moscow, Russia
Phone/fax: +7(495) 411-94-60
E-mail: info@grandmotors.ru
Web site: http://www.grandmotors.ru/
"TSS" Group Company
Address: 9, Grafskiy Per, Moscow town, Russia, 129626
Phone: +7 (495) 258-00-20
Web site: http://www.tss.ru
JSC "UPTK InterElektroMontazh"
Address: 405 office, 1/3, Rumyantsevo Biznes Centre, Kievskoe highway, Leninskiy district, Moscow region, Russia, 142784
Phone: +7 (495) 980-66-47 доб. 20-74
E-mail: barannik@npo-iem.ru
Web site: http://www.uptk-iem.ru
LTD "IzhElektroAgregat"
Address: 5b-2, Gagarina str., Izhevsk town, Russia, 426028
Phone: +7(3412) 56-46-32, (3412) 94-26-00
Fax: +7(3412) 94-26-01
E-mail: ieagregat@uzel9.ru
Web site: http://www.ie-agregat.ru/
JSC "KAMAZinstrumentspetsmash"
Address: 2, Avtozavodskiy pr., Naberezhnye Chelny town, Tatarstan republic, Russia, 423827
Phone: +7(8552) 37-40-43
Fax: +7(8552) 39-61-42
E-mail : marketing@kism.kamaz.org, nizovtsev_sn@kism.kamaz.org, aleksandrova_e@kism.kamaz.org
Web site: http://www.kamkism.ru/
Address: 309 office, 39, Signalny pr., Moscow town, Russia, 127273
Phone: +7(495) 926-25-56,(495) 798-55-49, (495) 726-79-26
Fax: +7(495) 926-25-56
E-mail: info@kedar.ru
Web site: http://www.kedar.ru
LTD "Mashinostroitelny Zavod EnergoTehService"
Address: 58-b, Polevaya str., Lebyazh'e settl., Barnaul town, Russia, 656904
Phone: +7(3852) 67-04-02, 67-38-10
E-mail: 97022@rambler.ru
Web site: http://energo-tech.ru/
"Mobilnye Energosistemy"
Address: 26/2, Severny pr., St. Petersburg, Russia
Phone: +7 (812) 497-93-71, 497-93-72
E-mail: info@powermobile.ru
Web site: http://www.powermobile.ru/
JSC "Moskovskiy Proxhektorny Zavod"
Address: 56/33, Entuziastov highway, Moscow town, Russia, 111123
Phone: +7(495) 786-37-03
Fax: +7(495) 305-59-69
E-mail: info@mpz-projector.ru
Web site: http://www.mpz-projector.ru
LTD "Pervaya Energeticheskaya Kompaniya"
Address: 3-b, Instrumentalnaya str., St. Petersburg town, Russia, 197376
Phone: +7 (812) 325-6810. +7 (812) 244-6810
E-mail: info@911energo.ru, info@1energo.ru
Web site: http://www.1energo.ru
LTD "Promyshlennye Silovye Mashiny"
Address: 106 office, 41, Nekrasova str., Yaroslavl town, Russia, 150040
Phone/fax: +7(4852) 58-08-12
Web site: http://www.powerunit.ru/
SE "Rasel"
Address: 1, Ilmenskiy pr., Moscow town, Russia
Phone/fax: +7(495) 925-5982 , (495) 645-44-37
E-mail: rusel@rusel.ru
Web site: http://www.rusel.ru/
Rental Power Group
Address: 14, Obraztsova str., Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7 (495) 646-74-36; +7 (495) 764-00-57
Web site: http://www.rentalpowergroup.ru/
Address: 10/1, Kosmonavta Volkova str., Moscow town, Russia, 127299
Phone/fax: +7 (495) 786-48-12
E-mail: info@сdmo.ru, expert@sdmo.ru
Web site: http://www.sdmo.ru
LTD "SpetsDieselService"
Address: 15/6, Svobody str., Yaroslavl town, Russia, 150000
Phone/fax: +7(4852) 30-27-50, 97-10-06; 93-61-38;
E-mail: sds@yaroslavl.ru, Sdsyar@yandex.ru
Web site: http://sds.yaroslavl.ru/
Address: 47, Stachek av., St. Petersburg, 198097, Russia; p/o 97
Phone: +7 (812) 777-9000
Fax: +7 (812) 777-9001
E-mail: office@energostar.com
Web site: http://www.energostar.com
JSC "Stroysnab"
Address: 33-40, 111, Krasnorechenskaya str., Khabarovsk town, Russia, 680006
Phone: +7(4212) 54-18-94, 54-48-35 , +7-962-501-5513
Fax: +7(4212) 54-49-20. , 463-500
E-mail: boss@stroysnab.su , sveta@stroysnab.su
Web site: http://stroysnab.su/
LTD "Ural Diesel Engine Plant"
Address: 18, Frontovyh brigad str., Ekaterinburg town, Russia, 620017
Phone: +7(343) 278-45-00
E-mail: mail@udmw.ru
Web site: http://www.sinara-group.com
JSC "Volzhskiy Disel im. Maminyh"
Address: 124, Kommunisticheskaya str., Balakovo town, Saratov region, Russia, 413850
Phone: +7 (8453) 35-63-65, 35-36-69
Fax: +7 (8453) 35-84-97, 46-42-71
E-mail: info@vdm-plant.ru
Web site: http://www.vdm-plant.ru/
LTD "Vyazminskiy Elektrotekhnicheskiy Zavod-Energosistemy"
Address: +7(48131) 6-13-52
Fax: +7(48131) 5-47-37
E-mail: mail@vetz.ru
Web site: http://www.vetz.ru/
LTD "Yardizel" Group Company
Address: 9-b, Polushkina Roscha str., Yaroslavl town, Russia, 150003
Phone: +7(4852) 49-34-33
Fax: +7(4852) 49-31-29
E-mail: yardizel@yardizel.ru
Web site: http://www.yardizel.ru
FG Wilson (Engineering) Ltd.
Address: 1 Millennium Way, Springvale Business Park, BELFAST, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland, BT12 7AL
Phone: +44 (0) 28 9049 5000
Fax: +44 (0) 28 2826 1111
Web site: http://www.fgwilson.com
AKSA (Aksa Power Generation)
Address: Gulbahar Cad. 1.Sk. 34212, Istanbul / Turkey
Phone: + 90 212 478 66 66
Fax: + 90 212 657 55 16
E-mail: aksa@aksa.com.tr
Web site: http://www.aksa.com.tr
Caterpillar Corporate
Address: 100 North East Adams Street, Peoria, Illinois USA 61629
Phone: 1 (309) 675-1000
Web site: http://www.caterpillar.com
Cummins Inc.
Address: 500 Jackson Street, Columbus, IN 47201, U.S.A.
Phone: 1-812-377-5000
Fax: 1-812-377-3334
Email: recruiting@cummins.com
Web site: http://www.cummins.com
Springs for Freight Cat Trucks
Springs for Freight Cat Trucks Market Research in the CIS
JSC "Altaivagon"
Address: 16, 22-go Partsyezda St., Novoaltaisk , Altai region, Russia
Phone: +7 (38532) 49-1-33
Fax: +7 (38532) 47-4-33
Email: altvagon@altvagon.ru
Web site: http://www.altaivagon.com
JSC "Beloretskiy Zavod Ressor I Pruzhin"
Address: 104, Mayakovskogo str, Beloretsk town, Bashkortostan republic, Russia, 453500
Phone: +7(34792) 4-26-92, 5-04-34
Fax: +7(34792) 4-12-76
Email: shevelev@bzrp.ru, priemnay@bzrp.ru
Web site: http://bzrp.ru
JSC "UK Bryanskiy Mashinostroitelny Zavod"
Address: 26, Ul'yanova str., Bryansk town, Russia, 241015
Phone: +7(4832) 51-40-30, 36-02-20
Fax: +7(4832) 51-50-52, 73-67-02
Email: odo@ukbmz.ru
Web site: http://www.ukbmz.ru/
JSC "Chelyabprommash"
Address: 65/121 Geroev Tankograda St., Chelyabinsk, Russia 454091
Phone: +7(351)271-57-76, 271-57-78, 235-50-28
Fax: +7(351)253-78-74, +7(351)253-74-18
Email: chelmash@yandex.ru
Web site: http://www.chelmash.com/
JSC "Promtractor-Vagon"
Address: 1a Ilyich street, Kanash, Chuvash Republic, Russian Federation, 429330
Phone/fax: +7(83533) 2-86-00
Email: kvrz@cbx.ru
Web site: http://www.promtractor-vagon.com/
JSC "Pruzhinny Zavod" (Springs Plant)
Address: 25, Partizanskaya str., St. Petersburg town, Russia
Phone: +7 (812) 318-52-59, 318-52-60
Web site: http://www.spbpz.ru
JSC "NPP UralVasgonZavod"
Address: 28, Vostochnoe highway, Nizhniy Tagil, Sverdlovsk region, Russia, 622007
Phone: +7 (3435) 344-209, 345-104, 345-293, 345-435
Email: web@uvz.ru, mts@uvz.ru, 791@uvz.ru
Web site: http://www.uvz.ru
JSC "Volgofradskiy Zavod Traktornyh Detaley I Normaley"
Address: 59, Lenina pr., Volgofrad town, Russia
Phone: +7(8442) 23-56-24, 23-59-35, 23-33-59
Fax: +7(8442) 23-02-75
Web site: http://www.vztdn.ru
SZAO "Osipovichskiy Vagonostroiywelny Zavod"
Address: Koltsevaya str., Osipovichi town, Belarus
Phone: +375 (017)225-30-21, (017) 227-84-36
Email: ovz.mtc@bk.ru
JSC «NC «Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»
Address: 6, Konaeva street, Astana city, Kazakhstan, 010000
Phone: +7 (7172) 93-01-13
E-mail: temirzhol@railways.kz
Web site: http://www.railways.kz
JSC "Dneprovagonmash"
Address: Krasnodonskaya Str. 1-3 , Kiev town, Ukraine, 03035
Phone/fax: +38 (044) 520-51-63, 520-51-67
E-mail: marketing@tas-group.com.ua
Web site: http://www.dvmash.com
Address: 139, Prikhodko Str., Kremenchug town, 39621, Ukraine
Phone: +(380 536) 76-95-05, 76-94-09
Fax: +(380536) 74-36-20
E-mail: kvsz@kvsz.com
Web site: http://www.kvsz.com
Popasnyanskiy Vagonoremontny Zavod
Address: 1, Zhelezodorozhnaya str., Popasnaya town, Lugansk region, Ukraine, 93300
Phone: +38 (06474) 3-28-48
Fax: +38 (06474) 3-25-91
E-mail: common@pvrz.org.ua
Web site: http://pvrz.org.ua
GAZK O'zbekiston Temir Yo'llari
Address: 7, T. Shevchenco str., Tashkent town, Uzbekistan, 700060
Phone: (+99871) 238-80-28, 237-90-28
Fax: (+99871) 233-69-24
E-mail: gajk@uzrailway.uz, marketing@uzrailway.uz, ferd@uzrailway.uz
Web site: http://www.uzrailway.uz
Address: 8, Oshskaya str., Andizhan town, Uzbekistan, 170123
Phone: +99874 224 17 81
Fax: +99874 224 00 67
E-mail: info@amz.uz
Web site: http://www.amz.uz
JSC “Uzvagonta'mir"
Address: 8, Elbek str., Khamzinskiy district, Tashkent region, Uzbekistan, 100060
Phone: (+99871) 2997700, 2999039
Fax: (+99871) 2997700, 2997487
E-mail: info@uzvr.com
Box Freight Cars
Box Freight Cars Market Research in CIS countries
JSC "Altaivagon"
Address: 16, 22-go Partsyezda St., Novoaltaisk , Altai region, Russia
Phone: +7 (38532) 49-1-33
Fax: +7 (38532) 47-4-33
Email: altvagon@altvagon.ru
Web site: http://www.altaivagon.com
JSC "UK Bryanskiy Mashinostroitelny Zavod"
Address: 26, Ul'yanova str., Bryansk town, Russia, 241015
Phone: +7(4832) 51-40-30, 36-02-20
Fax: +7(4832) 51-50-52, 73-67-02
Email: odo@ukbmz.ru
Web site: http://www.ukbmz.ru/
JSC "Ruzhimmash"
Address: Ruzaevka towm, Mordovia republic, Russia, 431446
Phone: +7 (83451) 6-53-75, 6-53-49
Fax: +7 (83451) 6-54-07, 6-53-06
Email: ruzhim@ruzhim.ru
Web site: ruzhim.rctm.su
JSC "Azovmash"
Address: 1, Mashinostroiteley str., Mariupol, Donetsk region, Ukraine, 87535
Phone: +38(0629) 56-08-53, 53-01-25, 53-89-88, 56-08-68, 53-09-72
E-mail: info@azovmash.com
Web site: http://www.azovmash.com
JSC "Dneprovagonmash"
Address: Krasnodonskaya Str. 1-3 , Kiev town, Ukraine, 03035
Phone/fax: +38 (044) 520-51-63, 520-51-67
E-mail: marketing@tas-group.com.ua
Web site: http://www.dvmash.com
Address: 139, Prikhodko Str., Kremenchug town, 39621, Ukraine
Phone: +(380 536) 76-95-05, 76-94-09
Fax: +(380536) 74-36-20
E-mail: kvsz@kvsz.com
JSC “Stakhanov Wagon Works“
Address: 67, Lenin avenue, town of Stakhanov, Lugansk region, 94018, Ukraine
Phone: +38 06444 97060, 97002, 97732 , 97674, 97213, 97078
Fax: +38 06444 97033, 97001, 97734
E-mail: info@stakhanovvz.com
Web site: http://www.stakhanovvz.com
Rail Car Tanks
Rail Car Tanks Market Research in the CIS
JSC "Altaivagon"
Address: 16, 22-go Partsyezda St., Novoaltaisk , Altai region, Russia
Phone: +7 (38532) 49-1-33
Fax: +7 (38532) 47-4-33
Email: altvagon@altvagon.ru
Web site: http://www.altaivagon.com
JSC "Ruzhimmash"
Address: Ruzaevka towm, Mordovia republic, Russia, 431446
Phone: +7 (83451) 6-53-75, 6-53-49
Fax: +7 (83451) 6-54-07, 6-53-06
Email: ruzhim@ruzhim.ru
Web site: ruzhim.rctm.su
JSC "NPP UralVasgonZavod"
Address: 28, Vostochnoe highway, Nizhniy Tagil, Sverdlovsk region, Russia, 622007
Phone: +7 (3435) 344-209, 345-104, 345-293, 345-435
Email: web@uvz.ru, mts@uvz.ru, 791@uvz.ru
Web site: http://www.uvz.ru
JSC "Azovmash"
Address: 1, Mashinostroiteley str., Mariupol, Donetsk region, Ukraine, 87535
Phone: +38(0629) 56-08-53, 53-01-25, 53-89-88, 56-08-68, 53-09-72
E-mail: info@azovmash.com
Web site: http://www.azovmash.com
Flat Cars
Flat Cars Market Research in CIS
JSC "Altaivagon"
Address: 16, 22-go Partsyezda St., Novoaltaisk , Altai region, Russia
Phone: +7 (38532) 49-1-33
Fax: +7 (38532) 47-4-33
Email: altvagon@altvagon.ru
Web site: http://www.altaivagon.com
JSC "Ruzhimmash"
Address: Ruzaevka towm, Mordovia republic, Russia, 431446
Phone: +7 (83451) 6-53-75, 6-53-49
Fax: +7 (83451) 6-54-07, 6-53-06
Email: ruzhim@ruzhim.ru
Web site: ruzhim.rctm.su
JSC "Transmash"
Address: 1, Zavodskaya st., Engels town, Saratov region, Russia, 413117
Phone: + 7 (8453) 54-15-62, 56-19-09
Fax: + 7 (8453) 54-15-62, 56-19-07
E-mail: info@transmash.com
JSC "NPP UralVasgonZavod"
Address: 28, Vostochnoe highway, Nizhniy Tagil, Sverdlovsk region, Russia, 622007
Phone: +7 (3435) 344-209, 345-104, 345-293, 345-435
Email: web@uvz.ru, mts@uvz.ru, 791@uvz.ru
Web site: http://www.uvz.ru
JSC "Zavod Metallokonstruktsy"
Address: 68, Stroiteley Avenue, Engels town, Saratov region, Russia, 413116
Phone: +7(8453) 74-31-63, 74-31-65,
Fax: +7(8453)74-31-08
E-mail: zmk@overta.ru
Web site: http://www.ezmk.net
JSC "Azovmash"
Address: 1, Mashinostroiteley str., Mariupol, Donetsk region, Ukraine, 87535
Phone: +38(0629) 56-08-53, 53-01-25, 53-89-88, 56-08-68, 53-09-72
E-mail: info@azovmash.com
Web site: http://www.azovmash.com
JSC "Dneprovagonmash"
Address: Krasnodonskaya Str. 1-3 , Kiev town, Ukraine, 03035
Phone/fax: +38 (044) 520-51-63, 520-51-67
E-mail: marketing@tas-group.com.ua
Web site: http://www.dvmash.com
Address: 139, Prikhodko Str., Kremenchug town, 39621, Ukraine
Phone: +(380 536) 76-95-05, 76-94-09
Fax: +(380536) 74-36-20
E-mail: kvsz@kvsz.com
JSC “Stakhanov Wagon Works“
Address: 67, Lenin avenue, town of Stakhanov, Lugansk region, 94018, Ukraine
Phone: +38 06444 97060, 97002, 97732 , 97674, 97213, 97078
Fax: +38 06444 97033, 97001, 97734
E-mail: info@stakhanovvz.com
Web site: http://www.stakhanovvz.com
Gondola cars
Gondola cars market research in the CIS
JSC "Altaivagon"
Address: 16, 22-go Partsyezda St., Novoaltaisk , Altai region, Russia
Phone: +7 (38532) 49-1-33
Fax: +7 (38532) 47-4-33
Email: altvagon@altvagon.ru
Web site: http://www.altaivagon.com
JSC "Ruzhimmash"
Address: Ruzaevka towm, Mordovia republic, Russia, 431446
Phone: +7 (83451) 6-53-75, 6-53-49
Fax: +7 (83451) 6-54-07, 6-53-06
Email: ruzhim@ruzhim.ru
Web site: ruzhim.rctm.su
JSC "NPP UralVasgonZavod"
Address: 28, Vostochnoe highway, Nizhniy Tagil, Sverdlovsk region, Russia, 622007
Phone: +7 (3435) 344-209, 345-104, 345-293, 345-435
Email: web@uvz.ru, mts@uvz.ru, 791@uvz.ru
Web site: http://www.uvz.ru
JSC "Azovmash"
Address: 1, Mashinostroiteley str., Mariupol, Donetsk region, Ukraine, 87535
Phone: +38(0629) 56-08-53, 53-01-25, 53-89-88, 56-08-68, 53-09-72
E-mail: info@azovmash.com
Web site: http://www.azovmash.com
JSC "Dneprovagonmash"
Address: Krasnodonskaya Str. 1-3 , Kiev town, Ukraine, 03035
Phone/fax: +38 (044) 520-51-63, 520-51-67
E-mail: marketing@tas-group.com.ua
Web site: http://www.dvmash.com
Address: 139, Prikhodko Str., Kremenchug town, 39621, Ukraine
Phone: +(380 536) 76-95-05, 76-94-09
Fax: +(380536) 74-36-20
E-mail: kvsz@kvsz.com
Railway Electric Traction Facilities for Mining Industry
Railway Electric Traction Facilities for Mining Industry: Market Research in the CIS
JSC “Alexandrovsk Machine Building Plant"
Address: 3, Voykov str., Alexandrovsk, Permsky Kray, 618320, Russia
Phone: +7 (34274) 730–00, 326–44
Fax: +7 (34274) 319–75
E-mail: info@amz.perm.ru
Web site: http://www.amz.perm.ru/
JSC “Novocherkasskiy Elektrovozostroitelny Zavod"
Address: 7-a, Mashinostroiteley str., Novocherkassk town, Rostov region, Russia, 346413
Phone: +7(863-5) 23-38-00, 29-22-24
Fax: +7(863-5) 23-48-66
Web site: http://www.nevz.com/
JSC “Yasnogorsk Machine-Building Plant"
Address: 3, Zavodskaya str., Yasnogorsk town, Tula region, Russia, 301031
Phone/fax: +7 (495) 981-83-25
E-mail: info@td-yamz.ru
Web site: http://www.td-yamz.ru
TOO "KazZincmash"
Address: 5, Bukhmeyera str., Ridder town, Vostochno-Kazakhstanskaya region, Kazakhstan, 071300
Phone: (72336) 4-25-63
Fax: (72336) 4-24-44, 4-24-45
E-mail: kzm_office@kazzinc.kz
Web site: http://kazzincmash.kazzinc.kz/
JSC “Druzhkovskiy Mashinostroitelny Zavod"
Address: Druzhkovka town, Donetsk region, Russia, 84205
Phone: +380 (6267) 42 129
Fax: +380 (6267) 30 968
Address: 13, Orbitalnaya str., Dnepropetrovsk town, Ukraine, 49068
Phone: +380 ( 562) 773 26 78
Fax: +380 (562) 773 26 77
Shovel excavators
Shovel excavators market research in Russia
JSC “Dmitrovskiy Ekskavatorny Zavod pri Spetsstroe RF"
Address: 1, Pushkinskaya str., Dmitrov town, Moscow region, Russia, 141800
Phone/fax: +7 (495) 993-80-48, 993-80-52, 993-82-46, 993-91-26
Е-mail: explan@mail.ru; sm@dmitrex.ru
Web site:http://dez.dmitrow.ru
JSC “Donetskiy Ekskavator" (Donex)
Address: 30, Lenina pr., Donetsk town, Rostov region, Russia, 346330
Phone/fax: +7(86368) 2-20-35 /2-10-09
Е-mail: comdir@donex.ru
Web site: http://www.donex.ru/
LTD "Excko"
Address: 3, Inzhenerny per., Kostroma town, Russia, 156001
Phone: + 7 (4942) 53-18-02, 53-13-19
Fax: + 7 (4942) 53-06-52
Е-mail: excko@kmtn.ru
PO "Inter-Don"
Address: 37-a, Lenina str, Donetsk town, Rostow region, Russia, 346330
Phone: +7(86368) 2-22-32, 273-56-69,
Fax: +7(863) 254-44-77
Web site: http://www.inter-don.ru/
LTD "Izhorskie Zavody"
Address: Lenina pr., Kolpino, St. Petersburg, Russia, 196651
Phone: +7(812) 322 80 00
Fax: +7(812) 460 88 43
Е-mail: izhora@omzglobal.com
Web site: http://www.omz.ru
JSC “Kranex"
Address: Ivanovo town, Russia, 153007
Phone: +7(4932) 32-64-40, 37-65-54
Fax: +7(4932) 37-65-07, 35-72-35
Е-mail: orso@kraneks.ru
Web site: http://www.kraneks.ru
LTD "Lex Plant"
Address: 142-a, Scherbakova str., Ekaterinburg town, Russia
Phone/fax: +7 (343) 233-90-48, 233-89-92, 268-70-42
Е-mail: sales@excavator-lex.ru
JSC “Mashinostroitelny Zavod Kovrovets"
Address: 5, Lopatina str., Kovrov town, Vladimir region, Russia, 601900
Phone: +7 (49232) 30224
Е-mail: sales@kez.ru
JSC “Omskiy Zavod Transportnogo Mashinostroeniya"
Address: 2, Krasny Pereulok, Omsk town, Russia, 644020
Phone: +7(381-2) 44-61-15
Fax: +7(381-2) 41-52-94, 41-85-10
Е-mail: oztm@bk.ru , lamax@inbox.ru
Web site: www.omsktransmash.narod.ru
JSC “Sarex"
Address: 126-a, Proletarskaya str., Saransk town, Mordoviya republic, Russia, 430001
Phone: +7(8342)28-33-17, 28-33-58, 28-33-47
Fax: +7(8342) 47-30-37.
Е-mail: sarex@moris.ru, www.sarex.ru
Web site: http://www.sarex.ru
JSC “«Stroydormash»
Address: 1, Serova str., Alapaevsk town, 624600
Phone: +7 (343) 372-71-21
Е-mail: sdm@sdm.ur.ru
Web site: http://www.zavod-sdm.ru/
JSC “Tverskoy Ekskavator"
Address: 11, Industrialnaya str., Tver town, Russia, 170000
Phone: +7(4822) 32-17-44
Fax: +7(4822) 34-64-90
Е-mail: exkavator@tvcom.ru
Web site: http://www.tvexc.ru
JSC “Uralmash Machine-Building Corporation"
Address: Pervoi Pyatiletki Sq., Ekaterinburg, Russia, 620012
Fax: +7 (343) 336-60-40
Е-mail: mail@uralmash.ru
Web site: http://www.uralmash.ru
JSC "NPP UralVasgonZavod"
Address: 28, Vostochnoe highway, Nizhniy Tagil, Sverdlovsk region, Russia, 622007
Phone: +7 (3435) 344-209, 345-104, 345-293, 345-435
Email: web@uvz.ru, mts@uvz.ru, 791@uvz.ru
Web site: http://www.uvz.ru
JSC “Voronezhskiy Ekskavator" (VEKS)
Address: 11, Moscovskiy pr., Voronezh town, Russia, 394712
Phone:+7 (4732)46-66-37, 4-90-34
Web site:http://www.veks.ru
JSC “Kohanovsky Excavator Plant”
Address: s-t Kohanovo , Vitebsk region, Belarus, 211060
Phone/fax: +375(2136)2-9158
Email: marketing_kez@tut.by
Web site: http://www.kez.by
Volvo Truck Corporation
Address: Gropegårdsgatan SE-405 08 Göteborg Sweden
Phone: +46 31 666000
E-mail: clare.gittins@volvo.com
Web site: http://www.volvo.com/
Shandong Shantui Construction Machinery Company, Ltd.
Address: 71# Wutaizha East Road, Jining, Shandong, China
Fax: 86-537-2311219
E-mail: shantui@shantui.com
Web site: www.shantui.com
"ET Moisakula Ltd"
Address: Kiikre tn 1, 69302 Moisakula, Estonia
Phone: (043) 64 160
Fax: (043) 64 166
E-mail: info@mtm.ee
Web site: http://www.etm.ee/
ATLAS Weyhausen GmbH
Address: Visbeker Strabe 35, D - 27793 Wildeshausen
Phone: +49 (0) 44 31 / 98 10
Fax: +49 (0) 44 31 / 98 11 89 / 1 39
Email: info@f-weyhausen.de
Web site: http://www.f-weyhausen.de
Liebherr-Holding GmbH
Address: Pfanderstrasse 50 – 52, 88161 Lindenberg/Allgau
Phone: +49 8381 46-0
Fax: +49 8381 46-4101
Web site: http://www.liebherr.com
MITSUBER Baumaschinen handels und serviseaktiengesellschaft AG (Russia)
Address: Russia, Ekaterinburg, 620026 Belinskogo st. 83
Phone: + 7 (343) 2222-775
Web site: http://www.mitsuber.com
Email: 2@mitsuber.com
Fiat Kobelco Construction Machinery S.p.A.
Address: 621 State Street, Racine, WI 53402
Phone: 1-888-KOB-LC01 (1-888-562-5201)
Email: CustomerServiceKobelco.NA@cnh.com
Web site: www.fiatkobelco.com
The Netherlands
Hitachi Construction Machinery (Europe) NV
Address:Sicilieweg 5 1045 AT Amsterdam The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)20-44-76-700
Email: info@hcme.com
Web site: http://www.hcme.com/
Kato Works Co Ltd
Address: 1-9-37, Higashi-ohi, Shinagava, Tokio, Japan,140-0011
Phone: +81(0) 3 3458-1115
Fax: +81(0) 3 3458-1151
Web site: http://www.kato-works.co.jp
Kobelco Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
Address: 17-1, Higashigotanda 2-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Phone: +81-3-5789-2111
Fax: +81-3-5789-2131
Web site: http://www.kobelco-kenki.co.jp/
Komatsu Ltd.
Address: 2-3-6, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8414, Japan
Phone: +1(201)680-6825
Web site: http://www.komatsu.com
Kubota Corporation
Address: 2-47, Shikitsuhigashi 1-chome, Naniwa-ku Osaka, 556-8601 Japan
Phone: +81-6-6648-2111
Fax: +81-6-6648-3862
Web site: http://www.kubota-global.net
Sumitomo (S.H.I). Construction Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd
Address: Tokyo, Japan
Phone: +81 3 54888219
Web site: http://www.sumitomokenki.com
JSC “Exkavator"
Address: Khantaginskoe higway, Kentau town, Kazakhstan, 487090
Phone/fax: +7 (32536) 33477, +7 (32536) 33793
Daewoo Insdustrial Co.
Address: 541 5-Ga Namdaemunno, Jung-Gu, Seoul, Korea C.P.O Box 2810
Phone: +82-2-759-2114
Fax: + 82-2-753-9489
Web site: http://www.daewoo.com
Hyundai Heavy Industries Co, Ltd
Address: Korea
Phone: +82-52-202-2114
Fax: +82-52-202-3470
Email: webzine@hhi.co.kr
Web site: http://english.hhi.co.kr
Address: ul. Kwiatkowskiego 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola, Poland
Phone: +48-15-8135252, 8134556
Email: wjakobik@dressta.com.pl
Web site: http://www.dressta.eu
Great Britain
New Holland Construction
Address: Cranes Farm Road - Basildon - Essex - SS14 3AD
Phone: +44 (0) 1268 292423
Fax: +44 (0) 1268 292711
JCB Sales Limited
Address: Rocester Staffordshire England ST14 5JP
Phone: +44 (0)800 581761
Web site: http://www.jcb.com
Address: Kiev town, Ukraine, 03062
Phone: +38.(044) 443-69-02
Fax: +38(044) 443-74-36
E-mail: office@atek.ua
JSC “Borex"
Address: 2, Industrialnaya str., Borodyanka settl., Kiev region, Ukraine, 07800
Phone: : +38(044) 227-43-24, (04477) 5-10-60, 5-24-83, 5-24-93
Fax: +38(04477) 5-12-53, 5-24-86
E-mail: borex@borex.com.ua
Web site: www.borex.in.ua
JSC “Uzhny Mashinostroitelny Zavod"
Address: 1, Krivorozhskaya str., Dnepropetrovsk town, Ukraine, 49047
Phone: +38 (0562) 34-37-52
E-mail: umz@yuzhmash.com
Web site: http://www.yuzhmash.com
Bobcat IR
Address: USA
Web site: http://www.bobcat.eu/
Caterpillar S.A.R.L.
Address: 100 North East Adams Street, Peoria, Illinois USA 61629
Phone: 1 (309) 675-1000
Web site: http://www.cat.com
Articulated Rock Haulers
Articulated Rock Haulers Market Research in Russia
JSC "Avtomash"
Address: 12, Plekhanova str., Moscow town, Russia, 111141
Phone: +7(495) 652-51-16, 306-52-17
E-mail: Auto.Mash@g23.relcom.ru, http://www.avtomash.ru
Web site: http://www.avtomash.ru/
LTD "Baltiyskiy Torgovy Dom"
Address: 8, Novgorodskaya str., St. Petersburg town, Russia, 193144
Phone/fax: +7(812)271-38-38
E-mail: voshod@mail.wplus.net
JSC "BelAutoSib"
Address: 10, Unosti str., Mezhdurechensk town, Kemerovo district, Russia, 652870
Phone: +7(38475) 4-42-32
Fax: +7(38475) 2-31-22
E-mail: msa@belavtosib.rikt.ru, pam2@belavtosib.rikt.ru, rsv@belavtosib.rikt.ru
Web site: http://www.belavtosib.ru
Address: 2-a, Shmitovsky proezd, Moscow, Russia, 127015
Phone/Fax: +7-495-921-01-44
E-mail: info@belaz.ru, mihnevich@belaz.ru
Web site: http://www.belaz.ru
LTD "Eurotechnika MPS"
Address: 88, Kuybisheva str., Samara town, Russia
Phone: +7 (846) 221-66-60, 334-53-41
Web site: http://www.egps.ru
Address: 42, Elizavetinskoe highway, Ekaterenburg town, Russia, 620024
Phone: +7(343) 217-42-51, 217-42-52
E-mail: info@komek.ru
Web site: http://www.komek.ru
JSC "Loanmadi"
Address: 15, 34 km Leningradskoe higway, Elino settl, Solnechnogorsk district, Moscow region, Russia, 141421
Phone: +7(495) 916-60-90, 916-60-50
Fax: +7(495) 916-60-91, 916-60-51
E-mail: info@lonmadi.ru
Web site: http://www.lonmadi.ru
JSC "Mezhregionkomplekt"
Address: 1-b, Mira str., Lipetsk town, Russia, 398005
Phone: +7(4742) 76-42-21, 76-42-01
Fax: +7(4742) 76-14-78
E-mail: compl.che@lipetsk.ru, mrk@belaz48.ru
Web site: http://www.mrk48.ru/
JSC "Miro"
Address: 604 office, 5-a, Flotskaya str., Moscow town, Russia, 125493
Phone/fax: +7(495) 223-2345
Web site: http://www.catprokat.ru
"RemTechStroy" Company
Address: 233 office, 73, Volokolamskoe higway, Moscow, Russia, 125424
Phone/fax: +7(495) 775-6056, 490-6600
E-mail: rts@remtechstroy.ru, sale@remtechstroy.ru
Web site: http://www.remtechstroy.ru/
JSC "Russo-Balt Belaz"
Address: 35-a, Marshala Govorova str., St. Petersburg town, Russia, 198095
Phone: +7 812 718-27-10
Fax: +7 812 718-27-12
E-mail: rbb@belaz-export.ru
LLC “Sakhalin Machinery”
Address: 1B Mira Prospect, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk town, Russia
Phone: +7(4242) 46-21-81
Fax: +7(4242) 46-37-07
E-mail: office@SakhalinMachinery.ru
Web site: http://www.sakhalinmachinery.ru
"Tekhstroykontract" Holding
Address: 24, Geroev Panfilovtsev str., Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7(495) 9683732
Fax: +7(495) 4968021
Web site: http://mstpartner.ru/
Address: 3-1, Pultikovo village, Krasnogorsk district, Moscow region, Russia, 143441
Phone: +7(495)6603230
Fax: +7(495)6603229
E-mail: info@terexrus.com
Web site: http://www.terexrus.ru
JSC "Uralbelazservise"
Address: Fedorovka settl., Chelyabinsk region, Russia, 454901
Phone/fax: +7(351) 262-93-28, 262-93-55, 262-96-35
E-mail: uralbelazservis@mail.ru
Web site: http://belservis.ru
"Vostochnaya Technica" Conpany
Address: 1, Dusi Kovalchuk str., Novosibirsk town, Russia, 630001
Phone: +7(383) 212-56-11
Fax: +7(383) 212-56-12
Web site: http://www.vost-tech.ru
LTD "Zappelin-Rusland"
Address: 64/2, Leningradskoe highway, Moscow town, Russia, 125565
Phone: +7 (495) 221-35-39
Fax: +7 (495) 745-84-78
E-mail: sale@remtechstroy.ru
Web site: http://www.zeppelin.ru
LTD "Zavod Spetsmashin "Baltiec""
Address: 9-a, Malaya Mitrofan'evskaya str., St. Petersburg town, Russia, 198095
Phone/fax: +7(812) 436-37-21 , 436-37-22
E-mail: tdkbaltiets@mail.ru
Web site: http://www.zavodsm.ru/
Address: 40 let Oktyabrya str. 4, 222160, Zhodino, Republic of Belarus
Phone: (+375 1775) 3–27–82, (+375 1775) 3–26–23
Fax: (+375 1775) 3–39–70, (+375 1775) 7–01–37
E-mail: office@belaz.minsk.by
Web site: http://www.belaz.by
"Mogilevskiy Avtomobilny Zavod im. S.M. Kirova"
Address: Mogilev town, Republic of Belarus
Phone: +375 (222) 47-11-74, 47-11-94
E-mail: homology@moaz.ru
Web site: www.moaz.ru
Liebherr-Holding GmbH
Address: Pfanderstrasse 50 – 52, 88161 Lindenberg/Allgau
Phone: +49 8381 46-0
Fax: +49 8381 46-4101
Web site: http://www.liebherr.com
"Korund" Company
Address: 4.5 office, 137, Furmanova str., Almata town, Kazakhstan, 050000
Phone/fax: +7(327) 2584059, 2726204, 2726208
E-mail: gtt@korund.kz
Web site: http://www.korund.kz/
Bell Equipment Ltd.
Address: Republic of South Africa
Phone: +27 (0) 35 907 9431
Fax: +27(0) 35 797 4323
Email: stephenj@bell.co.za
Web site: http://www.bellequipment.com/
"Intercom" Company
Address:Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
Phone: +380 (56) 790-0127, 790-0128
Caterpillar S.A.R.L.
Address: 100 North East Adams Street, Peoria, Illinois USA 61629
Phone: 1 (309) 675-1000
Web site: http://www.cat.com
Blast Hole Drilling Rigs in Mining Industry
Blast Hole Drilling Rigs in Mining Industry Market Research in Russia
JSC "Amurskiy Metallist"
Address: 9, Gorkogo str., Blagoveschensk town, Amur region, Russia, 675002
Phone/fax: +7(4162) 225 777
Address: 15, Vashytinskoe highway, Khimki town, Moscow region, Russia, 141402
Phone: +7 495 933 55 55
E-mail: info@ru.atlascopco.com
Web site: atlascopco.com
JSC "Buzukuktyazhmash"
Address: 68, Rabochaya str., Buzuluk town, Orenburg region, Russia, 461040
Phone: +7(35342) 2-39-92
Fax: +7(35342) 2-36-37
E-mail: bztmm@mail.ru
Web site: http://www.bztm-buzuluk.ru
"Coralina Cetco"
Address: 5/1, Poslannikov str., Moscow town, Russia, 105005
Phone: +7 (495) 232-10-02 , 956-78-54
Fax: +7 (495) 232-10-03 , 956-78-55
E-mail: info@cetco.ru
Web site: http://www.cetco.ru
LTD "Degel"
Address: 305 office, 107, Moskovskiy pr., St. Petersburg, Russia, 196084
Phone: +7(812) 309.32.80 / (812) 716.43.65
Fax: +7(812) 309.32.81
E-mail: info@degel.ru
Web site: http://www.degel.ru
«Hanjin D&B Rus»
Address: 508 office, 5, Staroalekseevskaya str., Moscow, Russia, 129626
Phone: +7 (495) 645-21-37
E-mail: info@hdbrus.ru
Web site: http://www.hdbrus.ru
JSC «Kyshtym Mashine-Building Association»
Address: 2, Cooperativnay str., Kyshtym town, Chelyabinsk region, Russia, 456870
Phone/fax: +7(35151) 4–09–45; (35151) 4–09–43
Web site: http://www.oaokmo.ru
JSC "Mashinostroitelny Holding"
Address: 401 office,1 Simskaya str., Ekaterinburg town, Sverdlovsk region, Russia, 620024
Phone: +7(343) 295-85-80, 295-85-84, 295-85-82
Fax: +7(343) 295-85-83, 295-85-80
E-mail: astra_sb@mail.ru
Web site: http://www.mash-hold.ru
LTD "Mashzavod Zvezda"
Address: Karpinsk town, Swerdlowsk region, Russia
Phone: +7(34383) 357-00; 3-56-96
Web site: www.zavmash.my1.ru
JSC "Mozhayskoe Eksperementalnoe Mekhanicheskoe Predpriyatie"
Address: 105, Mira str., Mozhaysk town, Moscow region, Russia, 143200
Phone: +7(49638) 24-859
Fax: +7(49638) 24-991
Web site: http://www.mempzao.ru
«MMHC RUDGORMASH - Mining Machinery Holding Company»
Address: 13, Chebysheva Street, Voronezh, 394084, Russia
Phone/fax: +7 (4732) 68-68-73, 44-70-12
E-mail: export@rudgormash.ru
Web site: http://www.mmhc-rudgormash.com
LTD "Spetskomplektstroy"
Address: 4-203 office, 8, Moscovskiy pr., St. Petersburg town, Russia, 190031
Phone: +7 (812) 310-49-23
E-mail: speckom@ngs.ru
Web site: http://www.spb-sks.ru/
JSC "Starooskolskiy Mekhanicheskiy Zavod"
Address: 22, Lenina str., Stary Oskol town, Belgorod region, Russia, 309530
Phone: +7 4725-22-48-94
Fax: +74725-22-49-13
Web site: http://www.somz.ru/
LTD "Tekhmo Rusland"
Address: 6-6a, 15/24, Milutinskiy per, Moscow, Russia
Phone/fax: +7(495) 744-56-46, 981-45-45
Web site: http://www.techmo.ru
JSC "Translaine"
Address: 14/3-a, Yakornaya str., St. Petersburg, Russia
Phone: +7(812)493-27-20; +7(812)493-27-21
Fax: +7(812)493-27-20
E-mail: main@transline.spb.ru, t@zaotl.ru
Web site: http://www.zaotl.ru
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Address: Sandvik Mining and Construction, SE-811 81 Sandviken, Sweden
Phone: +46 (0)26-26 20 00
Fax: +46 (0)26-26 02 22
E-mail: info.smc@sandvik.com
Web site: http://www.miningandconstruction.sandvik.com/
JSC "Krivorozhskiy Zavod Gornogo Mashinostroeniya"
Address: 3 Halturina Str., Krivoy Rog, Ukraine, 50004
Phone: +38(0564)404-48-57, 28-77-28
Web site: http://www.kzgm.com.ua
LTD "Travers"
Address: Krivoy Rog, Ukraine
Phone: +38 (056) 404-4860, 490-8201
E-mail: travers1@yandex.ru
Mobile Crushing-and-Screening Facilities for Broken Stone Production
Mobile Crushing-and-Screening Facilities for Broken Stone Production Market Research in Russia
JSC "Avtocompozit"
Address: 1, Zavodskaya str., Vyksa town, Nizhniy Novgorod region, Russia, 607061
Phone: +7 (83177) 3-60-02, 3-42-46
Web site: http://eng.drobmash.ru
Address: 28-e, Marshala Novikova str., St. Petersburg, Russia, 197375
Phone: +7 (812) 449-44-01, 449-44-02
Fax: +7 (812) 449-44-03
E-mail: info@integra.spb.ru
Web site: http://www.integra.spb.ru/
LTD "Komatsu CIS"
Address: 10, 1st Volokolamskiy proezd, Moscow, Russia, 123060
Phone: +7 (495) 982-39-59
Fax: +7 (495) 982-39-58/52
E-mail: komatsucis@komatsu.ru
Web site: http://www.komatsu.ru
"Metso Minerals CIS"
Address: 70, 5 line, Vasil'evskiy Ostrov, St. Petersburg, Russia, 199178
Phone: + 7 812 740 30 40
Fax: + 7 495 915 29 30
Web site: http://www.metsominerals.ru/
"Powerpac Minerals"
Address: 6-a, Uzhnaya str., Scherbinka town, Moscow region, Russia, 142172
Phone/fax: +7-(495)-505-62-27
E-mail: direct@ppminerals.ru
Web site: http://www.ppminerals.com
"Recicl Materialov Int."
Address: 4/2, Dem'yana bednogo str., Moscow, Russia
Phone/fax: +7 (499) 946-58-20, 946-58-29
E-mail: office@recofmat.com
Web site: http://www.extecrussia.ru/index.php
"Sandvik Mining and Construction CIS"
Address: 10 office, 7, Glazovskiu Lane, Moscow, Russia, 119002
Phone: +7(495) 980 7556
Fax: +7(495) 9807558
E-mail: smc.russia@sandvik.com
Web site: http://www.miningandconstruction.sandvik.com
LTD "SZLK" (Astec Industries Inc. in Russia)
Address: 14, Vasil'evskiy Ostrow, 13 Line, St. Petersburg town, Russia, 199034
Phone: +7(812) 327-67-95, 327-72-40, 703-35-08, 703-35-09
Fax: +7(812) 327-72-41
E-mail: mail@astecindustries.ru
Web site: http://www.astecindustries.ru
Trio Engineered Products, Inc.
Address: 5/1, Poslannikov Lane, Moscow, 105005
Phone: +7 (495) 225-83-22, 230-66-49;
Fax: +7 (495) 225-83-23, 230-66-50;
E-mail: spares@meserv.ru
Web site: http://www.meserv.ru/, http://www.trioproducts.ru
Powercrusher (Hartl Anlagenbau GmbH)
Address: Gollensdorf 24, A-4300 St Valentin, Austria
Phone: +43 (0)7238 293 50
Fax: +43 (0)7238 293 50-40
E-mail: d.hartl@powercrusher.com
Web site: http://www.atlascopco.com
Rubble Master HMH GmbH
Address: Im Sudpark 196, 4030 Linz / Pichling, Austria
Phone: +43 (0)732 73 71 17 0
Fax: +43 (0)732 73 71 17 101
Web site: http://www.rubblemaster.com
Metso Minerals Oy
Address: P.O. Box 1220, Fabianinkatu 9 A, FIN-00100 Helsinki, FINLAND
Phone: +358 20 484 100
Fax: +358 20 484 3216
E-mail: minerals.info@metso.com
Web site: http://www.metso.com/
Komatsu Ltd.
Address: 2-3-6, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8414, Japan
Phone: +81-3-5561-2616, +81-3-5561-2752
Web site: http://www.komatsu.com/
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Address: SE-811 81 Sandviken, Sweden
Phone: +46 (0) 26-26 20 00
Fax: +46 (0) 26-26 02 22
E-mail: info.smc@sandvik.com
Web site: http://www.miningandconstruction.sandvik.com/
Gipo AG
Address: Kohlplatzstr.15, Seedorf, CH-6462, Switzerland
Phone: +41 (0)41- 874 81 10
Fax: +41 (0)41- 874 81 01
E-mail: info@gipo.ch
Web site: http://www.gipo.ch
Great Britain
Extec Screens & Crushers Limited
Address: Hearthcote Road, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, England, DE11 9DU
Phone: +44 (0) 1283 212121
Fax: +44 (0) 1283 217342
E-mail: info@extecscreens.com
Web site: http://www.extecscreens.com
Fintec Crushing & Screening Ltd
Address: Tullyvannon Ballygawley Co. Tyrone N. Ireland BT70 2HW
Phone: +44 (0) 28 8556 7799
Fax: +44 (0) 28 8556 7007
Web site: http://www.fintec.com/
Powerscreen International
Address: 200 Coalisland Road, Dungannon, Northern Ireland, BT71 4DR, UK
Phone: +44 (0) 28 8774 0701
Fax: +44 (0) 28 8774 7231
Email: sales@powerscreen.com
Web site: http://www.powerscreen.co.uk/
Terex Finlay
Address: Drumquin RD, Omagh, Co. Tyrone, N. Ireland , BT78 5PN
Phone: + 44 28 82418700
Fax: + 44 28 82244294
E-Mail: sales@terexfinlay.com
Web site: http://www.terexfinlay.com
Terex Pegson
Address: Mammoth Street, Coalville, Leicestershire, LE67 3GN, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (1530) 518600
Fax: +44 (1530) 518618
Web site: http://www.terexpegson.com
Address: 700 West 21st Street, Yankton, SD 57078 , USA
Phone: +1 605-668-2555
Email: lisacarson@kpijci.com
Web site: http://www.kpijci.com/
Telsmith, Inc.
Address: P.O Box 539 Mequon, Wisconsin 53092-0539
10910 N. Industrial Dr. Mequon, Wisconsin 53092-0539
Phone: +1 262-242-6600, 800-765-6601
Fax: +1 262-242-5812
Email: webmaster@telsmith.com
Web site: http://www.telsmith.com
Trio Engineered Products, Inc.
Address: 12823 Schabarum Ave, Irwindale, CA 91706, United States
Phone: +1 626 851 3966
Fax: +1 626 851 9526
Е-mail: info@trioproducts.com
Web site: http://www.trioproducts.com/
Self-Supporting Insulated Wires
Self-Supporting Insulated Wires Market Research in the CIS
JSC “Electrocable Works, Kolchugino”
Address: 3, K. Marksa str., Kolchugino town, Vladimir region, Russia, 601785
Phone: +7(49245) 93250
Fax: +7(49245) 23350
Е-mail: sbit@elcable.ru, sbit-ekz@mail.ru
Web site: http://www.elcable.ru/
JSC "Irkutskkabel"
Address: 1, Industrialnaya Str., Shelekhov, Irkutsk region, Russia, 666030
Phone: +7(395-50) 5-29-01, 5-29-03, 5-29-11, 5-29-23
Fax: +7(395-50) 5-29-04, 5-29-06
Е-mail: info@irkutskkabel.ru
Web site: www.irkutskkabel.ru
LTD "Kamskiy Kabel"
Address: 105, Gayvinskaya str., Perm town, Russia, 614030
Phone: +7(342) 219-51-77, 273-86-30, 219-51-11
E-mail: kamkabel@kamkabel.ru
Web site: http://www.kamkabel.ru
Address: 21. Ostapenko str., Prokhladny town, Kabardino-Balkarskaya republic, Russia, 361000
Phone: +7(866-31)2-22-73
Web site: http://www.kavkazkabel.com.ru
JSC “Kirsk Kabel"
Address: 1, Lenina str., Kirsk town, Kirov region, Russia, 612820
Phone: +7(83339) 96-2-01, 2-31-68,
Fax:+7 (83339) 2-36-10, 67-68-26
Е-mail: kkz@kirsсable.ru
Web site: http://www.kirscable.ru/
LTD "Moskabel Plant"
Address: 2, 2-nd Kabelnaya str., Moscow town, Russia, 111024
Phone: +7(495)777-75-34, 777-75-00, 673-83-84, 673-82-94, 673-81-06, 673-84-89
Fax: +7(495)727-16-76
E-mail: sale@ck.mkm.ru
Web site: http://www.mkm.ru
JSC "Samara Cable Company"
Address: Kabelnaya str. 9,Samara, 443022, Russia
Phone: +7 (846-2) 28-23-45, 79-54-29
Fax: +7 (846-2) 55-22-00, 55-08-40
E-mail: post-office@samaracable.ru
Web site: http://www3.samaracable.ru/, samaracable.ru
JSC "Saranskkabel Plant"
Address: 3, Stroitelnaya str., Saransk town, Mordoviya republic, Russia, 430001
Phone:+7 (8342) 29-71-69, 29-71-81
Web site: http://www.saranskkabel.ru
JSC "Sevkabel"
Address: 40, Kozhevennaya str., St. Petersburg, Russia, 199106
Phone: +7 (812) 322-23-23
Fax: +7 (812) 329-75-85
Е-mail: office@sevkab.ru
Web site: http://sevcable.ru/
"Zavod "Chuvashkabel" (Chuvashkabel Plant)
Address: 7, Kabelny proezd, Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic, 428022.
Phone: +7 8352 631 654, 523 469
Fax: +7 8352 546 001, 540 802
Е-mail: nni@ch-k.ru
Web site: http://www.chuvashcable.ru
LTD «Krok-GT»
Address: 7, str. Novostroek, Zaporozhye, 69076, Ukraine
Phone: +38 (061) 213-76-01, 213-76-03, 213-50-10, 213-76-02
Е-mail: krok-gt@krok-gt.zp.ua, sales@krok-gt.zp.ua
Web site: http://www.krok-gt.zp.ua
JSC "Yuzhcable Works"
Address: Avtogennaya st., 7, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61099
Phone: +38(057) 754-52-45
Fax: +38(0572) 94-68-30
E-mail: market@yuzhcable.com.ua
Web site: http://www.yuzhcable.com.ua
Welding Electrodes
Welding Electrodes market research in Russia
JSC «Artemovsky Mechanical engineering plant VENTPROM»
Address: 12, Sadovaya str. , Artemovsky town, Sverdlovsk Region, Russia, 623785
Phone: +7(34363) 58-100
Fax: +7(34363) 58-158, 58-258
E-mail: ventprom@ventprom.com
Web site: http://www.ventprom.com/
Cherepovetsk plant JSC “Severstal-Metiz”
Address: 1/33, 50-letiya Oktyabrya, Cherepovec town, Vologda Region, Russia, 162600
Phone: +7(8202) 53-91-91
Fax: +7(8202) 53-85-20
E-mail: info@severstalmetiz.com
Web site: www.severstalmetiz.com
JSC Electrode plant
Address: 12, Litovskaya street, St. Petersburg town, Russia, 194100
Phone: +7(812) 295-14-50
Fax: +7(812) 295-14-60, 295-02-59, 295-06-85, 600-17-63, 600-17-64, 596-31-72, 295-06-72
E-mail: market@elz.spb.ru
Web site: http://www.elz.spb.ru/
LTD “ESAB” Moscow Office
Address: structure 2а, 42, Shepkin street, Moscow town, Russia, 129110
Phone: +7 (495) 663 20 08
Fax: +7(495) 663 20 09
Web site: http://www.esab.ru/
LTD “ESAB” St. Petersburg Office
Address: 14, 13th line, Vasyl’evskiy island, St. Petersburg town, Russia, 199034
Phone: +7. (812) 336 70 80;
Fax: +7(812) 336 70 62
Web site: http://www.esab.ru/
Address: 6, Korabelnaya street, St. Petersburg town, Russia, 198096
Phone: +7(812) 346-82-72
Fax: +7(812) 325-37-65
Web site: http://www.esab.ru/
Address: Novokuzhnetsk town, Kemerovo region, Russia, 654043
Phone: +7 (8462) 59-59-00, 59-77-95, 59-00-09
Fax: +7(3843) 59-43-43
E-mail: zsmk@zsmk.ru
Web site: http://www.zsmk.ru
LTD "GraphitEl – Moscow Electrode Plant”
Address: 31, Entouziastov higway, Moscow town, Russia, 111123
Phone: +7(495) 777-4242, 672-1742, 258-9033
Fax: +7(495) 777-4252
E-mail: sales@graphitel.ru, office@graphitel.ru
Web site: http://www.graphitel.ru
Address: 128, Lynacharsky street, Bor town, Nizhniy Novgorod Region, Russia, 606442
Phone: +7(83159) 7-23-34, 7-23-35
Fax: +7(83159) 7-25-10
E-mail: electrod@instrel.ru
Web site: www.instrel.ru
Address: 1, Lenin Avenue, Kolpino town, Leningrad region, Russia, 196651
Phone: +7(812) 322-86-74
Fax: +7(812) 322-88-57
E-mail: efp@instrel.ru
Web site: www.instrel.ru
Address: 16, Zavodskaya street, Zavodskoy settlement, Kamensk-Shahtinskiy town, Rostov Region, Russia, 347825
Phone: +7(86365) 5-65-99
Web site: www.tigarbo.ru
JSC “Losinoostrovskiy electrode plant”
Address: 3, Hibinsky passage, Moscow, Russia, 129337
Phone: +7(495) 182-90-66
Fax: +7(495) 182-29-88
Address: 5 Metiznikov Str., Magnitogorsk, 455002 Russia
Phone: +7 3519 24 78 36
Fax: +7 3519 24 75 30
Web site: http://www.mmk-metiz.ru
JSC “Mezhgosmetiz-Mtsensk”
Address: 98-a, Sovetskaya street, Mtsensk town, Orel Region, Russia, 303000
Phone: +7(48646) 2-23-63, 2-38-33
Fax: +7(48646) 2-65-59
E-mail: mgmweld@mail.ru
Web site: http://www.mezhgosmetiz.ru/
JSC "Nevinnomyssk electrode plant"
Address: 360, Vodoprovodnaya street, Nevinnomyssk town, Stavropol Area, Russia, 357115
Phone: +7(86554) 6-80-60
Fax: +7(86554) 3-88-48
E-mail: oaonez@newmail.ru
Address: 105, Razdolnaya street, Orel town, Russia, 302025
Phone: +7(4862) 36-11-52
Fax: +7(4862) 36-76-70
E-mail: adm@ospaz.ru
Web-site: www.severstalmetiz.com
Address: 5, Germana Titova street, Penza town, Russia, 440028
Phone: +7(8412) 233-421, 233-422, 233-423
Fax: +7(8412) 49-52-52
Е-mail: zavod@penzaelektrod.ru
Web-site: http://penzaelektrod.ru
JSC “Ramenskoe mechanical plant”
Address: 49, Mihalevicha street, Ramenskoe town, Moscow region, Russia, 140101
Phone: +7(49646) 3-36-15
Fax: +7(49646) 3-86-13
Е-mail: rammeh@list.ru
Web-site: http://www.rammeh.ru
Address: 6th kilometer of Velizhansk route , Severo-vostochniy promyzel, Tumen town, Russia, 625059
Phone: +7(3452) 28-45-07
Fax: +7(3452) 28-45-01
E-mail: okd@sibelectrod.ru
Web-site: www.sibelectrod.ru
JSC “Shadrinsk electrode plant”
Address: 128, Sverdlov street, Shadrinsk town, Kurgansk Region, 641800
Phone: +7(35253) 5-02-77, 5-19-46
Fax: +7(35253) 5-06-98
E-mail: shez@shadr.ru
Web-site: http://myshez.ru/
Address: 71, Petrovskaya str., Moscow town, Russia, 111394
Phone: +7(495) 739-50-84,739-50-85,739-50-86,739-50-89
Web-site: http://www.spetselectrode.ru
LTD Sudislav plant of welding materials “ROTEKS”
Address: Promzona-1, Tekotovo village, Sudislavskiy district, Kostroma region, 157863
Phone: +7(49433) 2-54-52
Fax: +7(49433) 2-55-56
E-mail: roteks@kosnet.ru
Web-site: www.czcm-weld.ru
LTD “Sychevkiy electrode plant”
Address: 34, B. Proletarskaya street, Sychevka town, Smolensk region, Russia, 215280
Phone: +7(48130) 4-17-86
Fax: +7 (48130) 4-15-87, 4-16-41
E-mail: msez@rambler.ru
Web-site: http://www.s-elektrod.ru
LTD “Tsentavra-elektro”
Address: 13, Dzerzhinskoe highway, Kotelniki tiwn, Lubertsy district, Moscow region, Russia
Phone: +7 (495) 784-96-44
Fax: +7(495) 517-65-49
E-mail: tsentavra@tsentavra.ru
Web-site: www.tsenravra.ru
JSC “Volgodonsk electrode plant-ROTEKS”
Address: 44, 7th Zavodskaya street, Volgodonsk town, Rostov region, Russia, 347386
Phone: +7(86392) 7-76-11
Fax: +7(86392) 7-75-55
LTD “Zelenograd electrode plant”
Address: Severnaya promzona, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia, 124489
Phone: +7 (495) 739-07-89
Fax: +7 (495) 982-38-70
E-mail: nsk-zez@mail.ru
Web site: http://www.zez.ru/
Sintered Carbide Alloy Metal-Working Tool
Sintered Carbide Alloy Metal-Working Tool Market Research in Russia
JSC "Belgorodskiy Instrumentalny Zavod"
Address: 45, Schorsa str., Belgorod town, Russia, 308036
Phone: + 7 (0722) 53-68-19, 53-73-64
Fax: + 7 (0722) 53-68-19
E-mail: biz@belmail.ru
LTD "Belgorodskiy Zavod Frez"
Address: 159, Volchanskaya str., Belgorod town, Russia, 308800
Phone: +7(4722) 21-72-39, 27-42-65
Fax: +7(4722) 27-05-19
E-mail: belfrin@belnet.ru
Web site: http://www.belfrez.ru
JSC "Izhevskiy Instrumentalny Zavod"
Address: 2, Deryabina str., Izhevsk town, Udmurtiya republic, Russia, 426006
Phone: +7(3412) 609-751, 609-735, 609-736
Fax: +7(3412) 609-749, 609-734
E-mail: izhuva@mail.ru, tdis2009@yandex.ru
Web site: http://www.iiz.ru
LTD "Guhring"
Address: 20, Zeleny Avenue, Moscow town, Russia, 111397
Phone: +7(495) 989-47-87
Fax: +7(495) 989-47-97
Web site: http://www.guhring.ru
JSC "Kanashskiy Zavod Reztsov"
Address: 211, Zhelezodorozhnaya str., Kanash town, Chyvashiya republic, Russia, 429300
Phone/fax: +7(835-33) 2-18-09, 2-28-05
E-mail: kanzr@rambler.ru
Web site: http://www.rezets.ru
JSC "KAMAZinstrumentspetsmash"
Address: 2, Avtozavodskiy pr., Naberezhnye Chelny town, Tatarstan republic, Russia, 423827
Phone: +7(8552) 37-40-43
Fax: +7(8552) 39-61-42
E-mail : marketing@kism.kamaz.org, nizovtsev_sn@kism.kamaz.org, aleksandrova_e@kism.kamaz.org
Web site: http://www.kamkism.ru/
JSC "Kirovgrad hard alloys plant" (KZTS)
Address: 26-a, Sverdlova str., Kirovgrad town, Sverdlovsk region, 624140, Russia
Phone: +7(34357) 567-90-90
E-mail : director@kzts.ru
Web site: http://www.kzts.ru
JSC "Kirzhachskiy Instrumentalny Zavod"
Address: 18, Seregina str., Kirzhach town, Vladimir region, Russia, 601010
Phone/fax: +7(49237) 2-11-51, 2-19-84, 2-10-91
Web site: http://oaokiz.ru/
LTD "Moscovskiy Zavod Tverdy Splavov"
Address: 56, Varshavskoe Highway, Moscow town, Russia
Phone: +7 (8482) 701-503
E-mail: ts@polad.ru
JSC "Serpukhov Instrumentalny Zavod-TVINTOS"
Address: 1, Soltsa str., Serpukhov town, Moscow region, Russia, 142211
Phone/fax: +7(4967) 725-943
Email: tvintos@tvintos.ru
Web site: http://www.tvintos.ru/
Address: 159, Volchanskaja str., Belgorod town, Russia, 308817
Phone: +7 (4722)-213285, 217078
Fax: +7 (4722)-270315
E-mail: skif-m@mail.ru
Web site: http://www.skif-m.org/
JSC "Tverdosplav"
Address: 56, Varshavskoe highway, Moscow, Russia, 117638
Phone: +7 (495) 225-44-70, (499) 613-11-88
E-mail: info@tverdosplav.ru
Web site: http://www.tverdosplav.ru
LTD "Zavod Tekhnickeskoy Keramiki"
Address: 56/2, Varshavskoe highway, Moscow town, Russia, 117638
Phone/fax: +7 (495) 984-2485, +7 (499) 613-5444
E-mail: info@techceram.ru
Web site: www.techceram.ru
Electrocorundum Market Research in the CIS
JSC "Borovichskiy Kombinat Ogneuporov"
Address: 1, Mezhdunarodnaya str., Borovichi town, Novgorod region, Russia, 174411
Phone: +7 81664 9 25 00
Fax: +7 81664 9 27 96
E-mail: info@borovichi-nov.ru
Web site: http://www.borovichi-nov.ru
JSC "Kosulinskiy Abrazivny Zavod"
Address: 1, Pobedy str., Verkhnee Dubrovo settl., Sverdlovsk region, Russia, 624053
Phone: +7 (343) 341-07-97, 341-45-70
E-mail: kaz@kaz-kosulino.ru
Web site: http://www.kosulino.ru
JSC "Luga Abrasive Plant"
Address: 32, Krasnoarmeiskaya St., Luga, Leningrad region, 188230 Russia
Phone: +7 (81372) 2-12-64
Fax: +7 (81372) 2-78-00, 4-18-00, 4-07-80, 2-23-75
E-mail: lap@abrasives.ru
Web site: http://www.abrasives.ru
JSC "Rusal-Boksitogorskiy Glinozem"
Address: 1, Zavodskaya str., Boksitogorsk town, Lenongrasd region, Russia, 187650
Phone: +7 (813) 662-62-78
Fax: +7 (813)662-43-35
Web site: www.rusal.ru
JSC "Semilukskiy Ogneuporny Zavod"
Address: 5-a, Lenina str., Semiluki town, Voronezh region, Russia, 396901
Phone: +7(47372) 9-30-05, 9-32-05
Fax: +7(47372) 2-46-19
Web site: http://www.semiluki.ru
JSC «Volzhsky Abrasive Works» (VAW)
Address: Building 18, Highway 6, Volzhsky, Volgograd region, Russia, 404130
Phone: +7 (8443) 41-04-33
Fax: +7 (8443) 41-04-51
Web site: http://www.vabz.ru/
JSC "Yurginskie Abrazivy"
Address: 1, Abrazivnaya str., Ugra town, Kemerovo region, Russia, 652059
Phone: +7(384-51) 4-07-58
E-mail: priemnaya@yuaz.ru
Web site: http://www.yuaz.ru/
Address: 44, Dmitrova str., Zaporozhir town, Ukraine, 69084
Phone:+38 061 287-63-03, 278-73-94, 278-70-94
Fax: +38 0612 65-09-14, 65-09-24
Web site: http://www.abrasive.zp.ua
TOO "Kazogneupor Plant"
Address: Industrial zone, Rudny settl., Kostanay region, Kazakhstan, Russia, 111500
Phone: +7 (71431) 9-20-44.
Web site: http://kazogneupor.kz/
Lead storage batteries
Lead storage batteries market research in Russia
JSC "AKOM" (Lead Storage Batteries Plant)
Address: 22, Otvazhny pr., Zhigulevsk town, Samara region, Russia, 445359
Phone: +7(8482) 31-64-00
Fax: +7(84862) 7-14-00
E-mail: desk@akom.ru
Web site: http://www.akom.su/page
Address: 291, Baikalskaya str, Irkutsk, Russia
Phone: +7-3952-56-34-34
Fax: +7-3952-56-34-30
E-mail: aktex@aktex.ru
Web site: www.aktex.ru
JSC "Elektroistochnik"
Address: 205, Rabochaya str., Saratow town, Russia, 410071
Phone: +7(845-2) 50-80-50
Fax: +7(845-2) 51-90-77
E-mail: elist@elist.renet.ru
Web site: http://www.accumulator.ru
LTD "Istochnik Toka Kursskiy"
Address: 40, Leninskogo Komsomola Avenue, Kursk town, Russia, 305026
Phone:+7(4712) 24-86-23
E-mail: istok@accum.kursk.ru
Web site: http://www.akbkursk.ru
JSC "Komsomolskiy-na-Amure Akkumulztorny Zavod" (Komsomolsk-na-Amure Lead Storage Batteries Plant)
Address: 54, Kirova str., Komsomolsk-na-Amure town, Russia, 681000
Phone/fax: + 7 (4217) 54-72-58, 54-50-90
E-mail: info@knaaz.ru
JSC "Kurskiy Akkumulztorny Zavod" (Kursk Lead Storage Batteries Plant)
Address: 40, Leninskogo Komsomola Avenue, Kursk town, Russia, 305026
Phone:+7 (4712) 24-88-81
Fax: +7 (4712) 24-88-88
E-mail: info@accumkursk.ru
Web site: http://www.akbkursk.ru
JSC "Podolskiy Akkumulztorny Zavod" (Podolsk Lead Storage Batteries Plant)
Address: 6, Lobacheva str., Podolsk town, Moscow region, Russia, 142100
Phone: +7(4967) 69-92-94
Fax: +7 (4967) 57-68-79
E-mail: infopaz@pazbat.ru
Web site: http://www.accumulator.ru
LTD "Tubor"
Address: 9, Kooperativnaya str., Bolshoe Pikino settl., Bor town, Nizhniy Novgorod region, Russia
Phone: +7(83159) 5-03-10
E-mail: hr@tubor.ru
Web site: tubor.ru
JSC "Tumenskiy Akkumulztorny Zavod" (Tumen Lead Storage Batteries Plant)
Address: 103, Yamskaya str., Tumen town, Russia, 625001
Phone: +7(3452) 43-46-13
Fax: +7(3452) 43-47-83
E-mail: battery@tyumen-battery.ru
Web site: http://www.tyumen-battery.ru/
JSC "Zavod Im. V.A. Degtyareva"
Address: 4, Truda str., Kovrov town, Vladimir region, Russia, 601900
Phone: +7(49232) 3-03-89, 9-10-29
Fax: +7(49232) 4-55-85
E-mail: tmenov_av@zid.ru, zid@zid.ru
Web site: http://www.zid.ru/