
Contact information for major CIS Machine Building and Equipment Companies


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月~金、10:00 - 19:00 (モスクワ時間)




28 December 2024
In 2024, the Infomine Research Group completed over 80 studies.   In general, the industrial marketing research market is characterized by sharp changes in customer activity during the...
13 December 2024
Company news
On December 12, Olga Voloshina, Head of the Chemical and Petrochemical Products Markets Department, took part in the XIX International Conference "Sulfur and Sulfuric Acid 2024",...
06 December 2024
Company news
On December 5, the company's CEO Igor Petrov gave a presentation on "Russia's export potential in the field of non-ferrous and rare metals and issues of limiting supplies to the...
29 November 2024
Company news
On November 29, Olga Voloshina, Head of the Chemical and Petrochemical Products Markets Department, took part in the VII Industry Conference “Water Treatment and Purification 2024”,...
22 November 2024
Company news
Director Igor Petrov took part in the 3rd international forum "Non-ferrous metals of Russia and the CIS: mining, construction and modernization of enterprises" (November 19-20, 2024,...


Contact information for major CIS Machine Building and Equipment Companies



Mobile diesel-generator sets

Mobile diesel-generator sets Market Research in Russia


JSC "Artes-Energetik"
Address: 2-a, N. Yarnyh str., Barnaul town, Russia, 656011
Phone: +7(385-2) 77-53-14, 36-12-21, 36-10-32
Fax: +7(385-2) 77-58-39
E-mail: : zakaz@artes-sib.ruinfo@artes-sib.ru
Web site: http://www.artes-sib.ru

Address: 15, Vashytinskoe highway, Khimki town, Moscow region, Russia, 141402
Phone: +7 495 933 55 55
E-mail: info@ru.atlascopco.com
Web site: atlascopco.com

JSC "Avtodiesel" (Yaroslavl Motor Works)
Address: 75, Oktyabr Pr., 150040 Yaroslavl town, Russia
Phone: +7 (4852) 58-81-20, 27-47-07, 27-46-23, 27-46-01
Fax: +7 (4852) 58-81-44
E-mail: reception@adzl.rumotor@adzl.ru
Web site: http://eng.gazgroup.ru

JSC "Azimut"
Address: 622 office, 1-a, 20 Kulakova str., Moscow town, Russia, 123592
Phone: +7 (495) 781-8472, 781-8472, (926) 826-20-64
E-mail: sales@gc-azimut.rugc-azimut@bk.ru
Web site: http://www.gc-azimut.ru

JSC "Baranchinskiy Electromekhanicheskiy Zavod"
Address: 2-a, Lenina str., Baranchinskiy settl., Sverdlovsk region, Russia, 624315
Phone: +7 (343) 372 86 94 
Fax: +7 (343) 372 86 95 
Е-mail: salesbemz@bemz.ru
Web site: http://www.bemz.ru/

JSC "Barnaultransmash"
Address: 28, Kalinina str., Barnaul town, Russia, 656037
Phone: +7(3852) 77-15-00
Fax: +7 (3852) 77-05-12
E-mail:   om@barnaultransmash.ru,  ombtm@yandex.ru
Web site: http://www.barnaultransmash.ru

LTD "Briz Motors"
Address: 126, Savushkina str., St. Petersburg town, Russia, 197374
Phone/fax: +7(812) 347-70-71
E-mail: info@brizmotors.ru
Web site: http://www.brizmotors.ru

"Dizel" Group Company
Address: 303 office, 14, Magistralnaya str., Yaroslavl town, Russia, 150049
Phone/fax: +7 (4852) 45-79-60, 48-61-04, 20-03-68 , 20-06-58
E-mail: director@gkdizel.ru , zlobina@gkdizel.ru 
Web site: http://www.gkdizel.ru/

JSC "Dizel-Status"
Address: 58. Kantemirovskaya str., Moscow, Russia, 115477
Phone: +7(495) 220-32-30 
Fax: +7(495) 231-42-29
E-mail: info@dizel-status.ru
Web site: http://www.dizel-status.ru/

JSC "Elektroagregat"
Address: 5-a, 2-nd Agregatnaya str., Kursk town, Russia, 305022
Phone: +7(47122) 6-05-50; 6-06-53, 6-51-20; 6-56-15; 6-11-89; 6-11-35; 6-03-26; 6-18-59; 6-06-10; 6-02-89
Fax: +7(4712) 34-17-66; 34-17-99; 34-18-15
E-mail: general@kursknet.ru
Web site: http://www.electroagregat.ru/

JSC "Elektroagregat"
Address: 30, Planetnaya str., Novosibirsk town, Russia
Phone/fax: +7 (383) 278-72-82, 278-72-08
E-mail: eagregat@comgate.ru
Web site: www.agregatnsk.ru

LTD "Elektrodisel" Group Company
Address: 56, Entuziastov highway, Moscow town, Russia, 111123
Phone/fax: +7(495) 258-25-05, 786-99-12
Email:   info@eldiesel21.ru
Web site: http://www.eldiesel21.ru

LTD "Elektrospetstekhnika"
Address: 3/4, Bekhtereva str., Ekaterinburg town, Russia, 620137
Phone: +7 (343) 367-80-44 +7 (343) 367-81-41 +7 (343) 213-17-06 +7 (343) 213-71-13
E-mail: info@estech.ru
Web site: http://www.estech.ru

LTD "Energoholding"
Address: 58/3, M. Tukhachevskogo str., Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7(495) 925-81-95
E-mail: info@energoholding.ru
Web site: http://energoholding.ru

JSC "Energostatus"
Address: 141, Lublinskaya str., Moscow, Russia, 109382
Phone: +7 (495) 778-45-44
Fax: +7 (495) 221-61-31 
E-mail: info@energo-status.ru
Web site: http://www.energo-status.su/

JSC «Geomash-Centre»
Address: 9/2 Kuntsevskaya St., Moscow town, 121351, Russia
Phone/fax: +7 (495) 416-05-52
E-mail: mail@geomash.ru
Web site: geomash.ru

Ltd "GrandMotors Engineering Company"
Address: 18/3, 1st Tverskoy Yamskoy per., Moscow, Russia
Phone/fax: +7(495) 411-94-60
E-mail: info@grandmotors.ru
Web site: http://www.grandmotors.ru/

"TSS" Group Company
Address: 9, Grafskiy Per, Moscow town, Russia, 129626
Phone: +7 (495) 258-00-20
Web site: http://www.tss.ru

JSC "UPTK  InterElektroMontazh"
Address: 405 office, 1/3, Rumyantsevo Biznes Centre, Kievskoe highway, Leninskiy district, Moscow region, Russia, 142784
Phone: +7 (495) 980-66-47 доб. 20-74
E-mail: barannik@npo-iem.ru
Web site: http://www.uptk-iem.ru

LTD "IzhElektroAgregat"
Address: 5b-2, Gagarina str., Izhevsk town, Russia, 426028
Phone: +7(3412) 56-46-32, (3412) 94-26-00
Fax: +7(3412) 94-26-01
E-mail: ieagregat@uzel9.ru
Web site: http://www.ie-agregat.ru/

JSC "KAMAZinstrumentspetsmash"
Address: 2, Avtozavodskiy pr., Naberezhnye Chelny town, Tatarstan republic, Russia, 423827
Phone: +7(8552) 37-40-43
Fax: +7(8552) 39-61-42
E-mail : marketing@kism.kamaz.orgnizovtsev_sn@kism.kamaz.orgaleksandrova_e@kism.kamaz.org
Web site: http://www.kamkism.ru/

Address: 309 office, 39, Signalny pr., Moscow town, Russia, 127273
Phone: +7(495) 926-25-56,(495) 798-55-49, (495) 726-79-26 
Fax: +7(495) 926-25-56 
E-mail: info@kedar.ru 
Web site: http://www.kedar.ru

LTD "Mashinostroitelny Zavod EnergoTehService"
Address: 58-b, Polevaya str., Lebyazh'e settl., Barnaul town, Russia, 656904
Phone: +7(3852) 67-04-02, 67-38-10
E-mail: 97022@rambler.ru
Web site: http://energo-tech.ru/

"Mobilnye Energosistemy"
Address: 26/2, Severny pr., St. Petersburg, Russia
Phone: +7 (812) 497-93-71, 497-93-72
E-mail: info@powermobile.ru
Web site: http://www.powermobile.ru/

JSC "Moskovskiy Proxhektorny Zavod"
Address: 56/33, Entuziastov highway, Moscow town, Russia, 111123
Phone: +7(495) 786-37-03
Fax: +7(495) 305-59-69
E-mail: info@mpz-projector.ru 
Web site: http://www.mpz-projector.ru

LTD "Pervaya Energeticheskaya Kompaniya"
Address: 3-b, Instrumentalnaya str., St. Petersburg town, Russia, 197376
Phone: +7 (812) 325-6810. +7 (812) 244-6810
E-mail: info@911energo.ruinfo@1energo.ru
Web site: http://www.1energo.ru

LTD "Promyshlennye Silovye Mashiny"
Address: 106 office, 41, Nekrasova str., Yaroslavl town, Russia, 150040
Phone/fax: +7(4852) 58-08-12
Web site: http://www.powerunit.ru/

SE "Rasel"
Address: 1, Ilmenskiy pr., Moscow town, Russia
Phone/fax: +7(495) 925-5982 , (495) 645-44-37 
E-mail: rusel@rusel.ru
Web site: http://www.rusel.ru/

Rental Power Group
Address: 14, Obraztsova str., Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7 (495) 646-74-36; +7 (495) 764-00-57 
Web site: http://www.rentalpowergroup.ru/

Address: 10/1, Kosmonavta Volkova str., Moscow town, Russia, 127299
Phone/fax: +7 (495) 786-48-12
E-mail: info@сdmo.ruexpert@sdmo.ru
Web site: http://www.sdmo.ru

LTD "SpetsDieselService"
Address: 15/6, Svobody str., Yaroslavl town, Russia, 150000
Phone/fax: +7(4852) 30-27-50, 97-10-06; 93-61-38; 
E-mail: sds@yaroslavl.ruSdsyar@yandex.ru
Web site: http://sds.yaroslavl.ru/

Address: 47, Stachek av., St. Petersburg, 198097, Russia; p/o 97 
Phone: +7 (812) 777-9000
Fax: +7 (812) 777-9001
E-mail: office@energostar.com
Web site: http://www.energostar.com

JSC "Stroysnab"
Address: 33-40, 111, Krasnorechenskaya str., Khabarovsk town, Russia, 680006
Phone: +7(4212) 54-18-94, 54-48-35 , +7-962-501-5513 
Fax: +7(4212) 54-49-20. , 463-500
E-mail: boss@stroysnab.su , sveta@stroysnab.su
Web site: http://stroysnab.su/

LTD "Ural Diesel Engine Plant"
Address: 18, Frontovyh brigad str., Ekaterinburg town, Russia, 620017
Phone: +7(343) 278-45-00
E-mail: mail@udmw.ru
Web site: http://www.sinara-group.com

JSC "Volzhskiy Disel im. Maminyh"
Address: 124, Kommunisticheskaya str., Balakovo town, Saratov region, Russia, 413850
Phone: +7 (8453) 35-63-65, 35-36-69 
Fax: +7 (8453) 35-84-97, 46-42-71
E-mail: info@vdm-plant.ru
Web site: http://www.vdm-plant.ru/

LTD "Vyazminskiy Elektrotekhnicheskiy Zavod-Energosistemy"
Address: +7(48131) 6-13-52
Fax: +7(48131) 5-47-37
E-mail: mail@vetz.ru
Web site: http://www.vetz.ru/

LTD "Yardizel" Group Company
Address: 9-b, Polushkina Roscha str., Yaroslavl town, Russia, 150003
Phone: +7(4852) 49-34-33
Fax: +7(4852) 49-31-29
E-mail: yardizel@yardizel.ru
Web site: http://www.yardizel.ru


FG Wilson (Engineering) Ltd.
Address: 1 Millennium Way, Springvale Business Park, BELFAST, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland, BT12 7AL
Phone: +44 (0) 28 9049 5000
Fax: +44 (0) 28 2826 1111
Web site: http://www.fgwilson.com


AKSA (Aksa Power Generation)
Address: Gulbahar Cad. 1.Sk. 34212, Istanbul / Turkey
Phone: + 90 212 478 66 66
Fax: + 90 212 657 55 16
E-mail: aksa@aksa.com.tr
Web site: http://www.aksa.com.tr


Caterpillar Corporate
Address: 100 North East Adams Street, Peoria, Illinois USA 61629
Phone: 1 (309) 675-1000
Web site: http://www.caterpillar.com

Cummins Inc.
Address: 500 Jackson Street, Columbus, IN 47201, U.S.A.
Phone: 1-812-377-5000
Fax: 1-812-377-3334
Email: recruiting@cummins.com
Web site: http://www.cummins.com

Springs for Freight Cat Trucks

Springs for Freight Cat Trucks Market Research in the CIS


JSC "Altaivagon"
Address:  16, 22-go Partsyezda St., Novoaltaisk , Altai region, Russia
Phone: +7 (38532) 49-1-33 
Fax: +7 (38532) 47-4-33
Email: altvagon@altvagon.ru
Web site: http://www.altaivagon.com

JSC "Beloretskiy Zavod Ressor I Pruzhin"
Address: 104, Mayakovskogo str, Beloretsk town, Bashkortostan republic, Russia, 453500
Phone: +7(34792) 4-26-92, 5-04-34
Fax: +7(34792) 4-12-76
Email: shevelev@bzrp.rupriemnay@bzrp.ru
Web site: http://bzrp.ru

JSC "UK Bryanskiy Mashinostroitelny Zavod"
Address: 26, Ul'yanova str., Bryansk town, Russia, 241015
Phone: +7(4832) 51-40-30, 36-02-20
Fax: +7(4832) 51-50-52, 73-67-02
Email: odo@ukbmz.ru
Web site: http://www.ukbmz.ru/

JSC "Chelyabprommash"
Address: 65/121 Geroev Tankograda St., Chelyabinsk, Russia 454091
Phone: +7(351)271-57-76, 271-57-78, 235-50-28
Fax: +7(351)253-78-74, +7(351)253-74-18
Email: chelmash@yandex.ru
Web site: http://www.chelmash.com/

JSC "Promtractor-Vagon"
Address: 1a Ilyich street, Kanash, Chuvash Republic, Russian Federation, 429330
Phone/fax: +7(83533) 2-86-00
Email: kvrz@cbx.ru
Web site: http://www.promtractor-vagon.com/

JSC "Pruzhinny Zavod" (Springs Plant)
Address: 25, Partizanskaya str., St. Petersburg town, Russia
Phone: +7 (812) 318-52-59,  318-52-60
Web site: http://www.spbpz.ru

JSC "NPP UralVasgonZavod"
Address: 28, Vostochnoe highway, Nizhniy Tagil, Sverdlovsk region, Russia, 622007
Phone: +7 (3435) 344-209, 345-104, 345-293, 345-435
Email: web@uvz.rumts@uvz.ru791@uvz.ru
Web site: http://www.uvz.ru

JSC "Volgofradskiy Zavod Traktornyh Detaley I Normaley"
Address: 59, Lenina pr., Volgofrad town, Russia
Phone: +7(8442) 23-56-24, 23-59-35, 23-33-59
Fax: +7(8442) 23-02-75
Web site: http://www.vztdn.ru


SZAO "Osipovichskiy Vagonostroiywelny Zavod"
Address: Koltsevaya str., Osipovichi town, Belarus
Phone: +375 (017)225-30-21, (017) 227-84-36
Email: ovz.mtc@bk.ru


JSC «NC «Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»
Address: 6, Konaeva street, Astana city, Kazakhstan, 010000
Phone: +7 (7172) 93-01-13
E-mail: temirzhol@railways.kz
Web site: http://www.railways.kz


JSC "Dneprovagonmash"
Address: Krasnodonskaya Str. 1-3 , Kiev town, Ukraine, 03035
Phone/fax: +38 (044) 520-51-63, 520-51-67 
E-mail: marketing@tas-group.com.ua
Web site: http://www.dvmash.com

Address: 139, Prikhodko Str., Kremenchug town, 39621, Ukraine
Phone: +(380 536) 76-95-05, 76-94-09
Fax: +(380536) 74-36-20
E-mail: kvsz@kvsz.com
Web site: http://www.kvsz.com

Popasnyanskiy Vagonoremontny Zavod
Address: 1, Zhelezodorozhnaya str., Popasnaya town, Lugansk region, Ukraine, 93300
Phone: +38 (06474) 3-28-48
Fax: +38 (06474) 3-25-91
E-mail:  common@pvrz.org.ua
Web site: http://pvrz.org.ua


GAZK O'zbekiston Temir Yo'llari
Address: 7, T. Shevchenco str., Tashkent town, Uzbekistan, 700060
Phone: (+99871) 238-80-28, 237-90-28
Fax: (+99871) 233-69-24
E-mail: gajk@uzrailway.uzmarketing@uzrailway.uzferd@uzrailway.uz
Web site: http://www.uzrailway.uz

Address: 8, Oshskaya str., Andizhan town,  Uzbekistan, 170123
Phone: +99874 224 17 81 
Fax: +99874 224 00 67
E-mail: info@amz.uz
Web site: http://www.amz.uz

JSC “Uzvagonta'mir"
Address: 8, Elbek str., Khamzinskiy district, Tashkent region, Uzbekistan, 100060
Phone: (+99871) 2997700, 2999039
Fax: (+99871)  2997700, 2997487
E-mail: info@uzvr.com

Box Freight Cars

Box Freight Cars Market Research in CIS countries


JSC "Altaivagon"
Address:  16, 22-go Partsyezda St., Novoaltaisk , Altai region, Russia
Phone: +7 (38532) 49-1-33 
Fax: +7 (38532) 47-4-33
Email: altvagon@altvagon.ru
Web site: http://www.altaivagon.com

JSC "UK Bryanskiy Mashinostroitelny Zavod"
Address: 26, Ul'yanova str., Bryansk town, Russia, 241015
Phone: +7(4832) 51-40-30, 36-02-20
Fax: +7(4832) 51-50-52, 73-67-02
Email: odo@ukbmz.ru
Web site: http://www.ukbmz.ru/

JSC "Ruzhimmash"
Address:  Ruzaevka towm, Mordovia republic, Russia, 431446
Phone: +7 (83451) 6-53-75, 6-53-49
Fax: +7 (83451) 6-54-07, 6-53-06
Email:  ruzhim@ruzhim.ru
Web site:  ruzhim.rctm.su


JSC "Azovmash"
Address: 1, Mashinostroiteley str., Mariupol, Donetsk region, Ukraine, 87535
Phone: +38(0629) 56-08-53, 53-01-25, 53-89-88, 56-08-68, 53-09-72 
E-mail:  info@azovmash.com
Web site: http://www.azovmash.com

JSC "Dneprovagonmash"
Address: Krasnodonskaya Str. 1-3 , Kiev town, Ukraine, 03035
Phone/fax: +38 (044) 520-51-63, 520-51-67 
E-mail: marketing@tas-group.com.ua
Web site: http://www.dvmash.com

Address: 139, Prikhodko Str., Kremenchug town, 39621, Ukraine
Phone: +(380 536) 76-95-05, 76-94-09
Fax: +(380536) 74-36-20
E-mail: kvsz@kvsz.com

JSC “Stakhanov Wagon Works“ 
Address: 67, Lenin avenue, town of Stakhanov, Lugansk region, 94018, Ukraine
Phone:  +38 06444 97060, 97002, 97732 , 97674, 97213, 97078
Fax: +38 06444 97033, 97001, 97734
E-mail: info@stakhanovvz.com
Web site: http://www.stakhanovvz.com

Rail Car Tanks

Rail Car Tanks Market Research in the CIS


JSC "Altaivagon"
Address:  16, 22-go Partsyezda St., Novoaltaisk , Altai region, Russia
Phone: +7 (38532) 49-1-33 
Fax: +7 (38532) 47-4-33
Email: altvagon@altvagon.ru
Web site: http://www.altaivagon.com

JSC "Ruzhimmash"
Address:  Ruzaevka towm, Mordovia republic, Russia, 431446
Phone: +7 (83451) 6-53-75, 6-53-49
Fax: +7 (83451) 6-54-07, 6-53-06
Email:  ruzhim@ruzhim.ru
Web site:  ruzhim.rctm.su

JSC "NPP UralVasgonZavod"
Address: 28, Vostochnoe highway, Nizhniy Tagil, Sverdlovsk region, Russia, 622007
Phone: +7 (3435) 344-209, 345-104, 345-293, 345-435
Email: web@uvz.rumts@uvz.ru791@uvz.ru
Web site: http://www.uvz.ru


JSC "Azovmash"
Address: 1, Mashinostroiteley str., Mariupol, Donetsk region, Ukraine, 87535
Phone: +38(0629) 56-08-53, 53-01-25, 53-89-88, 56-08-68, 53-09-72 
E-mail:  info@azovmash.com
Web site: http://www.azovmash.com

Flat Cars

Flat Cars Market Research in CIS


JSC "Altaivagon"
Address:  16, 22-go Partsyezda St., Novoaltaisk , Altai region, Russia
Phone: +7 (38532) 49-1-33 
Fax: +7 (38532) 47-4-33
Email: altvagon@altvagon.ru
Web site: http://www.altaivagon.com

JSC "Ruzhimmash"
Address:  Ruzaevka towm, Mordovia republic, Russia, 431446
Phone: +7 (83451) 6-53-75, 6-53-49
Fax: +7 (83451) 6-54-07, 6-53-06
Email:  ruzhim@ruzhim.ru
Web site:  ruzhim.rctm.su

JSC "Transmash" 
Address: 1, Zavodskaya st., Engels town, Saratov region, Russia, 413117
Phone: + 7 (8453) 54-15-62, 56-19-09
Fax:  + 7 (8453) 54-15-62, 56-19-07
E-mail: info@transmash.com

JSC "NPP UralVasgonZavod"
Address: 28, Vostochnoe highway, Nizhniy Tagil, Sverdlovsk region, Russia, 622007
Phone: +7 (3435) 344-209, 345-104, 345-293, 345-435
Email: web@uvz.rumts@uvz.ru791@uvz.ru
Web site: http://www.uvz.ru

JSC "Zavod Metallokonstruktsy"
Address: 68, Stroiteley Avenue, Engels town, Saratov region, Russia, 413116
Phone: +7(8453) 74-31-63, 74-31-65, 
Fax: +7(8453)74-31-08
E-mail: zmk@overta.ru
Web site: http://www.ezmk.net


JSC "Azovmash"
Address: 1, Mashinostroiteley str., Mariupol, Donetsk region, Ukraine, 87535
Phone: +38(0629) 56-08-53, 53-01-25, 53-89-88, 56-08-68, 53-09-72 
E-mail:  info@azovmash.com
Web site: http://www.azovmash.com

JSC "Dneprovagonmash"
Address: Krasnodonskaya Str. 1-3 , Kiev town, Ukraine, 03035
Phone/fax: +38 (044) 520-51-63, 520-51-67 
E-mail: marketing@tas-group.com.ua
Web site: http://www.dvmash.com

Address: 139, Prikhodko Str., Kremenchug town, 39621, Ukraine
Phone: +(380 536) 76-95-05, 76-94-09
Fax: +(380536) 74-36-20
E-mail: kvsz@kvsz.com

JSC “Stakhanov Wagon Works“ 
Address: 67, Lenin avenue, town of Stakhanov, Lugansk region, 94018, Ukraine
Phone:  +38 06444 97060, 97002, 97732 , 97674, 97213, 97078
Fax: +38 06444 97033, 97001, 97734
E-mail: info@stakhanovvz.com
Web site: http://www.stakhanovvz.com

Gondola cars

Gondola cars market research in the CIS


JSC "Altaivagon"
Address:  16, 22-go Partsyezda St., Novoaltaisk , Altai region, Russia
Phone: +7 (38532) 49-1-33 
Fax: +7 (38532) 47-4-33
Email: altvagon@altvagon.ru
Web site: http://www.altaivagon.com

JSC "Ruzhimmash"
Address:  Ruzaevka towm, Mordovia republic, Russia, 431446
Phone: +7 (83451) 6-53-75, 6-53-49
Fax: +7 (83451) 6-54-07, 6-53-06
Email:  ruzhim@ruzhim.ru
Web site:  ruzhim.rctm.su

JSC "NPP UralVasgonZavod"
Address: 28, Vostochnoe highway, Nizhniy Tagil, Sverdlovsk region, Russia, 622007
Phone: +7 (3435) 344-209, 345-104, 345-293, 345-435
Email: web@uvz.rumts@uvz.ru791@uvz.ru
Web site: http://www.uvz.ru


JSC "Azovmash"
Address: 1, Mashinostroiteley str., Mariupol, Donetsk region, Ukraine, 87535
Phone: +38(0629) 56-08-53, 53-01-25, 53-89-88, 56-08-68, 53-09-72 
E-mail:  info@azovmash.com
Web site: http://www.azovmash.com

JSC "Dneprovagonmash"
Address: Krasnodonskaya Str. 1-3 , Kiev town, Ukraine, 03035
Phone/fax: +38 (044) 520-51-63, 520-51-67 
E-mail: marketing@tas-group.com.ua
Web site: http://www.dvmash.com

Address: 139, Prikhodko Str., Kremenchug town, 39621, Ukraine
Phone: +(380 536) 76-95-05, 76-94-09
Fax: +(380536) 74-36-20
E-mail: kvsz@kvsz.com

Railway Electric Traction Facilities for Mining Industry

Railway Electric Traction Facilities for Mining Industry: Market Research in the CIS


JSC “Alexandrovsk Machine Building Plant"
Address: 3, Voykov str., Alexandrovsk, Permsky Kray, 618320, Russia
Phone: +7 (34274) 730–00, 326–44
Fax: +7 (34274) 319–75
E-mail: info@amz.perm.ru
Web site: http://www.amz.perm.ru/

JSC “Novocherkasskiy Elektrovozostroitelny Zavod"
Address: 7-a, Mashinostroiteley str., Novocherkassk town, Rostov region, Russia, 346413
Phone: +7(863-5) 23-38-00, 29-22-24 
Fax: +7(863-5) 23-48-66
Web site: http://www.nevz.com/

JSC “Yasnogorsk Machine-Building Plant"
Address: 3, Zavodskaya str., Yasnogorsk town, Tula region, Russia, 301031
Phone/fax: +7 (495) 981-83-25
E-mail: info@td-yamz.ru
Web site: http://www.td-yamz.ru


TOO "KazZincmash"
Address: 5, Bukhmeyera str., Ridder town, Vostochno-Kazakhstanskaya region, Kazakhstan, 071300
Phone: (72336) 4-25-63
Fax: (72336) 4-24-44, 4-24-45
E-mail: kzm_office@kazzinc.kz 
Web site: http://kazzincmash.kazzinc.kz/


JSC “Druzhkovskiy Mashinostroitelny Zavod"
Address: Druzhkovka town, Donetsk region, Russia, 84205
Phone: +380 (6267) 42 129
Fax:  +380 (6267) 30 968

Address: 13, Orbitalnaya str., Dnepropetrovsk town, Ukraine, 49068
Phone: +380 ( 562) 773 26 78
Fax:  +380 (562) 773 26 77

Shovel excavators

Shovel excavators market research in Russia


JSC “Dmitrovskiy Ekskavatorny Zavod pri Spetsstroe RF"
Address: 1, Pushkinskaya str., Dmitrov town, Moscow region, Russia, 141800
Phone/fax: +7 (495) 993-80-48, 993-80-52, 993-82-46, 993-91-26
Е-mail: explan@mail.rusm@dmitrex.ru
Web site:http://dez.dmitrow.ru

JSC “Donetskiy Ekskavator" (Donex)
Address: 30, Lenina pr., Donetsk town, Rostov region, Russia, 346330
Phone/fax: +7(86368) 2-20-35 /2-10-09
Е-mail: comdir@donex.ru
Web site: http://www.donex.ru/

LTD "Excko"
Address: 3, Inzhenerny per., Kostroma town, Russia, 156001
Phone: + 7 (4942) 53-18-02, 53-13-19
Fax: + 7 (4942) 53-06-52
Е-mail: excko@kmtn.ru

PO "Inter-Don"
Address: 37-a, Lenina str, Donetsk town, Rostow region, Russia, 346330
Phone: +7(86368) 2-22-32, 273-56-69,
Fax: +7(863) 254-44-77 
Web site: http://www.inter-don.ru/

LTD "Izhorskie Zavody"
Address: Lenina pr., Kolpino, St. Petersburg, Russia, 196651
Phone: +7(812) 322 80 00
Fax: +7(812) 460 88 43
Е-mail: izhora@omzglobal.com
Web site: http://www.omz.ru

JSC “Kranex"
Address: Ivanovo town, Russia, 153007
Phone:  +7(4932) 32-64-40, 37-65-54
Fax: +7(4932) 37-65-07, 35-72-35
Е-mail: orso@kraneks.ru
Web site: http://www.kraneks.ru

LTD "Lex Plant"
Address: 142-a, Scherbakova str., Ekaterinburg town, Russia
Phone/fax: +7 (343) 233-90-48, 233-89-92, 268-70-42
Е-mail: sales@excavator-lex.ru

JSC “Mashinostroitelny Zavod Kovrovets"
Address: 5, Lopatina str., Kovrov town, Vladimir region, Russia, 601900
Phone:  +7 (49232) 30224
Е-mail: sales@kez.ru

JSC “Omskiy Zavod Transportnogo Mashinostroeniya"
Address: 2, Krasny Pereulok, Omsk town, Russia, 644020
Phone: +7(381-2) 44-61-15
Fax: +7(381-2) 41-52-94, 41-85-10
Е-mail: oztm@bk.ru , lamax@inbox.ru
Web site: www.omsktransmash.narod.ru

JSC “Sarex"
Address: 126-a, Proletarskaya str., Saransk town, Mordoviya republic, Russia, 430001
Phone: +7(8342)28-33-17, 28-33-58, 28-33-47 
Fax: +7(8342) 47-30-37.
Е-mail: sarex@moris.ruwww.sarex.ru
Web site: http://www.sarex.ru

JSC “«Stroydormash»
Address: 1, Serova str., Alapaevsk town, 624600
Phone: +7 (343) 372-71-21
Е-mail: sdm@sdm.ur.ru
Web site: http://www.zavod-sdm.ru/

JSC “Tverskoy Ekskavator"
Address: 11, Industrialnaya str., Tver town, Russia, 170000
Phone: +7(4822) 32-17-44
Fax: +7(4822) 34-64-90
Е-mail: exkavator@tvcom.ru
Web site: http://www.tvexc.ru

JSC “Uralmash Machine-Building Corporation"
Address: Pervoi Pyatiletki Sq., Ekaterinburg, Russia, 620012
Fax:  +7 (343)  336-60-40
Е-mail:  mail@uralmash.ru
Web site: http://www.uralmash.ru

JSC "NPP UralVasgonZavod"
Address: 28, Vostochnoe highway, Nizhniy Tagil, Sverdlovsk region, Russia, 622007
Phone: +7 (3435) 344-209, 345-104, 345-293, 345-435
Email: web@uvz.rumts@uvz.ru791@uvz.ru
Web site: http://www.uvz.ru

JSC “Voronezhskiy Ekskavator" (VEKS)
Address: 11, Moscovskiy pr., Voronezh town, Russia, 394712
Phone:+7 (4732)46-66-37, 4-90-34
Web site:http://www.veks.ru


JSC “Kohanovsky Excavator Plant” 
Address: s-t Kohanovo , Vitebsk region, Belarus, 211060 
Phone/fax: +375(2136)2-9158 
Email: marketing_kez@tut.by
Web site: http://www.kez.by


Volvo Truck Corporation
Address: Gropegårdsgatan SE-405 08 Göteborg Sweden
Phone: +46 31 666000
E-mail: clare.gittins@volvo.com
Web site: http://www.volvo.com/


Shandong Shantui Construction Machinery Company, Ltd.
Address: 71# Wutaizha East Road, Jining, Shandong, China
Fax: 86-537-2311219 
E-mail: shantui@shantui.com 
Web site: www.shantui.com


"ET Moisakula Ltd"
Address: Kiikre tn 1, 69302 Moisakula, Estonia
Phone: (043) 64 160
Fax: (043) 64 166
E-mail: info@mtm.ee
Web site: http://www.etm.ee/


ATLAS Weyhausen GmbH
Address: Visbeker Strabe 35, D - 27793 Wildeshausen
Phone: +49 (0) 44 31 / 98 10
Fax: +49 (0) 44 31 / 98 11 89 / 1 39
Email: info@f-weyhausen.de
Web site: http://www.f-weyhausen.de

Liebherr-Holding GmbH
Address: Pfanderstrasse 50 – 52, 88161 Lindenberg/Allgau
Phone: +49 8381 46-0 
Fax: +49 8381 46-4101 
Web site: http://www.liebherr.com

MITSUBER Baumaschinen handels und serviseaktiengesellschaft AG (Russia)
Address: Russia, Ekaterinburg, 620026 Belinskogo st. 83

Phone: + 7 (343) 2222-775
Web site: http://www.mitsuber.com

Email: 2@mitsuber.com


Fiat Kobelco Construction Machinery S.p.A.
Address: 621 State Street, Racine, WI 53402
Phone: 1-888-KOB-LC01 (1-888-562-5201) 
Email: CustomerServiceKobelco.NA@cnh.com 
Web site: www.fiatkobelco.com

The Netherlands

Hitachi Construction Machinery (Europe) NV 
Address:Sicilieweg 5 1045 AT Amsterdam The Netherlands 
Phone: +31 (0)20-44-76-700
Email: info@hcme.com

Web site: http://www.hcme.com/


Kato Works Co Ltd
Address: 1-9-37, Higashi-ohi, Shinagava, Tokio, Japan,140-0011
Phone: +81(0) 3 3458-1115
Fax: +81(0) 3 3458-1151
Web site: http://www.kato-works.co.jp

Kobelco Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
Address: 17-1, Higashigotanda 2-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Phone: +81-3-5789-2111
Fax: +81-3-5789-2131
Web site: http://www.kobelco-kenki.co.jp/

Komatsu Ltd.
Address: 2-3-6, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8414, Japan
Phone: +1(201)680-6825
Web site: http://www.komatsu.com

Kubota Corporation
Address: 2-47, Shikitsuhigashi 1-chome, Naniwa-ku Osaka, 556-8601 Japan
Phone: +81-6-6648-2111
Fax: +81-6-6648-3862
Web site: http://www.kubota-global.net

Sumitomo (S.H.I). Construction Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd
Address: Tokyo, Japan
Phone: +81 3 54888219
Web site: http://www.sumitomokenki.com


JSC “Exkavator"
Address: Khantaginskoe higway, Kentau town, Kazakhstan, 487090
Phone/fax: +7 (32536) 33477, +7 (32536) 33793


Daewoo Insdustrial Co.
Address: 541 5-Ga Namdaemunno, Jung-Gu, Seoul, Korea C.P.O Box 2810
Phone: +82-2-759-2114
Fax: + 82-2-753-9489 
Web site: http://www.daewoo.com

Hyundai Heavy Industries Co, Ltd
Address:  Korea
Phone: +82-52-202-2114
Fax: +82-52-202-3470
Email: webzine@hhi.co.kr
Web site: http://english.hhi.co.kr


Address: ul. Kwiatkowskiego 1, 37-450 Stalowa Wola, Poland
Phone: +48-15-8135252, 8134556
Email: wjakobik@dressta.com.pl 
Web site: http://www.dressta.eu

Great Britain

New Holland Construction
Address: Cranes Farm Road - Basildon - Essex - SS14 3AD
Phone: +44 (0) 1268 292423
Fax: +44 (0) 1268 292711

JCB Sales Limited
Address: Rocester Staffordshire England ST14 5JP
Phone: +44 (0)800 581761
Web site: http://www.jcb.com


Address: Kiev town, Ukraine, 03062
Phone: +38.(044) 443-69-02
Fax: +38(044) 443-74-36 
E-mail: office@atek.ua

JSC “Borex"
Address: 2, Industrialnaya str., Borodyanka settl., Kiev region, Ukraine, 07800 
Phone: : +38(044) 227-43-24, (04477) 5-10-60, 5-24-83, 5-24-93
Fax: +38(04477) 5-12-53, 5-24-86
E-mail: borex@borex.com.ua
Web site: www.borex.in.ua

JSC “Uzhny Mashinostroitelny Zavod"
Address: 1, Krivorozhskaya str., Dnepropetrovsk town, Ukraine, 49047
Phone: +38 (0562) 34-37-52
E-mail: umz@yuzhmash.com
Web site: http://www.yuzhmash.com


Bobcat IR
Address: USA
Web site: http://www.bobcat.eu/

Caterpillar S.A.R.L.
Address: 100 North East Adams Street, Peoria, Illinois USA 61629
Phone: 1 (309) 675-1000
Web site: http://www.cat.com

Articulated Rock Haulers

Articulated Rock Haulers Market Research in Russia


JSC "Avtomash"
Address: 12, Plekhanova str., Moscow town, Russia, 111141
Phone: +7(495) 652-51-16, 306-52-17
E-mail: Auto.Mash@g23.relcom.ruhttp://www.avtomash.ru
Web site: http://www.avtomash.ru/

LTD "Baltiyskiy Torgovy Dom"
Address: 8, Novgorodskaya str., St. Petersburg town, Russia, 193144
Phone/fax: +7(812)271-38-38
E-mail: voshod@mail.wplus.net

JSC "BelAutoSib"
Address: 10, Unosti str., Mezhdurechensk town, Kemerovo district, Russia, 652870
Phone: +7(38475) 4-42-32
Fax: +7(38475) 2-31-22
E-mail: msa@belavtosib.rikt.rupam2@belavtosib.rikt.rursv@belavtosib.rikt.ru
Web site: http://www.belavtosib.ru

Address: 2-a, Shmitovsky proezd, Moscow, Russia, 127015
Phone/Fax: +7-495-921-01-44
E-mail: info@belaz.rumihnevich@belaz.ru
Web site: http://www.belaz.ru

LTD "Eurotechnika MPS"
Address: 88, Kuybisheva str., Samara town, Russia
Phone: +7 (846) 221-66-60, 334-53-41
Web site: http://www.egps.ru

Address: 42, Elizavetinskoe highway, Ekaterenburg town, Russia, 620024
Phone: +7(343) 217-42-51, 217-42-52
E-mail: info@komek.ru
Web site: http://www.komek.ru

JSC "Loanmadi"
Address: 15, 34 km Leningradskoe higway, Elino settl, Solnechnogorsk district, Moscow region, Russia, 141421
Phone: +7(495) 916-60-90, 916-60-50 
Fax: +7(495) 916-60-91, 916-60-51 
E-mail: info@lonmadi.ru
Web site: http://www.lonmadi.ru

JSC "Mezhregionkomplekt"
Address: 1-b, Mira str., Lipetsk town, Russia, 398005
Phone: +7(4742) 76-42-21, 76-42-01
Fax: +7(4742) 76-14-78
E-mail: compl.che@lipetsk.rumrk@belaz48.ru
Web site: http://www.mrk48.ru/

JSC "Miro"
Address: 604 office, 5-a, Flotskaya str., Moscow town, Russia,  125493
Phone/fax: +7(495) 223-2345
Web site: http://www.catprokat.ru

"RemTechStroy" Company
Address: 233 office, 73, Volokolamskoe higway, Moscow, Russia, 125424
Phone/fax: +7(495) 775-6056, 490-6600
E-mail: rts@remtechstroy.rusale@remtechstroy.ru
Web site: http://www.remtechstroy.ru/

JSC "Russo-Balt Belaz"
Address: 35-a, Marshala Govorova str., St. Petersburg town, Russia, 198095
Phone: +7 812 718-27-10
Fax: +7 812 718-27-12
E-mail: rbb@belaz-export.ru

LLC “Sakhalin Machinery”
Address: 1B Mira Prospect, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk town, Russia
Phone: +7(4242) 46-21-81
Fax: +7(4242) 46-37-07
E-mail: office@SakhalinMachinery.ru
Web site: http://www.sakhalinmachinery.ru

"Tekhstroykontract" Holding
Address: 24, Geroev Panfilovtsev str., Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7(495) 9683732 
Fax: +7(495) 4968021 
Web site: http://mstpartner.ru/

Address:  3-1, Pultikovo village, Krasnogorsk district, Moscow region, Russia, 143441
Phone: +7(495)6603230
Fax: +7(495)6603229
E-mail: info@terexrus.com 
Web site: http://www.terexrus.ru

JSC "Uralbelazservise"
Address: Fedorovka settl., Chelyabinsk region, Russia, 454901
Phone/fax: +7(351) 262-93-28, 262-93-55, 262-96-35
E-mail: uralbelazservis@mail.ru
Web site: http://belservis.ru

"Vostochnaya Technica" Conpany
Address: 1, Dusi Kovalchuk str., Novosibirsk town, Russia, 630001
Phone: +7(383) 212-56-11   
Fax: +7(383) 212-56-12
Web site: http://www.vost-tech.ru

LTD "Zappelin-Rusland"
Address: 64/2, Leningradskoe highway, Moscow town, Russia, 125565
Phone: +7 (495) 221-35-39
Fax: +7 (495) 745-84-78
E-mail: sale@remtechstroy.ru
Web site: http://www.zeppelin.ru

LTD "Zavod Spetsmashin "Baltiec""
Address: 9-a, Malaya Mitrofan'evskaya str., St. Petersburg town, Russia, 198095
Phone/fax: +7(812) 436-37-21 , 436-37-22
E-mail: tdkbaltiets@mail.ru 
Web site: http://www.zavodsm.ru/


Address: 40 let Oktyabrya str. 4, 222160, Zhodino, Republic of Belarus
Phone: (+375 1775) 3–27–82, (+375 1775) 3–26–23
Fax: (+375 1775) 3–39–70, (+375 1775) 7–01–37
E-mail: office@belaz.minsk.by
Web site: http://www.belaz.by

"Mogilevskiy Avtomobilny Zavod im. S.M. Kirova"
Address: Mogilev town, Republic of Belarus
Phone:  +375 (222) 47-11-74, 47-11-94
E-mail: homology@moaz.ru
Web site: www.moaz.ru


Liebherr-Holding GmbH
Address: Pfanderstrasse 50 – 52, 88161 Lindenberg/Allgau
Phone: +49 8381 46-0 
Fax: +49 8381 46-4101 
Web site: http://www.liebherr.com


"Korund" Company
Address: 4.5 office, 137, Furmanova str., Almata town, Kazakhstan, 050000
Phone/fax: +7(327) 2584059, 2726204, 2726208
E-mail: gtt@korund.kz
Web site: http://www.korund.kz/


Bell Equipment Ltd.
Address: Republic of South Africa
Phone: +27 (0) 35 907 9431
Fax: +27(0) 35 797 4323
Email: stephenj@bell.co.za
Web site: http://www.bellequipment.com/


"Intercom" Company
Address:Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
Phone: +380 (56) 790-0127, 790-0128


Caterpillar S.A.R.L.
Address: 100 North East Adams Street, Peoria, Illinois USA 61629
Phone: 1 (309) 675-1000
Web site: http://www.cat.com

Blast Hole Drilling Rigs in Mining Industry

Blast Hole Drilling Rigs in Mining Industry Market Research in Russia


JSC "Amurskiy Metallist"
Address: 9, Gorkogo str., Blagoveschensk town, Amur region, Russia, 675002
Phone/fax: +7(4162) 225 777

Address: 15, Vashytinskoe highway, Khimki town, Moscow region, Russia, 141402
Phone: +7 495 933 55 55
E-mail: info@ru.atlascopco.com
Web site: atlascopco.com

JSC "Buzukuktyazhmash"
Address: 68, Rabochaya str., Buzuluk town, Orenburg region, Russia, 461040
Phone: +7(35342) 2-39-92    
Fax: +7(35342) 2-36-37
E-mail: bztmm@mail.ru
Web site: http://www.bztm-buzuluk.ru

"Coralina Cetco"
Address: 5/1, Poslannikov str., Moscow town, Russia, 105005
Phone: +7 (495) 232-10-02 , 956-78-54 
Fax: +7 (495) 232-10-03 , 956-78-55 
E-mail: info@cetco.ru
Web site: http://www.cetco.ru

LTD "Degel"
Address: 305 office, 107, Moskovskiy pr., St. Petersburg, Russia, 196084
Phone: +7(812) 309.32.80 / (812) 716.43.65
Fax: +7(812) 309.32.81
E-mail: info@degel.ru
Web site: http://www.degel.ru

«Hanjin D&B Rus»
Address: 508 office, 5, Staroalekseevskaya str., Moscow, Russia, 129626
Phone: +7 (495) 645-21-37
E-mail: info@hdbrus.ru
Web site: http://www.hdbrus.ru

JSC «Kyshtym Mashine-Building Association»
Address: 2, Cooperativnay str., Kyshtym town, Chelyabinsk region, Russia, 456870
Phone/fax: +7(35151) 4–09–45; (35151) 4–09–43
Web site: http://www.oaokmo.ru

JSC "Mashinostroitelny Holding"
Address: 401 office,1 Simskaya str., Ekaterinburg town, Sverdlovsk region, Russia, 620024
Phone: +7(343) 295-85-80, 295-85-84, 295-85-82
Fax: +7(343) 295-85-83, 295-85-80
E-mail: astra_sb@mail.ru
Web site: http://www.mash-hold.ru

LTD "Mashzavod Zvezda"
Address: Karpinsk town, Swerdlowsk region, Russia
Phone: +7(34383) 357-00; 3-56-96
Web site: www.zavmash.my1.ru

JSC "Mozhayskoe Eksperementalnoe Mekhanicheskoe Predpriyatie"
Address: 105, Mira str., Mozhaysk town, Moscow region, Russia, 143200
Phone: +7(49638) 24-859 
Fax: +7(49638) 24-991
Web site: http://www.mempzao.ru

«MMHC RUDGORMASH - Mining Machinery Holding Company» 
Address: 13, Chebysheva Street, Voronezh, 394084, Russia
Phone/fax: +7 (4732) 68-68-73, 44-70-12
E-mail: export@rudgormash.ru 
Web site: http://www.mmhc-rudgormash.com

LTD "Spetskomplektstroy"
Address: 4-203 office, 8, Moscovskiy pr., St. Petersburg town, Russia, 190031
Phone: +7 (812) 310-49-23
E-mail: speckom@ngs.ru
Web site: http://www.spb-sks.ru/

JSC "Starooskolskiy Mekhanicheskiy Zavod"
Address: 22, Lenina str., Stary Oskol town, Belgorod region, Russia, 309530
Phone: +7 4725-22-48-94
Fax: +74725-22-49-13
Web site: http://www.somz.ru/

LTD "Tekhmo Rusland"
Address: 6-6a, 15/24, Milutinskiy per, Moscow, Russia
Phone/fax: +7(495) 744-56-46, 981-45-45   
Web site: http://www.techmo.ru

JSC "Translaine"
Address: 14/3-a, Yakornaya str., St. Petersburg, Russia
Phone: +7(812)493-27-20; +7(812)493-27-21
Fax: +7(812)493-27-20
E-mail: main@transline.spb.rut@zaotl.ru
Web site: http://www.zaotl.ru


Sandvik Mining and Construction
Address: Sandvik Mining and Construction, SE-811 81 Sandviken, Sweden
Phone: +46 (0)26-26 20 00
Fax: +46 (0)26-26 02 22
E-mail: info.smc@sandvik.com
Web site: http://www.miningandconstruction.sandvik.com/


JSC "Krivorozhskiy Zavod Gornogo Mashinostroeniya"
Address: 3 Halturina Str., Krivoy Rog, Ukraine, 50004
Phone: +38(0564)404-48-57, 28-77-28 
Web site: http://www.kzgm.com.ua

LTD "Travers"
Address: Krivoy Rog, Ukraine
Phone: +38 (056) 404-4860, 490-8201
E-mail: travers1@yandex.ru

Mobile Crushing-and-Screening Facilities for Broken Stone Production

Mobile Crushing-and-Screening Facilities for Broken Stone Production Market Research in Russia


JSC "Avtocompozit"
Address: 1, Zavodskaya str., Vyksa town, Nizhniy Novgorod region, Russia, 607061
Phone: +7 (83177) 3-60-02, 3-42-46
Web site: http://eng.drobmash.ru

Address: 28-e, Marshala Novikova str., St. Petersburg, Russia, 197375
Phone: +7 (812)  449-44-01, 449-44-02
Fax: +7 (812)  449-44-03
E-mail: info@integra.spb.ru
Web site: http://www.integra.spb.ru/

LTD "Komatsu CIS"
Address: 10, 1st Volokolamskiy proezd, Moscow, Russia, 123060
Phone: +7 (495) 982-39-59
Fax: +7 (495) 982-39-58/52
E-mail: komatsucis@komatsu.ru
Web site: http://www.komatsu.ru

"Metso Minerals CIS"
Address: 70, 5 line, Vasil'evskiy Ostrov, St. Petersburg, Russia, 199178
Phone: + 7 812 740 30 40 
Fax: + 7 495 915 29 30
Web site: http://www.metsominerals.ru/

"Powerpac Minerals"
Address: 6-a, Uzhnaya str., Scherbinka town, Moscow region, Russia, 142172
Phone/fax: +7-(495)-505-62-27
E-mail: direct@ppminerals.ru
Web site: http://www.ppminerals.com

"Recicl Materialov Int."
Address: 4/2, Dem'yana bednogo str., Moscow, Russia
Phone/fax:  +7 (499) 946-58-20, 946-58-29 
E-mail: office@recofmat.com
Web site: http://www.extecrussia.ru/index.php

"Sandvik Mining and Construction CIS"
Address: 10 office, 7, Glazovskiu Lane, Moscow, Russia, 119002
Phone: +7(495) 980 7556
Fax: +7(495) 9807558
E-mail: smc.russia@sandvik.com
Web site: http://www.miningandconstruction.sandvik.com

LTD "SZLK" (Astec Industries Inc. in Russia)
Address: 14, Vasil'evskiy Ostrow, 13 Line, St. Petersburg town, Russia, 199034
Phone: +7(812) 327-67-95, 327-72-40, 703-35-08, 703-35-09
Fax: +7(812) 327-72-41
E-mail: mail@astecindustries.ru
Web site: http://www.astecindustries.ru

Trio Engineered Products, Inc.
Address: 5/1, Poslannikov Lane, Moscow, 105005
Phone:  +7 (495) 225-83-22, 230-66-49;
Fax: +7 (495) 225-83-23, 230-66-50;
E-mail: spares@meserv.ru
Web site: http://www.meserv.ru/http://www.trioproducts.ru


Powercrusher (Hartl Anlagenbau GmbH)
Address: Gollensdorf 24, A-4300 St Valentin, Austria
Phone: +43 (0)7238 293 50
Fax: +43 (0)7238 293 50-40
E-mail: d.hartl@powercrusher.com
Web site: http://www.atlascopco.com

Rubble Master HMH GmbH
Address: Im Sudpark 196, 4030 Linz / Pichling, Austria 
Phone: +43 (0)732 73 71 17 0 
Fax: +43 (0)732 73 71 17 101 
Web site: http://www.rubblemaster.com


Metso Minerals Oy
Address: P.O. Box 1220, Fabianinkatu 9 A, FIN-00100 Helsinki, FINLAND
Phone:  +358 20 484 100
Fax:  +358 20 484 3216
E-mail: minerals.info@metso.com
Web site: http://www.metso.com/


Komatsu Ltd.
Address: 2-3-6, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8414, Japan
Phone: +81-3-5561-2616, +81-3-5561-2752
Web site: http://www.komatsu.com/


Sandvik Mining and Construction
Address: SE-811 81 Sandviken, Sweden
Phone: +46 (0) 26-26 20 00 
Fax:  +46 (0) 26-26 02 22
E-mail: info.smc@sandvik.com
Web site: http://www.miningandconstruction.sandvik.com/


Gipo AG
Address: Kohlplatzstr.15, Seedorf, CH-6462, Switzerland 
Phone: +41 (0)41- 874 81 10
Fax:  +41 (0)41- 874 81 01
E-mail: info@gipo.ch
Web site: http://www.gipo.ch

Great Britain

Extec Screens & Crushers Limited 
Address: Hearthcote Road, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, England, DE11 9DU
Phone:  +44 (0) 1283 212121
Fax:  +44 (0) 1283 217342
E-mail: info@extecscreens.com 
Web site: http://www.extecscreens.com

Fintec Crushing & Screening Ltd
Address:  Tullyvannon Ballygawley Co. Tyrone N. Ireland BT70 2HW 
Phone:  +44 (0) 28 8556 7799
Fax: +44 (0) 28 8556 7007 
Web site: http://www.fintec.com/

Powerscreen International
Address: 200 Coalisland Road, Dungannon, Northern Ireland, BT71 4DR, UK
Phone: +44 (0) 28 8774 0701
Fax: +44 (0) 28 8774 7231
Email: sales@powerscreen.com
Web site: http://www.powerscreen.co.uk/

Terex Finlay 
Address: Drumquin RD, Omagh, Co. Tyrone, N. Ireland , BT78 5PN
Phone: + 44 28 82418700
Fax: + 44 28 82244294 
E-Mail: sales@terexfinlay.com
Web site: http://www.terexfinlay.com

Terex Pegson 
Address: Mammoth Street, Coalville, Leicestershire, LE67 3GN, United Kingdom
Phone:   +44 (1530) 518600 
Fax:   +44 (1530) 518618
Web site: http://www.terexpegson.com


Address: 700 West 21st Street, Yankton, SD 57078 , USA
Phone: +1  605-668-2555 
Email: lisacarson@kpijci.com
Web site: http://www.kpijci.com/

Telsmith, Inc. 
Address: P.O Box 539 Mequon, Wisconsin 53092-0539 
10910 N. Industrial Dr. Mequon, Wisconsin 53092-0539
Phone: +1 262-242-6600, 800-765-6601 
Fax:   +1 262-242-5812 
Email: webmaster@telsmith.com 
Web site: http://www.telsmith.com

Trio Engineered Products, Inc.
Address: 12823 Schabarum Ave, Irwindale, CA 91706, United States
Phone: +1 626 851 3966
Fax: +1 626 851 9526
Е-mail: info@trioproducts.com
Web site: http://www.trioproducts.com/

Self-Supporting Insulated Wires

Self-Supporting Insulated Wires Market Research in the CIS


JSC “Electrocable Works, Kolchugino”
Address: 3, K. Marksa str., Kolchugino town, Vladimir region, Russia, 601785
Phone: +7(49245) 93250
Fax: +7(49245) 23350
Е-mail:  sbit@elcable.rusbit-ekz@mail.ru
Web site: http://www.elcable.ru/

JSC "Irkutskkabel" 
Address: 1, Industrialnaya Str., Shelekhov, Irkutsk region, Russia,  666030
Phone: +7(395-50) 5-29-01, 5-29-03, 5-29-11, 5-29-23
Fax: +7(395-50) 5-29-04, 5-29-06
Е-mail: info@irkutskkabel.ru
Web site: www.irkutskkabel.ru

LTD "Kamskiy Kabel"
Address: 105, Gayvinskaya str., Perm town, Russia, 614030
Phone: +7(342) 219-51-77, 273-86-30, 219-51-11
E-mail: kamkabel@kamkabel.ru
Web site: http://www.kamkabel.ru

Address: 21. Ostapenko str., Prokhladny town, Kabardino-Balkarskaya republic, Russia, 361000
Phone:  +7(866-31)2-22-73
Web site: http://www.kavkazkabel.com.ru

JSC “Kirsk Kabel"
Address: 1, Lenina str., Kirsk town, Kirov region, Russia, 612820
Phone: +7(83339) 96-2-01, 2-31-68,
Fax:+7 (83339) 2-36-10, 67-68-26 
Е-mail:  kkz@kirsсable.ru
Web site: http://www.kirscable.ru/

LTD "Moskabel Plant"
Address: 2, 2-nd Kabelnaya str., Moscow town, Russia, 111024
Phone: +7(495)777-75-34, 777-75-00, 673-83-84, 673-82-94, 673-81-06, 673-84-89
Fax: +7(495)727-16-76
E-mail: sale@ck.mkm.ru
Web site: http://www.mkm.ru

JSC "Samara Cable Company"
Address: Kabelnaya str. 9,Samara, 443022, Russia
Phone: +7  (846-2)  28-23-45, 79-54-29
Fax: +7 (846-2)  55-22-00, 55-08-40
E-mail: post-office@samaracable.ru
Web site: http://www3.samaracable.ru/, samaracable.ru

JSC "Saranskkabel Plant"
Address: 3, Stroitelnaya str., Saransk town, Mordoviya republic, Russia, 430001
Phone:+7 (8342)  29-71-69, 29-71-81  
Web site: http://www.saranskkabel.ru

JSC "Sevkabel"
Address: 40, Kozhevennaya str., St. Petersburg, Russia, 199106
Phone: +7 (812) 322-23-23
Fax: +7 (812) 329-75-85
Е-mail: office@sevkab.ru
Web site: http://sevcable.ru/

"Zavod "Chuvashkabel" (Chuvashkabel Plant)
Address: 7, Kabelny proezd, Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic, 428022.
Phone: +7 8352 631 654, 523 469
Fax: +7 8352 546 001, 540 802
Е-mail: nni@ch-k.ru
Web site: http://www.chuvashcable.ru


LTD «Krok-GT» 
Address: 7, str. Novostroek, Zaporozhye, 69076, Ukraine
Phone: +38 (061) 213-76-01, 213-76-03, 213-50-10, 213-76-02
Е-mail: krok-gt@krok-gt.zp.uasales@krok-gt.zp.ua
Web site: http://www.krok-gt.zp.ua

JSC "Yuzhcable Works"
Address: Avtogennaya st., 7, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61099
Phone: +38(057) 754-52-45
Fax: +38(0572) 94-68-30
E-mail: market@yuzhcable.com.ua
Web site: http://www.yuzhcable.com.ua

Welding Electrodes

Welding Electrodes market research in Russia


JSC «Artemovsky Mechanical engineering plant VENTPROM»
Address: 12, Sadovaya str. , Artemovsky town, Sverdlovsk Region, Russia, 623785
Phone: +7(34363) 58-100
Fax: +7(34363) 58-158, 58-258
E-mail: ventprom@ventprom.com
Web site: http://www.ventprom.com/

Cherepovetsk plant JSC  “Severstal-Metiz”
Address: 1/33, 50-letiya Oktyabrya, Cherepovec town, Vologda Region, Russia, 162600
Phone: +7(8202) 53-91-91
Fax: +7(8202) 53-85-20
E-mail: info@severstalmetiz.com
Web site: www.severstalmetiz.com

JSC Electrode plant
Address: 12, Litovskaya street, St. Petersburg town, Russia, 194100
Phone: +7(812) 295-14-50
Fax: +7(812) 295-14-60, 295-02-59, 295-06-85, 600-17-63, 600-17-64, 596-31-72, 295-06-72 
E-mail: market@elz.spb.ru 
Web site: http://www.elz.spb.ru/

LTD “ESAB”  Moscow Office
Address: structure 2а, 42, Shepkin street, Moscow town, Russia, 129110
Phone: +7 (495) 663 20 08
Fax: +7(495) 663 20 09
Web site: http://www.esab.ru/

LTD “ESAB”  St. Petersburg Office
Address: 14, 13th line, Vasyl’evskiy island, St. Petersburg town, Russia, 199034
Phone: +7. (812) 336 70 80;
Fax: +7(812) 336 70 62
Web site: http://www.esab.ru/

Address: 6, Korabelnaya street, St. Petersburg town, Russia, 198096
Phone: +7(812) 346-82-72
Fax: +7(812) 325-37-65
Web site: http://www.esab.ru/

Address: Novokuzhnetsk town, Kemerovo region, Russia,  654043
Phone: +7 (8462) 59-59-00, 59-77-95, 59-00-09
Fax: +7(3843) 59-43-43
E-mail: zsmk@zsmk.ru
Web site: http://www.zsmk.ru

LTD "GraphitEl – Moscow Electrode Plant”
Address: 31, Entouziastov higway, Moscow town, Russia, 111123
Phone: +7(495) 777-4242, 672-1742, 258-9033
Fax: +7(495) 777-4252
E-mail: sales@graphitel.ruoffice@graphitel.ru
Web site: http://www.graphitel.ru

Address: 128, Lynacharsky street, Bor town, Nizhniy Novgorod Region, Russia, 606442
Phone: +7(83159) 7-23-34, 7-23-35
Fax: +7(83159) 7-25-10
E-mail: electrod@instrel.ru
Web site: www.instrel.ru

Address: 1,  Lenin Avenue, Kolpino town, Leningrad region, Russia, 196651
Phone: +7(812) 322-86-74
Fax: +7(812) 322-88-57
E-mail: efp@instrel.ru
Web site: www.instrel.ru

Address: 16, Zavodskaya street, Zavodskoy settlement, Kamensk-Shahtinskiy town, Rostov Region, Russia, 347825
Phone: +7(86365) 5-65-99
Web site: www.tigarbo.ru

JSC “Losinoostrovskiy electrode plant”
Address: 3,  Hibinsky passage, Moscow, Russia, 129337
Phone: +7(495) 182-90-66
Fax: +7(495) 182-29-88

Address: 5 Metiznikov Str., Magnitogorsk, 455002 Russia
Phone: +7 3519 24 78 36
Fax: +7 3519 24 75 30
Web site: http://www.mmk-metiz.ru

JSC “Mezhgosmetiz-Mtsensk”
Address: 98-a, Sovetskaya street, Mtsensk town, Orel Region, Russia, 303000
Phone: +7(48646) 2-23-63, 2-38-33
Fax: +7(48646) 2-65-59
E-mail: mgmweld@mail.ru
Web site: http://www.mezhgosmetiz.ru/

JSC "Nevinnomyssk electrode plant"
Address: 360, Vodoprovodnaya street, Nevinnomyssk town, Stavropol Area, Russia, 357115
Phone: +7(86554) 6-80-60
Fax: +7(86554) 3-88-48
E-mail: oaonez@newmail.ru

Address: 105, Razdolnaya street, Orel town, Russia, 302025
Phone: +7(4862) 36-11-52
Fax: +7(4862) 36-76-70
E-mail: adm@ospaz.ru

Web-site: www.severstalmetiz.com

Address: 5, Germana Titova street, Penza town, Russia, 440028
Phone: +7(8412) 233-421, 233-422, 233-423
Fax: +7(8412) 49-52-52
Е-mail: zavod@penzaelektrod.ru
Web-site: http://penzaelektrod.ru

JSC “Ramenskoe mechanical plant”
Address: 49, Mihalevicha street, Ramenskoe town, Moscow region, Russia, 140101
Phone: +7(49646) 3-36-15 
Fax: +7(49646) 3-86-13 
Е-mail: rammeh@list.ru
Web-site: http://www.rammeh.ru

Address: 6th kilometer of Velizhansk route , Severo-vostochniy promyzel, Tumen town, Russia, 625059
Phone: +7(3452) 28-45-07
Fax: +7(3452) 28-45-01
E-mail: okd@sibelectrod.ru

Web-site: www.sibelectrod.ru

JSC “Shadrinsk electrode plant”
Address: 128, Sverdlov street, Shadrinsk town,  Kurgansk Region, 641800
Phone: +7(35253) 5-02-77, 5-19-46
Fax: +7(35253) 5-06-98
E-mail: shez@shadr.ru
Web-site: http://myshez.ru/

Address: 71, Petrovskaya str.,  Moscow town, Russia, 111394
Phone: +7(495) 739-50-84,739-50-85,739-50-86,739-50-89
Web-site: http://www.spetselectrode.ru

LTD Sudislav plant of welding materials “ROTEKS”
Address: Promzona-1, Tekotovo village, Sudislavskiy district, Kostroma region, 157863
Phone: +7(49433) 2-54-52
Fax: +7(49433) 2-55-56
E-mail: roteks@kosnet.ru

Web-site: www.czcm-weld.ru

LTD “Sychevkiy electrode plant”
Address: 34, B. Proletarskaya street, Sychevka town, Smolensk region, Russia, 215280
Phone: +7(48130) 4-17-86
Fax: +7 (48130) 4-15-87, 4-16-41 
E-mail: msez@rambler.ru
Web-site: http://www.s-elektrod.ru

LTD “Tsentavra-elektro”
Address: 13, Dzerzhinskoe highway, Kotelniki tiwn, Lubertsy district, Moscow region, Russia
Phone: +7 (495) 784-96-44
Fax: +7(495) 517-65-49
E-mail: tsentavra@tsentavra.ru

Web-site: www.tsenravra.ru

JSC “Volgodonsk electrode plant-ROTEKS” 
Address: 44, 7th Zavodskaya street, Volgodonsk town, Rostov region, Russia, 347386
Phone: +7(86392) 7-76-11
Fax: +7(86392) 7-75-55

LTD “Zelenograd electrode plant”
Address: Severnaya promzona, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia, 124489
Phone: +7 (495) 739-07-89
Fax:  +7 (495) 982-38-70
E-mail: nsk-zez@mail.ru
Web site: http://www.zez.ru/

Sintered Carbide Alloy Metal-Working Tool

Sintered Carbide Alloy Metal-Working Tool Market Research in Russia


JSC "Belgorodskiy Instrumentalny Zavod"
Address: 45, Schorsa str., Belgorod town, Russia, 308036
Phone:  + 7 (0722) 53-68-19, 53-73-64
Fax:  + 7 (0722) 53-68-19
E-mail: biz@belmail.ru

LTD "Belgorodskiy Zavod Frez"
Address: 159, Volchanskaya str., Belgorod town, Russia, 308800
Phone: +7(4722) 21-72-39, 27-42-65
Fax:  +7(4722) 27-05-19
E-mail: belfrin@belnet.ru
Web site: http://www.belfrez.ru

JSC "Izhevskiy Instrumentalny Zavod"
Address: 2, Deryabina str., Izhevsk town, Udmurtiya republic, Russia, 426006
Phone: +7(3412) 609-751, 609-735, 609-736
Fax: +7(3412) 609-749, 609-734
E-mail: izhuva@mail.rutdis2009@yandex.ru
Web site: http://www.iiz.ru

LTD "Guhring"
Address: 20, Zeleny Avenue, Moscow town, Russia, 111397
Phone: +7(495) 989-47-87
Fax: +7(495) 989-47-97
Web site: http://www.guhring.ru

JSC "Kanashskiy Zavod Reztsov"
Address: 211, Zhelezodorozhnaya str., Kanash town, Chyvashiya republic, Russia, 429300
Phone/fax: +7(835-33) 2-18-09, 2-28-05
E-mail: kanzr@rambler.ru
Web site: http://www.rezets.ru

JSC "KAMAZinstrumentspetsmash"
Address: 2, Avtozavodskiy pr., Naberezhnye Chelny town, Tatarstan republic, Russia, 423827
Phone: +7(8552) 37-40-43
Fax: +7(8552) 39-61-42
E-mail : marketing@kism.kamaz.orgnizovtsev_sn@kism.kamaz.orgaleksandrova_e@kism.kamaz.org
Web site: http://www.kamkism.ru/

JSC "Kirovgrad hard alloys plant" (KZTS)
Address: 26-a, Sverdlova str., Kirovgrad town, Sverdlovsk region, 624140, Russia
Phone: +7(34357) 567-90-90
E-mail : director@kzts.ru
Web site: http://www.kzts.ru

JSC "Kirzhachskiy Instrumentalny Zavod"
Address: 18, Seregina str., Kirzhach town, Vladimir region, Russia, 601010
Phone/fax: +7(49237) 2-11-51, 2-19-84, 2-10-91
Web site: http://oaokiz.ru/

LTD "Moscovskiy Zavod Tverdy Splavov"
Address: 56, Varshavskoe Highway, Moscow town, Russia
Phone: +7 (8482) 701-503
E-mail: ts@polad.ru

JSC "Serpukhov Instrumentalny Zavod-TVINTOS"
Address: 1, Soltsa str., Serpukhov town, Moscow region, Russia, 142211
Phone/fax: +7(4967) 725-943
Email: tvintos@tvintos.ru
Web site: http://www.tvintos.ru/

Address: 159, Volchanskaja str.,  Belgorod town, Russia, 308817
Phone: +7 (4722)-213285,  217078
Fax: +7 (4722)-270315 
E-mail: skif-m@mail.ru
Web site: http://www.skif-m.org/

JSC "Tverdosplav"
Address: 56, Varshavskoe highway, Moscow, Russia, 117638
Phone: +7 (495) 225-44-70, (499) 613-11-88
E-mail: info@tverdosplav.ru
Web site: http://www.tverdosplav.ru

LTD "Zavod Tekhnickeskoy Keramiki"
Address: 56/2, Varshavskoe highway, Moscow town, Russia, 117638
Phone/fax: +7 (495) 984-2485,   +7 (499) 613-5444 
E-mail: info@techceram.ru
Web site: www.techceram.ru


Electrocorundum Market Research in the CIS


JSC "Borovichskiy Kombinat Ogneuporov"
Address: 1, Mezhdunarodnaya str., Borovichi town, Novgorod region, Russia, 174411
Phone: +7 81664 9 25 00
Fax: +7 81664 9 27 96
E-mail: info@borovichi-nov.ru
Web site: http://www.borovichi-nov.ru

JSC "Kosulinskiy Abrazivny Zavod"
Address: 1, Pobedy str., Verkhnee Dubrovo settl., Sverdlovsk region, Russia, 624053
Phone: +7 (343) 341-07-97, 341-45-70
E-mail:  kaz@kaz-kosulino.ru
Web site: http://www.kosulino.ru

JSC "Luga Abrasive Plant" 
Address:  32, Krasnoarmeiskaya St., Luga, Leningrad region, 188230 Russia
Phone: +7 (81372) 2-12-64
Fax: +7 (81372) 2-78-00, 4-18-00, 4-07-80, 2-23-75
E-mail: lap@abrasives.ru
Web site: http://www.abrasives.ru

JSC "Rusal-Boksitogorskiy Glinozem"
Address: 1, Zavodskaya str., Boksitogorsk town, Lenongrasd region, Russia, 187650
Phone:  +7 (813) 662-62-78
Fax:  +7 (813)662-43-35
Web site: www.rusal.ru

JSC "Semilukskiy Ogneuporny Zavod"
Address: 5-a, Lenina str., Semiluki town, Voronezh region, Russia, 396901
Phone:  +7(47372) 9-30-05, 9-32-05
Fax:  +7(47372) 2-46-19
Web site: http://www.semiluki.ru

JSC «Volzhsky Abrasive Works» (VAW) 
Address: Building 18, Highway 6, Volzhsky, Volgograd region, Russia, 404130
Phone: +7 (8443) 41-04-33
Fax: +7 (8443) 41-04-51
Web site: http://www.vabz.ru/

JSC "Yurginskie Abrazivy"
Address: 1, Abrazivnaya str., Ugra town, Kemerovo region, Russia, 652059
Phone: +7(384-51) 4-07-58
E-mail: priemnaya@yuaz.ru
Web site: http://www.yuaz.ru/


Address: 44, Dmitrova str., Zaporozhir town, Ukraine, 69084
Phone:+38 061 287-63-03, 278-73-94, 278-70-94
Fax: +38 0612 65-09-14, 65-09-24
Web site: http://www.abrasive.zp.ua


TOO "Kazogneupor Plant"
Address: Industrial zone, Rudny settl., Kostanay region, Kazakhstan, Russia, 111500
Phone: +7 (71431) 9-20-44.
Web site: http://kazogneupor.kz/

Lead storage batteries

Lead storage batteries market research in Russia


JSC "AKOM" (Lead Storage Batteries Plant)
Address: 22, Otvazhny pr., Zhigulevsk town, Samara region, Russia, 445359
Phone: +7(8482) 31-64-00
Fax: +7(84862) 7-14-00 
E-mail: desk@akom.ru
Web site: http://www.akom.su/page

Address: 291, Baikalskaya str, Irkutsk, Russia
Phone: +7-3952-56-34-34
Fax: +7-3952-56-34-30
E-mail: aktex@aktex.ru
Web site: www.aktex.ru

JSC "Elektroistochnik"
Address: 205, Rabochaya str., Saratow town, Russia, 410071
Phone: +7(845-2) 50-80-50
Fax: +7(845-2) 51-90-77 
E-mail: elist@elist.renet.ru
Web site: http://www.accumulator.ru

LTD "Istochnik Toka Kursskiy"
Address: 40, Leninskogo Komsomola Avenue, Kursk town, Russia, 305026
Phone:+7(4712) 24-86-23
E-mail: istok@accum.kursk.ru  
Web site: http://www.akbkursk.ru

JSC "Komsomolskiy-na-Amure  Akkumulztorny Zavod" (Komsomolsk-na-Amure Lead Storage Batteries Plant)
Address: 54, Kirova str., Komsomolsk-na-Amure town, Russia, 681000
Phone/fax: + 7 (4217) 54-72-58, 54-50-90
E-mail: info@knaaz.ru

JSC "Kurskiy Akkumulztorny Zavod" (Kursk Lead Storage Batteries Plant)
Address: 40, Leninskogo Komsomola Avenue, Kursk town, Russia, 305026
Phone:+7 (4712) 24-88-81
Fax: +7 (4712) 24-88-88
E-mail: info@accumkursk.ru
Web site: http://www.akbkursk.ru

JSC "Podolskiy  Akkumulztorny Zavod" (Podolsk Lead Storage Batteries Plant)
Address: 6, Lobacheva str., Podolsk town, Moscow region, Russia, 142100
Phone: +7(4967) 69-92-94
Fax: +7 (4967) 57-68-79 
E-mail: infopaz@pazbat.ru 
Web site: http://www.accumulator.ru

LTD "Tubor"
Address: 9, Kooperativnaya str., Bolshoe Pikino settl., Bor town, Nizhniy Novgorod region, Russia
Phone: +7(83159) 5-03-10
E-mail: hr@tubor.ru
Web site: tubor.ru

JSC "Tumenskiy  Akkumulztorny Zavod" (Tumen Lead Storage Batteries Plant)
Address: 103, Yamskaya str., Tumen town, Russia, 625001
Phone: +7(3452) 43-46-13 
Fax: +7(3452) 43-47-83
E-mail: battery@tyumen-battery.ru
Web site: http://www.tyumen-battery.ru/

JSC "Zavod Im. V.A. Degtyareva"
Address: 4, Truda str., Kovrov town, Vladimir region, Russia, 601900
Phone: +7(49232) 3-03-89, 9-10-29 
Fax: +7(49232) 4-55-85
E-mail: tmenov_av@zid.ruzid@zid.ru
Web site: http://www.zid.ru/



February 2025

Organosilicon compounds in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast

February 2025

Sputtering Metal Targets in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

February 2025

Titanium Raw Materials in Russia, the EAEU and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (5 edition)

March 2025

Niobium and niobium products in Russia, EAEU countries and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (9 edition)



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