Coal char from brown coal in Russia and the world: Production, Market, and Forecast (3 edition)
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This report is the third edition of the study of the coal char market from brown coal in Russia and worldwide.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the market for coal char from brown coal, as well as products that are substitutes for the studied raw materials.
The objects of study are coal char obtained from brown coal, as well as coal char from hard coal. In addition, the markets for activated carbon and coke products (coke breeze and coke nuts), which are coal char substitutes, were studied. Also, information was analyzed on the production and export operations with T and SS coals, which are also competitors of coal char.
This work is a desk study. As sources of information, data from Rosstat, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, railway traffic statistics of the Russian Federation, and the State Customs Service of Ukraine were used; data from the UNdata database, industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers, as well as websites of coal char producers.
Chronological scope of the study: 2007-2022; forecast - until 2030
Research geography: Russian Federation; the rest of the world - general information about the dynamics and characteristics of the market.
The report consists of 8 parts, contains 115 pages, including 26 figures, 22 tables and 2 appendices.
The first chapter of the report examines the main trends in the development of mining and use of brown coal in Russia.
The second chapter of the report is devoted to the history of coal char production in the world and in Russia.
The third chapter provides information on the world production of coal char.
The fourth chapter of the report describes the current state of the main enterprises-producers of coal char from brown and hard coals in Russia, provides quantitative and qualitative characteristics of products manufactured at each enterprise. In addition, a project for the production of coal char in the Karakan coal cluster (Kemerovo region) is described.
The fifth chapter of the report provides a description of the coal char production technology of the Thermokoks company.
The sixth chapter of the report examines the capacity of the coal char market. Particular attention is paid to the state of the coke industry products market and the activated carbon market in Russia.
The seventh chapter of the report provides an analysis of domestic and export prices for coke and coal char in 2007-2022.
The eighth chapter provides conclusions and a forecast for the development of the Russian coal char market for the period up to 2030.
The appendices contain address and contact information of the main enterprises producing and consuming coal char in the CIS countries.
Target audience of the study:
– participants of the coal char market and chains of its further consumption (ferroalloy production, non-ferrous metallurgy) – producers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be a reference tool for marketing services and management decision makers working in the coal char production market.
1. Main trends in the development of mining, processing and use of brown coal in Russia
2. To the history of coal char production
3. Production of coal char from coals in the world in 2008-2021
3.1. Germany
3.2. Canada
3.3. Kazakhstan
3.4. Mongolia
3.5. China
4. Production of thermally refined solid fuels in Russia (semi-coking) in 2007-2022
4.1. LLC "Plant of carbonaceous materials" (formerly LLC "Plant of semi-coking", Kemerovo region)
4.2. OOO Karbonika-F (Krasnoyarsk)
4.3. JSC Razrez Berezovsky (SUEK, Krasnoyarsk Territory)
4.4. Project for the production of coal char in the Karakan coal and energy cluster (Kemerovo region)
4.5. Coal char production project of Lantan-2000 LLC (Kemerovo region)
5. Obtaining coal char according to the technology of Sibtermo LLC (Thermocoke technology)
6. Study of the capacity of the Russian coal char market
6.1. Brief analysis of the state of the coke industry of the Russian Federation in 2001-2022.
6.2. Brief analysis of the activated carbon market in the Russian Federation in 1997-2022.
6.3. Assessment of coal char market capacity in 2011-2022
7. Price analysis in 2007-2022
8. Conclusions and forecasts
Appendix 1. Address book of enterprises-manufacturers of coal char
Appendix 2. Address book of enterprises-consumers of coal char
Table 1. Comparative characteristics of coal char from different grades of coal and coke nuts
Table 2. World reserves of brown coal, billion tons
Table 3. The world's largest producing countries of brown coal in 2008-2021, million tons
Table 4. The volume of production and use of brown coal in Germany in 1989-2021, million tons
Table 5. Main characteristics of brown Rhine coals and coal char obtained from it
Table 6. Technical characteristics of coal char of various grades produced by Plant of Carbon Materials LLC
Table 7. Deliveries of coal char produced by Plant of Carbon Materials LLC to Russian enterprises in 2007-2022, t
Table 8. Export shipments of coal char produced by Semi-Coking Plant LLC, in 2007-2022, tons
Table 9. Key indicators of financial and economic activity of Carbon Materials Plant LLC (formerly Semi-Coking Plant LLC) in 2008-2021, mln RUB
Table 10. Physical and chemical properties of coal char from grade D coal produced by Karbonika-F LLC
Table 11. Volumes of coal supplies to OOO Karbonika-F in 2007-2009, tons
Table 12. Main indicators of financial and economic activity of LLC Karbonika-F in 2014-2022, mln rub
Table 13. Supply volume of coke briquettes and coke fines produced by Razrez Berezovsky JSC in 2012-2017, t
Table 14. Varieties of "Thermocoke" technology
Table 15. Characteristics of products obtained using the Thermocoke technology
Table 16. Regulated indicators of raw materials for the production of activated carbons
Table 17. Raw materials for the production of activated carbon of various grades
Table 18. Balance of production and consumption of activated carbon in Russia in 2001-2022, thousand tons, %
Table 19. Deliveries of coke breeze to Russian enterprises in 2011-2022, thousand tons
Table 20. Deliveries of coke nuts to Russian enterprises in 2011-2022, thousand tons
Table 21. Deliveries of coal and coke products to ferroalloy plants and non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises of Russia in 2012-2022, tons
Table 22. Import volume and price of coal char from brown coal and coke nuts in the Russian Federation in 2017-2022, thousand tons, $/t
Figure 1. Dynamics of coal and brown coal production in the Russian Federation in 1997-2022, million tons
Figure 2. Dynamics of supplies of Russian coal to the domestic market of the Russian Federation and for export in 2000-2021, million tons
Figure 3. Structure of electricity generation in the EU countries by types in 2020, %
Figure 4. Dynamics of coal char production by Plant of Carbon Materials LLC in 2007-2022, thousand tons
Figure 5. Dynamics of supplies of coal char by Plant of Carbon Materials LLC to domestic and foreign markets in 2007-2022, thousand tons
Figure 6. Dynamics of activated carbon production by LLC Karbonika-F and deliveries to MMC Norilsk Nickel in 2011-2022, tons
Figure 7. Schematic diagram of the Thermocoke technology
Figure 8. Schematic diagram of the "Termocoks-KS" technology
Figure 9. Dynamics of coal production for coking in Russia in 2001-2022, million tons
Figure 10. Dynamics of Russian production and export of coke in 2001-2022, million tons
Figure 11. Regional structure of Russian coke exports in 2015-2022, %
Figure 12. Approximate structure of coke production in the Russian Federation, %
Figure 13. Dynamics of exports of coke nuts and coke fines in 2017-2022, thousand tons
Figure 14. Dynamics of charcoal production in Russia in 1995-2022, thousand tons
Figure 15. Technological process for the manufacture of coal-based activated carbons
Figure 16. Dynamics of activated carbon production in the Russian Federation in 1997-2022, thousand tons
Figure 17. Dynamics of export and import of activated carbon in Russia in 2001-2022, thousand tons
Figure 18. Dynamics of production and consumption of activated carbon in Russia in 2001-2022, thousand tons
Figure 19. Dynamics of deliveries of marketable coke breeze and coke nuts to Russian enterprises in 2007-2022, thousand tons
Figure 20. Ratio of domestic consumption and export shipments of commercial coke breeze in 2007-2022, million tons
Figure 21. Dynamics of coal production of grades SS and T in Russia in 2007-2022, million tons
Figure 22. Dynamics of supplies of coal grades SS and T to the domestic market in 2007-2022, million tons
Figure 23. Ratio of domestic consumption and export shipments of CC grade coal in 2007-2022, million tons
Figure 24. Ratio of domestic consumption and export shipments of grade T coal in 2007-2022, million tons
Figure 25. Monthly dynamics of the price of coke and coal char in the Russian Federation in 2017-2023, thousand rubles/t
Figure 26. Dynamics of average export prices of Russian producers for coke nuts, coke breeze and P-2 coal char in 2007-2022, $/t