Injection Molding Machines (IMM) in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast
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This report is the first edition of the injection molding machines market research (IMM) in Russia.
The purpose of research - analysis of the Russian market of injection molding machines.
The objects of study are injection molding machines - Injection molding machines for molding plastic.
This work is a desk study. As information sources, we used data of Rosstat, Federal Customs Service of Russia (FCS), sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly repots of companies, internet-sites of company-producers and consumers of injection molding machines, a number of telephone interviews with representatives of these companies. Also, data UNdata, the database of "InfoMine".
Chronological scope of the study: 1995-2015; Forecast - 2015-2020.
Geography of research: the Russian Federation - a comprehensive detailed analysis of the market.
The report consists of an introduction, 7 parts, contains 63 pages, including 23 Figures, 15 Tables and 2 Appendices.
The first chapter describes the process of casting the polymers under pressure, given the classification of injection molding equipment for various parameters, recommendations for the selection of injection molding machines, depending on the types and volumes of production, raw materials used and others.
The second chapter is devoted to analysis of production of injection molding machines in Russia, describes the manufacturers and their products.
The third chapter analyzes foreign trade operations in the market of injection molding machines in 2000-2014, with analysis of volumes and directions of export-import supplies of equipment.
The fourth chapter is a price analysis of the Russian market of injection molding machines in 2007-2014, and analyzes data on dynamics of export-import prices in the injection-molding equipment for the last 8 years.
The fifth chapter is devoted to a description of the main foreign manufacturers, supplying injection molding machines in Russia in 2007-2014. The dynamics of these companies supply injection molding machines to the Russian consumers.
The sixth chapter describes consumption of injection molding equipment in Russia in 2000-2014 This section describes the dynamics of consumption of injection molding machines in Russia, estimated the consumption structure of TPA by type of production, describes the main users and uses of injection molding machines.
The seventh and final chapter is devoted to forecast of consumption of injection molding equipment in Russia until 2020.
The Appendices present addresses and contact information on the main producers and exporters of injection molding largest Russian importers of TPA in the last 3 years.
The target audience of the research:
- Injection molding importers, manufacturers of polymer products manufactured injection molding process;
- Potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be the reference tool for marketing services and professionals to make managerial decisions, working in the market of injection-molding equipment (IMM).
1. Methods of plastic injection molding and used equipment
1.1. The process of injection molding
1.2. Classification of injection molding machines
1.3. The choice of thermoplastic
2. Production of injection molding machines in Russia
3. Foreign trade operations in the market of injection molding machines
3.1. Import IMM in Russia in 2000-2014
3.2. Exports IMM from Russia 2000-2014
4. Price analysis of the Russian market of injection molding machines in 2007-2014
5. Major foreign manufacturers that supply injection molding machines in Russia in 2007-2014
5.1. Company ENGEL (Austria)
5.2. Haitian International (China)
5.3. KraussMaffei Group
5.3. Husky Injection Molding Systems Ltd.
5.4. Sumitomo (SHI) Demag Plastics Machinery (Japan, Germany)
5.5. Plastic Metal (Italy)
6. Consumption of IMM in Russia in 2000-2015
6.1. Balance and dynamics of consumption of IMM in 2000-2015
6.2. The structure of consumption by type of injection molding machine made production in 2014
6.3. The main Russian consumers of IMM in 2013-2014
7. Forecast of consumption of injection molding machines in Russia up to 2020
Appendix 1: Contact information on producers of injection molding machines
Appendix 2: Contact information consumers IMM
Table 1 Imports of IMM in Russia by countries in 2007-2014, pcs., $ Million
Table 2. Import of new injection molding machines in Russia by countries in 2007-2014, pcs., $ Million
Table 3. Import of IMM in Russia by production companies, $ million
Table 4. Import of IMM in Russia by major manufacturing companies in 2007-2014, in millions of $ and units.
Table 5. Russia exports of injection molding machines in 2007-2014, thous. $
Table 6. Average prices of the leading manufacturers in the IMM supplied to Russia, thousand. $ / Pcs.
Table 7. The cost of some models of injection molding machines and production lines imported in 2014 Russian consumers, thous. $
Table 8. Structure of the company ENGEL
Table 9. Main companies-importers of products ENGEL in 2013-2014, thousand. $ Pcs.
Table 10. Major companies importing products Haitian Group in 2013-2014, thousand. $ Pcs.
Table 11. Major companies importing goods KraussMaffei Group in 2013-2014, thousand. $ Pcs.
Table 12. Major companies importing products Husky in 2013-2014, thousand. $ Pcs.
Table 13. Major companies importing products Sumitomo (SHI) Demag in 2013-2014, thousand. $ Pcs.
Table 14. Dynamics of Russian production of polymer products manufactured injection molding process, in 2010-2015, in millions of pieces.
Table 15. Production of motor vehicles in Russia in 2010-2015, thousand. Pieces.
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the injection molding process
Figure 2. Types of IMM on the location of the cylinder axis of the plasticizing unit and the mold parting plane
Figure 3. Injection molding plasticizing worm
Figure 4. Import IMM in Russia in 2000-2014, pcs., $ Million
Figure 5. Dynamics of import of new and used injection molding machines in 2007-2014, in the piece., In millions of $
Figure 6. Regional structure of Russian import of IMM by country 2007-2014, in% million $
Figure 7. Regional structure of Russian import of new injection molding machines by countries in 2007-2014, in%, pieces.
Figure 8. Regional structure of Russian import of new injection molding machines by countries in 2007-2014, in% million $
Figure 9. Dynamics of Russian exports of injection molding machines in 2000-2014, pcs., $ Million
Figure 10. Average prices of imported injection molding machines supplied to Russia by countries, ths. $ / T
Figure 11. Average prices of the leading manufacturers in the IMM supplied to Russia, thousand. $ / Pc
Figure 12. Average prices of the leading manufacturers in the IMM supplied to Russia, thousand. $ / T
Figure 13. Dynamics of supplies of Engel injection molding machines in 2007-2014, pcs., $ Million
Figure 14. Dynamics of supplies of injection molding Haitian Group in 2007-2014, pcs., $ Million
Figure 15. Dynamics of supplies of injection molding machines KraussMaffei Group in 2007-2014, pcs., $ Million
Figure 16. Dynamics of supplies of Husky injection molding machines in 2007-2014, pcs., $ Million
Figure 17. Dynamics of supplies of injection molding machines Sumitomo (SHI) Demag in 2007-2014, pcs., $ Million
Figure 18. Dynamics of supplies of IMM Plastic Metal in 2007-2013, pcs., $ Million
Figure 19. Dynamics of consumption of injection molding equipment in Russia in 2000-2015, $ million
Figure 20. Structure of consumption of IMM by types of products,%
Figure 21. Dynamics of Russian production of polymer products manufactured injection molding process, in 2010-2015, in billion units.
Figure 22. Dynamics of Russian production of cars in 2010-2015, in millions of pieces. and the need for plastic, millions tons.
Figure 23. Forecast of consumption of injection molding machines in Russia up to 2020, $ mln