Tungsten and Tungsten Compounds in Russia, the CIS and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (14 edition)
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This report is the 14th edition of the study of the tungsten market in Russia, the CIS and the world.
Market monitoring has been conducted since 1999.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the market for tungsten concentrates, tungsten anhydride, ammonium paratungstate, metallic tungsten and ferrotungsten. The situation in the world market of tungsten and its raw materials is briefly analyzed.
The objects of study are tungsten ores, tungsten concentrates (scheelite and wolframite), paratungstate, tungsten anhydride, ferrotungsten and metallic tungsten.
This work is a desk study. As sources of information, data from Rosstat, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, the statistics of railway transportation of the Russian Federation, the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics, the State Customs Service of Ukraine were used; materials of the US Geological Survey (USGS), data from the UNdata database, industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers, as well as websites of manufacturers of tungsten raw materials, ferrotungsten and metallic tungsten.
This review is the most complete among those presented on the information market on this topic, and claims to be a reference tool. The use of data without additional thorough analysis can lead to the adoption of erroneous management decisions by marketing services and specialists working in the market of tungsten raw materials.
Chronological scope of the study: 1999-2021; forecast - 2022-2031
Research geography: Russian Federation - detailed comprehensive market analysis; Republic of Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan - general retrospective analysis of the market; the rest of the world - general information about the dynamics and characteristics of the market.
The report consists of 9 parts, contains 212 pages, including 53 figures, 69 tables and 1 appendix.
The first chapter of the report provides a brief description of the world market of tungsten concentrate and tungsten metal (reserves, mining, production, export-import of concentrate and tungsten metal by countries, prices).
The second chapter of the report provides information on the mineral resource base of tungsten in the CIS countries (in more detail in Russia), shows the structure of reserves and characteristics of the main deposits.
The third chapter considers the dynamics of the production of W concentrate in Russia in 1998-2021, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan. The current state of Russian and foreign GOKs producing tungsten concentrates is described. In addition, this chapter contains information about the export-import of W concentrate in the Russian Federation. Separately, the balance of production-consumption of concentrates in the Russian Federation in 1999-2021 is considered.
The fourth chapter is devoted to the market of ammonium paratungstate (PVA) and tungsten anhydride. Data on the production of this raw material in Russia and Uzbekistan are given. The Russian foreign trade operations with tungstates in 1999-2021, as well as the production-consumption balance in this period, are considered in detail.
The fifth chapter of the report describes the current state of industries that consume tungsten raw materials:
– production of ferrotungsten (main Russian producers, detailed analysis of Russian FeW export-import);
– production, export-import of metallic tungsten in the CIS (description of the main Russian producers, analysis of Russian foreign trade operations with various tungsten products).
The sixth chapter is devoted to Russian export-import prices for tungsten concentrate and anhydride.
The seventh chapter deals with projects and investments in the tungsten industry in Russia and the CIS countries.
The eighth chapter is a forecast for the production and consumption of tungsten raw materials (concentrate and anhydride) in Russia until 2031.
In the ninth chapter, a forecast is given for the development of the main consuming industries: machine-tool and aerospace.
The appendix contains contact information of the main enterprises producing and consuming tungsten raw materials.
Target audience of the study:
- market participants of tungsten concentrate and chains of its further consumption - producers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be a reference tool for marketing services and management decision makers working in the market of tungsten raw materials.
1. Brief description of the state of the world market of tungsten raw materials
1.1 Reserves and production of tungsten ores and production of concentrates in 2003-2021
1.2 Trade flows of tungsten concentrate and scrap in 2012-2021
1.3 World market prices in 2012-2022
1.4 Consumption of tungsten in the world
2. Mineral resource base of tungsten in the CIS
3. The market of tungsten concentrate in the CIS
3.1. Requirements for the quality of tungsten concentrate, its production technology
3.2. Russia
3.2.1. Production of tungsten concentrate in Russia in 1998-2021
3.2.2. The current state of enterprises producing tungsten concentrate in Russia
OJSC Primorsky GOK (OJSC GRK AIR, Primorsky Territory)
Lermontovsky GOK LLC (Primorsky Territory)
ZAO Novoorlovsky GOK (Zabaikalsky Krai)
JSC Zakamensk (R. Buryatia)
Pravourmiyskoye LLC/PJSC Rusolovo (Khabarovsk Territory)
LLC "Primorwolfram" (Primorsky Territory)
Enterprises that have ceased production
3.2.3. Export-import of tungsten concentrate in Russia in 2000-2021
3.2.4. Consumption of tungsten concentrate in Russia in 1999-2021 Production-consumption balance
3.3. Kazakhstan
3.4. Uzbekistan
3.5. Kyrgyzstan
3.6. Tajikistan
4. Market of tungstic anhydride, ammonium paratungstate and other tungstates in Russia and the CIS
4.1. Russia
4.1.1. Production of tungstic anhydride and ammonium paratungstate in 2003-2021
4.1.2. The current state of enterprises producing ammonium paratungstate and tungsten anhydride
OJSC "Hydrometallurg" (Nalchik)
JSC "Kirovgrad plant of hard alloys" (Sverdlovsk region)
Enterprises that stopped the production of PVA and tungsten anhydride
4.1.3. Export-import of tungsten anhydride, ammonium paratungstate, other tungstates in the Russian Federation in 1999-2021
Export-import of tungsten anhydride of the Russian Federation in 1999-2021
Export-import of the Russian Federation of ammonium paratungstate in 1999-2021
4.1.4. Production-demand balance of tungsten anhydride and PVA (in terms of WO3) in the Russian Federation in 2003-2021
4.2. Uzbekistan
4.2.1. The current state of PVA and tungsten anhydride manufacturing enterprises in Uzbekistan
5. The state of industries consuming tungsten-containing raw materials in Russia
5.1. Ferrotungsten
5.1.1 Ferrotungsten production in 2009-2021
5.1.2 Export-import of ferro-tungsten in 1999-2021
5.1.3 Current status of major ferrotungsten producers
OOO "Moliren"
OOO "Unechsky plant of refractory metals" (Russia, Bryansk region)
5.2. Metal tungsten
5.2.1 Production of tungsten metal in 199-2021
5.2.2 Current status of major tungsten metal producers
OAO Pobedit (Russia, S. Ossetia)
JSC "Polema" (Russia, Tula region)
JSC "Kirovgrad plant of hard alloys" (Russia, Sverdlovsk region)
OOO Unecha Plant of Refractory Metals (Russia, Bryansk region, Unecha)
5.2.3 Export-import of tungsten metal in 2000-2021
6. Export-import prices for tungsten raw materials in Russia in 1999-2021
6.1. Tungsten concentrate
6.2. Tungsten anhydride
7. Projects and investments in the tungsten industry of the CIS countries
7.1. Projects in the tungsten industry of Russia
7.1.1. Russian projects for the development of new deposits
7.1.2. Russian projects for the construction of new facilities for the processing of tungsten concentrates
7.2. Project to resume mining and processing of tungsten in Uzbekistan
7.3. Projects to resume tungsten mining in Kazakhstan
7.4. Projects to resume tungsten mining in Tajikistan
7.5. Tungsten mining project in Kyrgyzstan
8. State and forecast of production and consumption of tungsten raw materials in Russia until 2031
9. Forecast for the development of the main consuming industries until 2031
9.1. Forecast for the development of the machine tool industry
9.2. Development of the aerospace industry
9.3. Production of catalysts for petrochemistry
Appendix. Contact information of the main manufacturers of tungsten products in Russia
Table 1. Reserves and production of tungsten ores in the world in 2008-2021 (in terms of W), thousand tons
Table 2. Production of WO3 in concentrate at the largest mines in the world in 2021, thousand tons
Table 3. Exporting countries of tungsten concentrate in 2012-2021 in kind, t
Table 4. Importing countries of tungsten concentrate in 2012-2021, tons
Table 5. Exporting countries of tungsten scrap in 2012-2021, tons, mln $
Table 6. Importing countries of tungsten scrap in 2012-2021, tons, mln $
Table 7. Main minerals of tungsten
Table 8. Main tungsten deposits in the CIS
Table 9. Main tungsten deposits in Russia by type and average WO3 content in ores, %
Table 10. Chemical composition and use of tungsten concentrates (GOST 213-83)
Table 11. Dynamics of production of tungsten concentrate by enterprises in Russia in 1998-2021 in physical terms and in terms of WO3, t
Table 12. Russian consumers of tungsten concentrate produced by OJSC Primorsky GOK in 2012-2021 in physical terms and in terms of WO3, t
Table 13. Directions of export of tungsten concentrate by JSC "Primorsky GOK" in 2012-2021, t
Table 14. Economic performance indicators of JSC Primorsky GOK / JSC GRK AIR in 2019-2021, million rubles
Table 15. Russian recipients of tungsten concentrate produced by LLC Lermontovsky GOK in 2012-2021, t
Table 16. Economic performance of Lermontovsky GOK LLC in 2019-2021, million rubles
Table 17. Economic performance indicators of CJSC Novoorlovsky GOK in 2019-2021, million rubles
Table 18. Directions of export of tungsten concentrate of Zakamensk JSC in 2010-2021, tons
Table 19. Economic performance of Zakamensk JSC in 2019-2021, million rubles
Table 20. Economic performance of Primorwolfram LLC in 2019-2021, million rubles
Table 21. Directions of export of tungsten concentrate from Russia in 1999-2021, tons, thousand $
Table 22. Main exporters of tungsten concentrate from Russia in 2007-2021, tons
Table 23. Main foreign recipients of tungsten concentrate from Russia in 2007-2021, tons
Table 24. Exporting countries of tungsten concentrate to Russia in 2000-2021, tons, thousand $
Table 25. Main suppliers of tungsten concentrate to Russia in 2007-2021, tons
Table 26. Main Russian importers of tungsten concentrate in 2012-2021, tons
Table 27. Production-demand balance of tungsten concentrate (in terms of WO3) in Russia in 1999-2021, tons
Table 28. Calculation of apparent consumption of tungsten concentrate in the Russian Federation in 2012-2021 in value terms, thousand $, million rubles
Table 29. Directions of export and import of tungsten concentrate in Kazakhstan in 2006-2020, tons, thousand $
Table 30. Supplies of domestic and imported tungsten concentrates to JSC Hydrometallurg in 2012-2021, tons
Table 31. Export of tungsten anhydride JSC "Hydrometallurg" in 2012-2021, tons, mln $
Table 32. Performance indicators of JSC Hydrometallurg in 2012-2021
Table 33. Supplies of domestic tungsten concentrates to KZTS JSC in 2002-2021, tons
Table 34. Mass fractions of impurities contained in tungsten anhydride produced by KZTS JSC, %
Table 35. Financial performance of KZTS JSC in 2012-2021, million rubles
Table 36. Main exporters of tungsten anhydride from Russia in 2007-2021, t, mln $
Table 37. Directions of export of tungsten anhydride from Russia in 2000-2021, tons, thousand $
Table 38. Main foreign recipients of tungsten anhydride from Russia in 2007-2021, tons
Table 39. Exporting countries of tungsten anhydride to Russia in 2002-2021, tons, thousand $
Table 40. Russian recipients of tungsten anhydride in 2014-2021, t
Table 41. PVA imports to Russia by countries in 1999-2015, tons, thousand $
Table 42. Production-demand balance of PVA, tungsten anhydride and other tungstates (in terms of WO3) in the Russian Federation in 2003-2021, t, %
Table 43. Calculation of the apparent consumption of tungsten oxide in the Russian Federation in 2012-2021 in value terms, thousand $, million rubles
Table 44. The main producers of tungsten-containing products in the CIS and their assortment
Table 45. Main Russian consumers of tungsten products
Table 46. Structure of consumption of tungsten concentrates in the USSR in 1988 and 1990 (in terms of WO3), thousand tons
Table 47. Requirements for the chemical composition of ferrotungsten (GOST 17293-82)
Table 48. Exporting countries of ferrotungsten in 2012-2021, tons, mln $
Table 49. Ferrotungsten importing countries in 2012-2021, t W, million $
Table 50. The capacity of the Russian market of ferrotungsten in 2012-2021 in physical and value terms, tons, thousand $, million rubles
Table 51. Ferrotungsten export directions from Russia in 1912-2021, tons, thousand $
Table 52. Main foreign recipients of ferrotungsten from Russia in 2012-2021, t
Table 53. Main exporters of ferrotungsten from Russia in 2012-2021, t
Table 54. Financial indicators of Moliren LLC in 2015-2021, million rubles
Table 55. Chemical composition of tungsten rods (GOST 49-19-76-81)
Table 56. Dynamics of domestic consumption of powdered tungsten in Russia in 2012-2021 in physical and value terms, t, $ mln, RUB mln
Table 57. Financial indicators of OJSC Pobedit in 2012-2021, million rubles
Table 58. Key domestic consumers of tungsten products of Polema JSC
Table 59. Financial performance of OJSC Polema in 2019-2021, million rubles
Table 60. Financial performance of Wolfram Company JSC in 2019-2021, billion rubles
Table 61. Financial indicators of UZTM JSC in 2019-2021, million rubles
Table 62. Directions of export of metal tungsten and products from it from Russia in 2000-2021, tons, thousand $
Table 63. Main exporters of metal tungsten and products from it from Russia in 2007-2021, tons
Table 64. Importing countries of metal tungsten and products from it to Russia in 2000-2021, tons, thousand $
Table 65. Main foreign companies-suppliers of metal tungsten and products from it to Russia in 2007-2021, tons
Table 66. The main Russian companies importing metal tungsten and products from it in 2007-2021, tons
Table 67. Imports of metallic tungsten to the Russian Federation by types of products and main Russian recipients in 2014-2021, tons
Table 68. Forecast of production and consumption of tungsten concentrate in Russia until 2031, thousand tons (in terms of WO3)
Table 69. Forecast of demand for tungsten oxide by industries of the Russian Federation until 2031, thousand tons
Figure 1. Dynamics of world production of tungsten concentrate in 2003-2021 in terms of W, thousand tons
Figure 2. Dynamics of world exports of tungsten concentrate in physical terms in 2012-2021, thousand tons
Figure 3. Dynamics of world exports of tungsten concentrate in monetary terms in 2012-2021, $ million
Figure 4. Dynamics of prices for tungsten-containing concentrates in 2012-1 quarter 2022 on the US spot market, dollars per 1% WO3 content in 1 ton of product (USD/MTU)
Figure 5. Structure of world consumption of tungsten by product type (2020)
Figure 6. Main tungsten deposits and distribution of tungsten trioxide reserves by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, thousand tons
Figure 7. Dynamics of output of tungsten concentrate (in terms of WO3) in Russia in 1998-2021, tons
Figure 8. Structure of output of tungsten concentrate in Russia by enterprises in 2020, %
Figure 9. Dynamics of production of tungsten concentrate at OJSC Primorsky GOK in 1998-2021, tons in terms of WO3
Figure 10. Dynamics of tungsten concentrate production at Lermontovsky GOK LLC in 2012-2021, tons in terms of WO3
Figure 11. Dynamics of tungsten concentrate production at Novoorlovsky GOK in 2012-2021, tons in terms of WO3
Figure 12. Dynamics of exports of tungsten concentrate produced by CJSC Novoorlovsky GOK in 2012-2019, tons in terms of WO3
Figure 13. Dynamics of production of tungsten concentrate (in terms of WO3) JSC Zakamensk in 2010-2021, tons
Figure 14. Dynamics of production of tungsten concentrate (in terms of WO3) at Pravourmiyskoye LLC in 2012-2021, t
Figure 15. Dynamics of production of tungsten concentrate (in terms of WO3) LLC SA Quartz in 2002-2016, tons
Figure 16. Dynamics of production of tungsten concentrate (in terms of WO3) OJSC "Tyrnyauz GOK" in 1998-2001, tons
Figure 17. Dynamics of exports of tungsten concentrate in physical terms from Russia in 1999-2021, tons
Figure 18. Dynamics of exports of tungsten concentrate from Russia (in terms of WO3) in 1998-2021, tons
Figure 19. Structure of exports of tungsten concentrate from Russia by brand in 2012-2021, %
Figure 20. Dynamics of imports of tungsten concentrate to Russia in physical terms in 2000-2021, tons
Figure 21. Dynamics of imports of tungsten concentrate to Russia in terms of WO3 in 2000-2021, tons
Figure 22. Dynamics of "apparent" consumption of tungsten concentrate (in terms of WO3) in the Russian Federation in 1999-2021, thousand tons
Figure 23. Dynamics of tungsten anhydride production in Russia in 2003-2021, tons
Figure 24. Dynamics of production of tungsten products (in terms of WO3) at JSC Hydrometallurg in 1999-2021, tons
Figure 25. The structure of types of raw materials for processing at JSC Hydrometallurg in 2019, %
Figure 26. The structure of types of raw materials for processing at JSC Hydrometallurg in 2020, %
Figure 27. Dynamics of deliveries of tungsten concentrates to KZTS JSC in 2002-2021, tons
Figure 28. Dynamics of tungsten anhydride production at the Kirovgrad hard alloy plant in 1999-2021, tons
Figure 29. Dynamics of export shipments of tungsten oxide produced by KZTS JSC in 2018-2021, tons
Figure 30. Dynamics of exports of tungsten anhydride from Russia in 1999-2021, tons
Figure 31. Dynamics of imports of tungsten anhydride to Russia in 2002-2021, tons
Figure 32. PVA export dynamics from the Russian Federation in 1999-2015
Figure 33. Dynamics of "apparent" consumption of tungsten anhydride and PVA (in terms of WO3) in the Russian Federation in 2003-2021, thousand tons
Figure 34. Scheme of production of tungsten products and their areas of application
Figure 35. Structure of Russian consumption of tungsten by industry
Figure 36. Growth dynamics of tenders for the purchase of tungsten-containing alloys in 2012-2022, million rubles
Figure 37. Dynamics of ferrotungsten production in the Russian Federation in 2009-2021, t
Figure 38. Dynamics of world exports of ferrotungsten in 2012-2021, t FeW, mln $
Figure 39. Dynamics of Russian exports of ferrotungsten in 1999-2021, tons
Figure 40. Dynamics of metal tungsten production in Russia in 1999-2021, t
Figure 41. Dynamics of production of tungsten products at OJSC Pobedit in 1999-2021, tons
Figure 42. Dynamics of production of products from tungsten in JSC "Polema" in 1999-2021, t
Figure 43. Dynamics of production of tungsten powders at KZTS JSC in 1999-2021, tons
Figure 44. Dynamics of the production of metallic tungsten at the Unecha zavol of refractory metals in 2012-2021, t
Figure 45. Dynamics of Russian export/import of metal tungsten (including scrap) and products from it in 1999-2021, tons
Figure 46. Structure of Russian imports of metal tungsten by supplying countries in 2021, %
Figure 47. Structure of Russian imports of tungsten metal by trade products in 2021, %
Figure 48. Dynamics of average annual export prices of Russian tungsten concentrates in 2001-2021, USD/MTU (conditions - Russian border FOB)
Figure 50. Forecast of production of tungsten concentrate (in terms of WO3) in Russia until 2031, thousand tons
Figure 51. Forecast of consumption of tungsten concentrate in Russia (in terms of WO3) until 2031, thousand tons
Figure 52. Forecast of tungsten anhydride production in Russia until 2031, thousand tons
Figure 53. Forecast of consumption of tungsten anhydride in Russia until 2031, thousand tons